Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Turkey Pipeline to Europe: Merkel deal guarantees endless quotas, limitless migrants

      Despite her meekly appearance at times, Angela Merkel is smart, cunning and relentless. While this writer has disagreed with her at every step regarding the refugee crisis, one can never underestimate her resolve.

       The Merkel-Erdogan deal is a catastrophe and nothing more than a slick maneuver to deceive Germans, Europeans, and the world that she is confronting the crisis through a European-Turkish solution that involves "limits" and "deportations".  Dig Deep into the details and one will find out otherwise.  This deal is nothing more than "migrant shuffling" that indirectly achieves her original goal of limitless refugees and a permanent redistribution plan for all Member states.  There is a reason Erdogan is smiling.

       Detail #1.  There is nothing in the deal that secures the external EU border in Greece, which openly states that they will not prevent illegal migrants from reaching their coast.  Turkey claims they will take back "irregulars" but is this realistic or just spin.  For instance, will Greece use force to deport illegals who resist going back to Turkey?  In addition, the objective of returning illegals back to Turkey only pertains to "new" migrants entering Greece (not elsewhere, like Italy) and not the million+ already here roaming the streets of Europe.  What does Greece plan to do with the majority of migrants who arrive with no identification claiming to be Syrian?

       Detail #2.  The "One In One Out" scheme is highly misleading.  Any "new Syrian" refugee returned from "Greece" (not elsewhere) to Turkey would trigger Turkey sending an "old migrant" already in the refugee camp to an EU "Member Nation" based on their redistribution formula.  One can read right through this.  Basically, Greece sends a "new" migrant that reaches their shore back to Turkey which in turn sends an old migrant to an EU nation (not Greece).  In effect, you are taking endless migrants from Greece, and in a very indirect way, transferring them to EU member states.  Spin it as you wish, but this is the permanent refugee redistribution quota scheme that Merkel has been banking on for some time.  It will never end.  Moreover, it is quite an incentive for Turkey to get as many new migrants to Greece in order to unload their existing stock on Europe.  Think about it, for each new migrant received from Greece, Erdogan gets to deport them back to their original country while unloading an equal amount already in his camps to Europe.

       Detail #3 and #5.  Easing visa restrictions and eventual EU membership for Turkey.  Are these the values Merkel speaks of when she refers to "my Europe"?  Erdogan, along with Saudi Arabia, helped destabilize Syria, bombed the Kurds fighting IS, and tolerated a network of 25,000 smugglers in his country flooding the EU with migrants.  Now Merkel in her quest for an "ever closer union" wants solidarity with a tyrant.  Multiculturalism is a problem for Western Europe; granting an Islamic state, who turned a blind eye to Jihadists crossing their borders, access to the EU is a ticking time bomb.

      Detail #6.  A resolution to establish a safe or "no fly zone" in Syria.  This would greatly assist Erdogan, the Saudis, and their Islamic extremists in regime change in Syria.  How would a Syria with a Muslim Brotherhood-type government be good for Europe or Syria?

         The deal is a nightmare for Europe and a windfall for Erdogan, but it has not been formally accepted yet.  However, Merkel is acting as if it is a done deal before the elections in Germany this weekend.  Her hope is to convince German voters that she is solving the problem with tough talk of securing the borders, limits, and deportations.  In reality, the consequences will usher in a new era of multicultural mayhem for Europe with a limitless stream of migrants and permanent refugee distribution mechanism for all Member states.  This may be Merkel's vision, but she is not the sovereign of Europe.  The Visegrad4 and CEE states have their own vision and they will continue to go their own way to preserve their way of life.

         Merkel is selling Europe's Soul for the vanity of her legacy.  The V4 and CEE states must defy her to restore order to a Continent in Chaos.  Solidarity is a nice word, but not worth the price of forfeiting ones culture.

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