Friday, March 18, 2016

EU Turkey Pact: First thought on first day

    The deal is not sealed yet, but don't be surprised if Turkey themselves throw a fit and walk out on Friday.  Cyprus is not about to agree to grant future EU membership to a country that it is occupied by, nor that refuses to even recognize Cyprus as a country.  Point six will have to be modified or Cyprus will kill the deal. Erdogan will not be happy (but this writer would rejoice).

    But my initial thoughts, noting the details are not final yet:

1.  Will Greece actually forcefully deport the migrants back to Turkey against their will?  I am skeptical.  Moreover, deporting is very hard and tricky.  We have heard this talk before from Merkel (after sex assaults in Cologne) and Sweden.  How is that going?  Exactly, it's not.  Not sure I see the logic of keeping border open and hoping on deportation instead of sealing border to begin with.

2.  Deal only covers "future irregulars" that arrive "only in Greece".  What is the plan for the million+ already here?  Smugglers won't give up, neither will economic migrants.  Today, 2500 new migrants entered Italy via Libya.  What is the plan for this new wave?  Endless refugee quotas?

3.  Balkan Route must remain closed to guard against a Greece repeat of "wave-through".  However, Merkel is opposed to this closure.  Will the V4 and CEE continue to defy her and heavy EU pressure?

4.  VISA liberalization for Turks traveling to Europe.  Turkey is a large Islamic state that has housed jihadists and 25,000 smugglers.  This is a bad idea for the security of Europe. Has The Blowback of this reckless policy been discussed?

5.  Future EU membership for Erdogan and Turkey.  NATO is held hostage by a tyrant from a decision made in 1952.  Turkey as a member state will change Europe now and forever.  Is this the EU wish for their future generations? Is Turkey their vision for Europe? I hope not.

6.  Why all these impractical hoops to jump through? Why not seal the border as a EU solution and allow individual states to voluntarily choose how many (if any) and who they wish to take from the camps in Turkey. The "open border-migrant musical chairs" scheme is mind boggling not to mention counter productive.

      Friday will be interesting, we shall know more tommorow.  Let's hope a few brave European patriots fight to save the soul of Europe.  Reject this misguided deal with Turkey and move on to Plan B with or without The Queen Bee Merkel.

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