Wednesday, December 30, 2015

EU Refugee Crisis: Target Smugglers Supply Chain

           1-7-16 Update.  Smuggling operation in Turkey is exposed after news that smugglers where using Syrian children to make fake life vests.  Please read my article below written last week on the subject.

          An article caught my eye a few days ago. There was an actual decrease in migrants landing in Greece for two weeks.  Was it the weather? No.  Erdogan cracking down? Of course not.  The lull happened because the smugglers ran out of "dinghies", the large rubber boats used to transport the refugees from Turkey to Greece.  The manufactures could not keep up with the demand and they were on two weeks back order.  Sure enough, the numbers surged again in two weeks.

         Smugglers are like drug dealers, while it is tough to control the demand for their products and services, you can choke their supply chain. No doubt, the smugglers are raking in billions, but they are not the only ones profiting from their crime. I googled "who makes boats for refugees" and the results were disturbing. One company even openly offered different model "dinghies for refugees" depending on where they were sailing from, around $2,000 US dollars.  It's not just dinghies, but there is a bustling enterprise in Turkey full of shops selling all kinds of supplies needed for migrants to sail to Greece. There are hotels for the refugees to strike deals with the smugglers while they await their voyage.  There are even volunteers in Greece (good-hearted but naive) who recycle the dinghies and life vests for future refugees in Turkey.  This should not be overlooked, for aiding illegal human smuggling is a crime.

        Then there is Erdogan and the authorities in Turkey.  This open industry of human smuggling, etc.could not be tolerated without their approval.  Nor would they allow it without demanding bribes and skimming from the top to get their share of the riches.  Follow the money and you will find a scum like Erdogan, whether he is shaking down Merkel or the network of 25,000 smugglers that operate in Turkey.  He is no different than a Mafia boss.

        If the EU is serious about stopping human smuggling and regaining control of the external borders, they have to target the supply chain and Turkey.  Supply chain is easy IF one has the will.  The EU currently has sanctions on Russia and companies that do business with Russia. The EU can fine, sanction, and shut down any vendor supplying Turkey with the tools (such as dinghies) to enable the smugglers.  They can also identify these companies (they sell other products too) and encourage EU citizens to boycott any of the products they sell.  While not a cure-all, like sealing the border, this is a start and certainly would disrupt the flow.

      The more complex problem is Turkey.  This is where the EU needs an attitude adjustment.  The EU is not dependent on Turkey for anything, certainly not their border security.  Europe must realize the amount of leverage they have on Erdogan and how dependent Turkey is on Europe.  The Arab world is on fire, an economic basket case with no future.  What future does Turkey have if they are isolated with the Middle East? Isolate Turkey and their economy, already in turmoil, will implode.

      So you send a Donald Tusk (not some soft pushover like Juncker) to Turkey and you give Erdogan a choice: Dismantle the smugglers and their network, blow up any empty dinghies you see on your coast, close down the shops that provide the tools for smuggling, etc. and we can talk about your future, maybe even grease your palms a little for your troubles; or choose not to play ball with us and cast your lot with an Arab world in flames, for we will isolate you and your people from Europe.

     We live in a complicated world not for the meek.  One has to confront the bullies, smugglers, and their enablers, who profit from their actions, head on and with conviction and courage.  You have to break their ribs (the supply chain) so they can't breathe, they will get the message.  You certainly can't offer them roses
and expect candy in return.

       This is about the future of Europe, what it will look like, what it will stand for.  There is no time left for Juncker meetings or summits.  When there is the will, there is a way, even if it involves a little street fighting, so to speak.   It's time to regain control of Europe and to slay the dragons (smugglers).

       The question:  Does the EU have the will and courage to fight or will they go gently into that good night?



Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merkel exposing all by allowing migrants to roam; Czech republic correct to detain them

  2-19-16.  Updated after migrants from Germany found to be crossing into Czech. Merkel's utter negligence exposing others to risk now.  Czechs detain illegals for their citizens safety and they have been proven correct.  Germany needs to address the problem of Angela Merkel. Enjoy original article below

     A few months ago, egged on by some punk band PussyRiot, the UN criticized the Czech republic for detaining refugees/migrants, despite the fact that these migrants were in the country illegally and refused to apply for asylum.  But just who is the UN to lecture the Czech republic on how best to provide security for their own country?  Yes, I am an American citizen, but we live here for extended periods of time and I can attest to the safety and tranquility of Czech streets. The people feel safe. They certainly don't need advice or lectures from Germany, Austria, Sweden, Italy, or Greece on how to deal with this crisis.

    Peace and tranquility is not what you will find in the countries above because they chose to be controlled by the demands of the refugees.  Their first mistake was one of naivety and delusions of grandeur, making promises they could not keep.  The idea of allowing an unlimited supply of migrants to enter Europe from regions well known for violence and persecution of non-Muslims was sheer lunacy to begin with.  The majority were undocumented with histories unknown.  Many tore up their documents, lied about who they were, or refused to be fingerprinted.  What type of leaders with what type of values would put their citizens at risk like this?

      Moreover, recent events associated with crimes committed by migrants in some of these countries  is alarming.  Just a few weeks ago in Salzburg, Austria, two migrants or terrorists posing as migrants (it does not matter for security purposes since these two were using migrant routes and resources) were arrested for their role in the Paris attacks.  In Italy, they are put up in villas.  The EU is giving Greece euros to provide the migrants with "hotel or rent vouchers".  These are just a few examples, which begs a larger question:  Is it wise to allow undocumented refugees we know nothing about the freedom to roam Europe's streets?  What type of nonsense puts a migrant's rights above the well-being of EU citizens?  Should tolerance of migrants allow them to trash and disrespect a beautiful town like Salzburg, turning upside down the way of life for many?

     The Czech republic and others, such as Hungary, are absolutely correct to detain the migrants and limit their movement.  They have no idea who these people are and they are doing what any self-respecting nation should do, protecting the livelihoods of their citizens first.

     The EU should adapt their rules during this emergency by following the example of Czechs and Hungarians for many reasons (Refer to article on 10-23-15, "Czech republic correct to detain migrants; UN should apologize").

1.  Safety of EU citizens and to provide order in the streets.  Jean-Claude Juncker and Frans Timmermans, from their thrones in Brussels, fail to realize or see the many business owners, workers, families etc. that have had their lives disrupted by the chaos in the streets.  While not a panacea, this would certainly restore some order, and would decrease the dangers for Europeans.

2.  Merkel and the EU have said the economic migrants must go home; what type of message does this send by allowing them to live in private apartments or hotels with little, if any, supervision? It certainly will not spur any voluntary deportations and it sends another loud and clear message for more to come.  Reach Europe and the EU taxpayer will take care if you.

3.  Speaking of deportation, it is much easier to locate and deport detained illegal immigrants than trying to find migrants who can roam and hide in Europe.  It has been estimated that up to 30 percent or more migrants have "disappeared" in Germany.

4.  The costs of detaining migrants may force the EU to actually secure the border and limit the inflow.  For Czech republic and Hungary, the cost is minimal because they seek to limit and deter illegal migration.  As a result, they have not been overrun with chaos. Germany and the others, who seem to have no limits or rules,would incur huge costs (and impossible requirements for space) in detaining the insane amount of migrants they have taken in.  In my mind, this would force them to act to secure the external border and enact limits, instead of just talking about it. (In addition, the V4 must defy Merkel on refugee quotas; this would also force the EU to seal the external border instead of shuffling migrants to other nations).

     There are many tasks the EU must do to curtail and reduce this wave, it is not sustainable, despite what Merkel claims. The present course will tear apart Europe and wreak havoc on its citizens.  The securing of the external border is priority number one, but in the meantime, they must protect their citizens and their way of life by detaining the migrants and limiting their movement.

     Political correctness should not be allowed to endanger the lives and well-being of Europeans.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Tsipras Follies: Section 8 housing comes to Greece

      Not sure how many Europeans are aware of America's experience with "Section 8" housing?  If not, you may want to familiarize yourself with the scheme, for it is coming to Greece and the EU.

      Section 8 housing is a program that provides vouchers or rent subsidies for Americans on welfare or with low incomes. A person usually pays 30% of their income (zero if they have no income) for rent to a qualified landlord.  The remaining rent (or in many cases all) is then paid to the landlord by the government.  The noble but naive thought was that, by moving welfare recipients into middle class neighborhoods, the recipients would be integrated into a middle class lifestyle and away from the "ghettos".  But liberal ideas like this never work out as intended.  In reality, it has been a disaster for middle and working class American families. (I know because it was a campaign issue for me as a US congressional candidate).

     In the city of Pittsburgh, once bright and vibrant communities made up of ethnic Italians, Poles, Slovaks, Germans, and Irish, suddenly became crime-ridden and havens for drug dealers.  The working class saw their property values plummet and their way of life altered.  People simply said enough and fled to the suburbs.  The city of Pittsburgh experienced an exodus and many communities saw their tax base eroded.  In short, the slums took over the neighborhoods.  The only ones who benefited were the "slum lords" themselves, who still collected their "rents" from the government for beating down once bustling neighborhoods like "Polish Hill".

     Greece's abysmal failure to secure the border has simply overwhelmed them. Instead of turning back economic migrants who have no business in Europe, they have cowardly allowed them to linger inside the border.  This has put Europeans at great risk and created chaos for all, including the Greeks who have seen their neighborhoods trashed and taken over.  There is no "humanity" shown to them, their lives have simply been turned upside down.

      Now the big-thinking EU bureaucrats will provide Greece with the funds to provide "hotel vouchers" and "rent subsidies" for empty apartments to house the migrants.  One wonders if Merkel and Co. are serious when they say the economic migrants must go home because this is certainly not the way to do so.

      The biggest problem with this Section 8 housing is the effect on the working class families who are actually paying for their homes.  Is it morally right to a family, who sacrificed their entire lives to provide a safe and good life for their kids, to live next door to someone who has no stake in the neighborhood, no skin in the game?  It is very predictable what will happen and the vicious cycle of Section 8 housing will play out again, this time not in a "Little Italy" city in the States, but in once magnificent Greece.

      It all comes back to securing the border and protecting your citizens first.  Had the borders been shut and refugees denied illegal entrance from the start, the EU would not be a circus. The legitimate war refugees could have been vetted and screened outside the EU.  Those who qualified for entrance would have found the path much easier.  Even the legitimate war refugees are now being harassed by the other migrants from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.  What a nonsense !

     The EU, via Section 8 housing, is simply sending another message that economic migrants all over the world hear loud and clear:  Just get to Europe and the EU taxpayer will provide.  For EU citizens, well, you now have become just second class citizens in your own countries, all in the name of  "EU values and humanity".  What a shame it has come to this.

     Good night and sleep well, for another 5-7000 will arrive tomorrow.  It seems to never end.  Who says membership has its benefits!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bavarian revolt? No, Seehofer/Merkel dance again

    *Update 4-15-2016.  The original post below was Dec2015.  Some of the details are different but the point is the same: the sister party of Merkel, the CSU and their leader Seehofer, love to make noise but are not men of action. Just the opposition Merkel enjoys, token; just like the old days.  Today, out to save their own positions of power, they managed to strike another useless deal with Merkel to appear as if they are influencing her.  After all, elections are coming in 2017.  All this tough talk about laws to integrate migrants are vague and almost impossible to measure.  Please read my 3-29-2016 blog about why I believe it is all smoke and mirrors. But original article below sheds some light on the relationship of Merkel and her so-called critics/allies.

    Original Post Dec.14 2015:

       It's Sunday, a day of rest.  But migrants never rest and 7,000 more "were allowed" in.  The problem is plainly evident except for those leaders in Germany.  They are meeting again at some CDU (Merkel's party) conference.  The same thing will happen, Merkel is predictable:  She will say Germany cannot have limits but that she wants to reduce the numbers coming to Germany via the agreement with Turkey and solidarity with other EU states. Her so-called opponents in her own party will huff and puff about Germany needing limits but, in the end, will do nothing about it but confirm their support for their Queen.  It's all rather boring, pointless and useless.  Tomorrow another 7,000 will be allowed in on the coast of Greece.

    Germany and Merkel are first and foremost concerned with themselves. It is now clear that they and the powers at the EU have no intention of sealing the "external border".  They believe they can handle a million or so migrants PER YEAR, well sort of.  The limits they talk of are not about limiting the number of migrants that can enter the EU, this is not a concern to them.  The limits they spoke of were that "Germany can take 500,000 per year".  The numbers do not add up.  Where do the other 500,000+ go?  The missing equation is her term "solidarity with other EU members", which means a binding and endless refugee redistribution plan which will force countries such as Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland to accept refugees they do not wish to have.  Moreover, it will force migrants to places that they do not want to be.  This is a volatile mix for sure.

     The Visegrad4 nations and other CEE states will oppose this, and in the end, Germany will not be able to force their will on these countries again.  But even with a victory here, there still remain big problems for all in the EU, and that is the open border.  Visegrad4 should by all means decide how many and who comes to their country, but if the EU continues "to allow" a million+ per year to enter the EU, the chaos and danger will eventually find its way everywhere.

     There is one solution and it's not for the politically correct or UN-types, but it has worked in the past when exercised with authority by men of strength, such as Dwight Eisenhower and Tony Abbott (note: Abbott was no Eisenhower (who was) but faced with an influx of illegal immigrants he rose to the occasion).  The boats carrying the migrants and refugees must be turned back to Turkey, even with the NATO elite Greece Navy escorting it back for safety.  The migrants must not be "allowed in", they have to be turned back, not only to send future refugees a message, but also to send Turkey and the other Arab states (most notably Saudi Arabia) a clear message:  it's time for you to stop dumping and to start taking care of your own house.  The Gulf states are the ones who helped create the chaos in Syria and its about time they take a break from their manicures and start doing their fair share.

      All it takes is a good week or two of sending back the boats and the message will be heard.  Tony Abbott did exactly this for Australia and they no longer have a problem.  Eisenhower deported a million Mexican illegals with only 750-1000 men and in rapid fashion.

     The question: Does the EU, Greece, Germany, and Merkel have the courage to do so?  I am doubtful, but if they want to save Europe, they need to cease the endless and useless chatter about "values" and start sealing the border and deporting.  It is the only way!  For what type of "values" risk the security of your own people in the name of "humanity".  And what is worth preserving if not your culture.

      Good night and stay strong Visegrad4.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Turkey: NATO Nightmare; Must develop article for expulsion

*Update of original article from Nov. 2015.  Erdogan and Turkey continue to be embarrassments to both Angela Merkel and NATO.  Instead of providing stability, Erdogan is threatening Europe and Syria.  He uses the refugees as cattle/bargaining chips to get his way in Syria and The EU.  But the EU has economic leverage on Turkey and could break Erdogan's ribs with hardball economic body blows.  NATO also needs to have a quiet chat with him.  A typical bully like Erdogan does not respond to roses and candy.  Character and attitude adjustments can only be achieved through strength and resolve.  Stand up to him and he will get the message.  Enjoy the original OpEd below.

The UN has long ago lost all respect and credibility.  They are feckless, unrealistic, and tend to discriminate against Christians and the West. No one respects the UN anymore due to their behavior and actions. They are irrelevant.

Is NATO becoming the new UN?  Obviously, NATO was founded for noble purposes and Turkey may have made sense in 1951 as the Cold War raged. But circumstances change...should we be committed to defend a rogue nation because of a pledge made 64 years ago under very different circumstances?

I find these automatic alliances a dangerous idea.  Look back to World War I and how casual pledges led one country after another into conflict without a true purpose of what they were fighting for.  It's called "mobilization without thought".  What were they fighting for?  They were fighting because outdated treaties forced them to. (Obviously, I simplify here, it goes a little deeper, but that discussion for another time; the point here is that many countries did indeed mobilize based on past committments)

The Cold War is history, so why NATO?  I understand the arguments for and against, but if the US, for instance, wants to defend Slovakia or Czech republic (two of my favorites), we should do so based on the merits and congressional authorization, not automatic triggers.  Obviously these two countries are solid partners and are not shooting down Russian planes or supporting Islamic radicals....but another NATO country, Turkey, is.  There is strong evidence that Erdogan is directly or indirectly supporting ISIS, al-Nusra and various other Islamic extremists in Syria.

Behind closed doors, NATO officials clearly believe Erdogan's actions were both provocative and unwarranted.  But it's certainly a dangerous game they are playing, being held hostage by the actions
of Erdogan, based on outdated committments made decades ago.  In addition, how can NATO's
reputation as a responsible organization not suffer when one of their members has gone rogue?

Here lies the problem with NATO.  There is nothing in their charter about dropping a NATO member, it can only be done on a voluntary basis with one years notice.  I find this astonishing, if not maddening.  Turkey can hold NATO hostage to their actions.  Erdogan knew exactly what he was doing when he shot down that Russian plane in very disputable circumstances. He wants to punish Putin for his success against Turkey's extremist allies in Syria and wants to use NATO as his buffer to prevent Putin from striking back.  We may never know if that plane violated Turkish airspace or not, after all, it's Putin's word vs Erdogan's word.  However, we all know Turkey was in no danger and Erdogan acted in a provocative and desperate manner. Now the "little tyrant" talks tough knowing he has the big guy (NATO) at his back.

NATO needs to come clean to uphold their integrity. This was not a defensive move on Turkey's part. Therefore, NATO must make it clear that this attack on a Russian plane was not defensive in any way and does not commit them to come to the aid of a conspiring member nation.

In addition, NATO must have a mechanism to remove member nations; it cannot allow itself to be enslaved by a nation that abuses its membership and carelessly, for their own purposes, puts the security of other member nations at risk. Are Americans ready to fight and die for Erdogan and Turkey, the allies of radical Islamists in Syria?

The question for today:  If one is only as good as its weakest member, has NATO's association with Turkey allowed themselves to become just another discredited international organization like the UN?

Friday, November 27, 2015

Merkel: "Refugees will go home with peace in Syria." Really?

      Angela Merkel now says the refugees will go home after peace is restored in Syria.  Wow!  It's that easy?  I hope she called the mythical train, "Chuggington", to transport them all back because she is living in a fairy-tale world.

      First, I cannot see peace anytime soon in Syria, we can't even agree on who the enemy is, although it's quite clear to me.  There are only a handful of so-called "moderate rebels", over 90% of the rebels fighting Assad and Russia are Islamic terrorists from ISIS, al-Qaida, al-Nusra, etc.

      Secondly, there is no strong history of refugees returning to their homelands, let alone economic migrants who are looking for a better way of life or something more sinister.  No doubt many are sincere and I do not blame them, but there is a process and illegal immigration cannot be tolerated.  Yet, who can deny that some are coming for the generous welfare benefits or that some terrorists are not trying to slip through?

       Merkel may want to explain why the huge influx of economic migrants storming Europe from "safe countries"?  They are arriving now, when are they going home?  They have peace, how would an end to the war in Syria change their minds?

      Deep down, Merkel does not want to stop the inflow and she believes she can get away with it by some "rules-based" solidarity (coinage that Stalin would be proud of).  Merkel's solution is to force the rest of EU into a permanent and binding refugee redistribution plan.

     This can never be accepted by Eastern Europe and the Visegrad4 nations and will be the death blow to the EU.  Quite frankly, I am surprised they tolerated Merkel, Juncker and the EU this long.

      It seems Merkel is getting desperate.  Her deportation spin does not add up either.  Deporting hundreds of criminals is fine, but the EU will have to deport many more migrants here illegally.  Plus it will be futile if the external EU border is not sealed.  As Merkel "considers" a few deportations, another 5,000 new migrants arrive in Greece DAILY.

       The game looks just about to be over for Merkel.  In truth, she has no plan to stop the crisis she largely created.  Time for new leadership in Europe.  Are you ready Visegrad4?  The continent in chaos needs you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Turkey and Saudi Arabia: Time to confront Twin Towers of Terrorism

Latest news has Turkey shooting down a Russian jet. There is dispute over the circumstances.

Erdogan of Turkey claims the Russian plane crossed into their air space and was warned "repeatedly".

Putin denies this and says the plane was operating over Syrian soil, and security experts question how many "repeated warnings" can occur within "12 seconds".  The radar seems to suggest, if the Russian plane did indeed violate Turkey's space (and this is still a big if), it was over the size of a finger and lasted "seconds".

Erdogan's calculated response (in my opinion) to shoot down the plane was provocative, yet desperate at the same time.  For why would Erdogan risk war with Russia when it is obvious that Turkey was not, nor have they ever been, the targets of Russia in their campaign against ISIS and the various other Islamic rebels in Syria?

One first has to know the deceptive double game Erdogan has been playing all along. While he claims to be at the table against ISIS, his actions speak volumes.  Turkey, a NATO member with an army of over 400,000, has tolerated and turned a blind eye to the Islamic extremists pouring across its border into Syria.  Along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, they have been quietly supporting and arming various Islamic rebels (there are no moderate rebels, they do not exist presently) in an effort to overthrow the government of Assad.  While no angel, Assad protected the Christians from persecution at the hands of the Sunni rebels and prevented the Islamics (Al-Nusra, Al-Qaida, ISIS, Free Syrian Army, etc) from taking full control over Syria.

Putin and Shite Iran are the allies of Assad.  Their belief is that Assad must remain in power in order to defeat ISIS and the various factions of Islamic rebels.  This requires targeting all rebels, not just ISIS, since they feed off of each other.  While Obama and the West enjoyed ineffective and symbolic strikes against empty training facilities (the rebels blend in with the the local populations), Putin was hitting real targets from the air and Hezbollah (Iran's proxy) was providing the ground troops needed to take back territory from the Islamists.  This is proving very effective, which , in turn, led to Erdogan's desperate measures.

Bottom line:  Erdogan and Saudi Arabia want Assad removed at all costs for economic reasons and to negate the influence of Iran and Russia in Syria, even if this entails an unholy alliance with the new axis of evil -- ISIS, Al-Nusra, and Erdogan's Islamic rebel allies.  However, Putin's strong and no-nonsense entrance into Syria was and is a game changer.  Erdogan called the strike and he did so out of desperation in an attempt to draw NATO into the conflict.

This is precisely why one should not be fooled by Turkey's desire for a "no fly zone" in Syria, for ISIS and Co. have no Air Force. Erdogan simply wants to take Putin and his Air Force out of the
game, thus making it almost impossible for Assad to hold back their Islamic rebels (and ISIS).

Putin and Iran may not be our friends, but in this fight against radical jihadists, they are indispensable and we should welcome their efforts, for they are the ones taking the fight to the Islamic fanatics whom threaten our way of life -- indeed the world's way of life.

If the "world" wants to be united against terrorism, they may want to find the source that "feeds and breeds" it....Saudi Arabia, the Gulf monarchies, and the Turks.  For their leaders believe their "Kingdoms are not of this world".

Refugees and Multiculturalism: The Impact on France, Germany and Belgium

*Update 3-22/16 and 1-15/16.  Brussels Under Attack. Original article on 11-24/15 written below.  Cologne sexual assaults.  These were predictable and many warned Merkel of adding a million new refugees to a continent where multiculturalism has failed. Whether new migrants or older immigrants,  the Muslim culture is at odds with the values of Europe.  Challenge the spin about this not being about the new refugees and focus on the numbers and failure of multiculturalism. I did miscalculate the time it would take for the blowback to occur. The Sunni Streets are exploding in Europe as we speak.*

Original Article 11-24/15
There is quite the debate raging in Europe and the US on refugees and terrorism.  The UN and Amnesty International crowd are trying to spin the issue around "don't blame the refugees for terrorism".  However, this is a false debate intended to distract from the real issue of "home grown" terrorism:  multiculturalism.

But the evidence seems overwhelming that the states of Western Europe, most notably France, Germany and Belgium, have failed at their experiment in multiculturalism.  Muslims are not integrating because they refuse to accept a culture that is alien to them.

Consider Belgium. Decades ago, they encouraged migrants from Morocco to immigrate to work in the steel mills and coal mines.  This first generation was not the problem, they were generally appreciative of their opportunity. But as numbers grew, the second and third generations rebelled against that culture. Today, we are witnessing the "blowback".

Is it any wonder the countries that house the largest Muslim populations in Western Europe are in lockdown mode; their citizens are uneasy about their futures and they feel their way of life slipping away.  It is the countries with the largest contingent of Muslim citizens (France, Belgium, Germany, Spain and Britain) that have a disproportionate number of citizens fighting for the cause in Syria.  Many are vulnerable to "radicalization".

This cannot be said of Czech republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and others in the East.  They did not see the light of Muslim multiculturalism, and while wishing Western Europe "luck", never embraced the idea.   Eastern Europe, as a result, does not have these types of problems.  They have maintained their culture, their security and their "way of life" (which I can personally say is priceless).  Nor are their citizens fighting in Syria or blowing up buses.  There are no cultural clashes in the lands of Visegrad4.

Which begs the question:  How prudent is it to allow a limitless supply of undocumented, young, male migrants -- without even knowing who they are first -- to roam Europe at a time when many current Muslims here already are not assimilating?  Is anyone willing to state that France or Belgium does not have major problems with this?

The lax border control, mass undocumented immigration, fake passport trade, and presence of terrorists who wish to "blend in" are real dangers and will pose an immediate security threat to Europe.  But the real blowback and impact may be felt five to ten years from now when Angela Merkel's "vision" for the EU morphs into the "Sunni Streets".

Pontificating about "we can do it" is no substitute for rational thought; for what type of "values" risk the security of your own citizens in the name of "humanity".

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Merkel Era over? A New Force emerges from the East

    *Update to original article below posted Nov/2015.  Since then we have witnessed the Cologne sexual attacks and the Brussels terrorist bombing. I was six months early, but original article is a gem and is relevant today as Merkel's EU will again push for "refugee quotas". She must be defied.

Original post Nov2015:
      Pleasantly surprised is how this writer would describe it.  This week marked the beginning of the end to the dominance of Europe by Angela Merkel and the EU bureaucrats of Western Europe.

     Something new and bold has emerged in Europe from the East, a refreshing wind about to change the course and direction of a continent in chaos.  They call themselves the "Visegrad4" and their leaders and people reside in the lands of Hungary, Czech republic, Slovakia, and Poland.

      The refugee crisis continues to bring disorder and danger to Europe, but Merkel and certain western EU leaders continue to have "delusions of grandeur" and seem oblivious, if not paralyzed, to their colossal mistakes.  Instead of taking action, they are blaming others for their panicked and reckless response that may prove to be Europe's biggest blunder since the era of the Versailles Treaty and Munich 1938.

    Months ago, strong action and resolve was called for from the leaders of the EU. The Old Guard failed. When the border should have been sealed and the migrants sent home before being allowed to roam Europe, Angela Merkel instead chose to stage pep rallies centered around "no limits" and "we can do it".  While emotions are nice, they are no substitute for a concrete plan based on critical thinking. Without the consultation of others, she made promises (along with Sweden) that she could not keep and thus opened the floodgates, luring millions of refugees and migrants to Europe in search of the promised land.

      Disarmed of all courage by political correctness, they allowed "compassion" to imperil their security and decision making. The idea of allowing a million+ refugees/migrants (without knowing who they are first) to enter Europe from regions well known for persecuting non-Muslims and containing Islamic jihadists who have openly declared Europe as their "next Syria" isn't compassion,
but sheer lunacy.

      Merkel's "vision" never entailed securing the borders or limits.  She wanted glory for Germany and accolades for herself as being the "Saint of Humanity".  She knew full well Germany could not handle all the migrants, but she did believe the rest of Europe could, whether they wanted to or not.  Merkel's plan from the beginning, and still her only plan now, was a permanent and binding refugee redistribution (forced quotas) scheme for all of the EU.

     This was "Merkel Vision" and this was her fight.  But she did not plan on having some of her "peasantry" armed with pitchforks in open revolt against her majesty.

      The Visegrad4 nations had their own visions, which did not include diktats from some guys named Frans Timmermans or Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels.  They viewed quotas as a "nonsense" and distraction to the tough steps required to halt the madness: secure the border; identify the legitimate war refugees; stop the endless flow of economic migrants; confront Turkey's smugglers;
and send back those who did not belong there.  After months and months of endless chatter, excuses, and pointless lectures, the V4 no longer believes Angela Merkel and Co. have the will, courage or authority to lead Europe.

Does not the V4 have a point?

**Greece and Italy could not even control their own borders from unarmed migrants.  This sent a clear message of weakness and allowed Europe to be flooded with undocumented refugees.  Is this the type of "solidarity" and "behavior" that gives the V4 confidence that the EU has the will to control their external border?

**Angela Merkel's "open border/no limits" pep rally for German glory opened the floodgates and lured economic migrants from places such as Pakistan, Iran, and even Albania.

**Germany, Sweden, and others in the West allowed migrants to roam freely in their countries; now they are starting to realize they have a problem and that these refugees are not exactly the "Dora's Explorers" as portrayed by the media. Seventy five percent are young men from alien Muslim cultures. There have been violent refugee riots, women and children have been raped in the camps, and Christians have had to be segregated from the Muslims.  Merkel and her allies in the West now expect the V4 nations to "evolve" and accept refugee quotas, but I am not sure they see the light, Angela.

    The turning point came two months ago when three members of the Visegrad4 rejected the initial refugee quota mandate.  The President of France questioned if the V4 "respected the values" of the EU over their rejection of Muslim multiculturalism and refugee quotas. I think we have found out the answer to Hollande's question.  The V4 has seen the results in France, Belgium, and  Germany, and while they wish them "luck", they have no desire for that type of lifestyle and culture.

    Instead of being marginalized, many others inside the EU privately agree with the V4, and as events continue to spin out of control, many no longer believe that Old Europe can answer the bell.  Today, more and more nations are defecting from Team Juncker and joining the regiment of Viktor Orban and the Visegrad4, for they know who will fight for their way of life and who has surrendered it.
     The era of Angela Merkel and Old Europe is over; the future points East

Merkel delegates EU security to Turkey's Erdogan

    Angela Merkel has become so desperate that she is now bribing Turkey, a nation with a network of some 25,000 smugglers, to help bail her out of the migrant mess.  Basically, she is outsourcing the EU's responsibility of securing its external border to an unstable tyrant (Erdogan) who bears much responsibility for the chaos in the Middle East.

Two things:
1. Once again, Merkel is selfishly arrogant. She is the leader of Germany, not Europe.  Many others look at Turkey as a big problem, not a solution.  She may be Time's person of the year and the international media's darling, but that does not make her Queen of the Central/Eastern European  estates.

2.  Turkey cannot be trusted, not in the Syrian war nor with the refugees.  They have openly flooded Europe with the migrants via an impotent Greece.  Merkel and the EU would have been better off listening to Hungary's Orban on providing soldiers and police to help control Greece's border.  This is the problem and so are the smugglers that Turkey harbors.  Merkel/EU are not serious people or they would tell Turkey that unless they stem the flow, we will close the border and send them right back to you.

       The Merkel/EU has become so politically correct, so feeble that nobody respects them anymore, not the refugees, not the smugglers, not Turkey, and certainly not the nations of Eastern Europe, who have lost all confidence in Merkel to take any actions to stem the flow.  Time magazine certainly does not have to live with the consequences of her actions.

        I cannot see Merkel or the EU surviving this politically.  She will resign from office by March 2016 once the V4 firmly rejects her refugee resettlement scheme. Look for the EU to break up into various regional, less centralizing unions to better reflect the regional values of its people.

      It would have been one thing if Merkel humbly acknowledged her mistakes and took the responsibility to correct it.  But Merkel has done neither and continues to be held captive by her visions of glory and legacy.  Unfortunately, at least for now, her illusions are holding the rest of the EU hostage to a security nightmare.

       The V4 nations may be about to change that.


Saudi Arabia, Middle East need to clean up own house before they lecture West

***Update.  Below article was written Nov 2015 in regards to dealing with Erdogan. I remain convinced Europe has greater leverage over his economy than he does over their borders; after all, the EU could do what normal countries do and protect their borders themselves. But Merkel wants to deal with Erdogan by giving him flowers.  My advice is economic hardball, break his ribs (via economic blows) and don't let him breathe until his attitude is adjusted. Enjoy original article below.
     Jean-Claude Juncker, one of Merkel's deputies at the EU, says the EU will soon run out on money as a result of their "open border/we can do it " experiment.  What did Juncker and Merkel expect?  Cash from SaudiArabia?

    Well, it seems the Sauds were willing to offer 200 mosques (when I first  read this, I thought it was a joke, seriously; but they were not kidding).  Never mind that SaudiArabia has been busy feeding and breeding terrorists, and helping to destabilize Syria.  They don't want their fellow Muslims.  They even went so far as to ban their citizens from adopting orphans from Syria or Iraq.  

    Why is it that the EU and their propaganda team in the international press throw a hissy fit when Slovakia or Hungary prefers Christian refugees (a natural fit), but remain silent when the Gulf nations close the doors to their Muslim brothers?  Christians should get priority seating in Europe; they are persecuted in the Middle East and have no where else to go.  They were fleeing the Middle East in mass long before this current wave of Muslim migrants.

      SaudiArabia and the Gulf states should be taken to task for their actions.  They are an international pariah.  They have the resources, capacity and space to house all the refugees comfortably, without forcing them to be dangerously smuggled to Europe.  There is no excuse and they know it.  The EU and US are their allies and they need the courage to call them out.  The Muslim community, instead of whining about the Visegrad4 nations, needs to step up and start cleaning up its own house before moving their refugee camps to Europe.  What hypocracy that Erdogan says Turkey will not become Europe's concentration camp when the refugees come right from their back yard.

   What is really lacking from the EU and Merkel is the courage to control their borders, protect their citizens, and not be kicked in the face by countries such as Turkey and SaudiArabia.  Merkel may want some lessons from Hungary and the V4 nations on how this is done.  Despite what Merkel claims, it is working for Hungary.  The "smart phones" Angela are not breaking down steel walls backed by strength; but their GPS is able to locate and penetrate countries like Germany and Greece that have been disarmed of all courage by naive political correctness. 

     The EU is the one that should be telling the Middle East to clean up its act and that they refuse to become the "concentration camp" for their refugees. Tony Abbott is correct; send the boats back to defend the border and bankrupt the smugglers.  The Saudis and Middle East will get the message loud and clear. Demand from Turkey to stop the flow of refugees and to accept back the deported migrants if they want greater ties to Europe. If they don't comply, isolate them economically and threaten to sink their economy. Erdogan will get the message for he knows he cannot cast his lot with a Middle East in flames.

    What happened to the West that it's leaders have become like feeble, helpless, blind deer incapable of defending themselves from the venomous slander of political correctness.

Merkel and EU Solidarity means German Diktats

Solidarity seems to be the word of the day for Angela Merkel and the EU.  We are told all of Europe must contribute...but to what?  Controlling the borders, deporting those economic migrants that do not belong, disrupting smugglers, creating "hot spots", etc.?

These are the words we here from Merkel and her EU poodle dogs, but I suspect this is mere smoke and mirrors for what they really want...more refugee quotas for the central and eastern nations.  Do we really believe Merkel and EU will deport those, kicking and screaming, already here?  That Greece or Italy will accept outside help to defend the borders?  The EU "coast guard" will actually play tough with those smugglers who flaunt their crimes right in front of them?

No, I am not sure anyone takes the EU seriously anymore after their feckless response to this movement.  Their sudden embrace of "solidarity" comes after the fact that one country, Germany, acted unilaterally and others -- Italy and Greece -- refused help from others and sent "a wave"of undocumented migrants to roam freely inside the EU.

Merkel, in a solo act without the consultation of others, invited and lured them here with her "no limits" pledge despite the protests of many, most notably the Visegrad nations.   "We can do it", roared Merkel, speaking of Germany's greatness, their values and  for Germany alone.  Maybe "solidarity" means something different in German.

Well, now that the whole world sees that the  "we can do it" pep rally is no substitute for a plan based on critical thinking, Merkel is discovering  that the chaos and nightmare  she created must be shared by all in a "show of solidarity".  Faced with a backlash from her own allies and people and a problem she has no idea how to solve, she has suddenly seen the light of solidarity.

Merkel, who has little use for the Visegrad nations besides exporting to them, is not really interested in the tough decisions of defending the borders, exporting Albanians, stopping the inflow of refugees, or properly identifying just who these refugees really are.  This is pure rhetoric in a slick effort to introduce a permanent and endless refugee redistribution scheme for the EU.

Merkel is undaunted by one or two or three million refugees...She has no plans to halt the migrants coming here and no stomach to send them back, she enjoys the "international savior" image the media has assigned to her too much. Merkel also knows that Germany alone cannot handle all of them, but does think the entire EU can, whether they want to or not. Solidarity is a two-way street Angela.

Merkel has one hand to play to save her legacy and she is betting all on "refugee quotas" .  It's up to Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czech republic, etc to call her bluff.  They did not elect her and they cannot vote her out, but they sure can defy her.

Who says membership has its benefits? Time to chart your own destiny and own future, Visegrad !

Friday, November 20, 2015

Greece & Merkel: Time to look in the Mirror

         Greece is undoubtedly the scene of chaos and human tragedy.  No one wishes to see desperate people die making dangerous journeys.  Every one can agree, it is heartbreaking.  But the leaders of Greece and Germany and their allies in the media should take a closer look in the mirror before accusing others of "shameful" responses and a lack of "solidarity".

          Yes, qualified refugees fleeing war deserve a temporary safe haven, but any self-respecting state must first have a process (like America) to properly identify and screen the refugees BEFORE (did I say BEFORE loud enough) they gain approval to enter that state.  There has to be limits and the first priority must be the safety of the citizens of that state.  Before any of this is possible, the borders MUST be secured.  Without this, there can only be chaos and danger, exactly what we are witnessing now in Greece and Germany.

       Merkel deserves the criticism now heaped on her for "luring" the migrants here. Her no limits, suspend all rules mantra no doubt intensified the crisis.  It has taken on a life of its own; attracting countless of economic migrants to risk their lives to enter the promised land.  Only blind partisans for Merkel, such as The Economist, would claim that she had no part in this.

           If Merkel created the demand, Greece opened the floodgates.  Despite an elite NATO Navy and 100,000 man army, Greece had no will to control the border.  This is not natural; in fact, quite abnormal to surrender ones border without a fight.  They are an economic basketcase, but Greece was offered help and refused.  The migrants were not content on poor Greece and had their sights set on the rich welfare states up north.  Some solidarity - unleashing a mass of undocumented migrants on the rest of Europe. There is no excuse for this type of behavior.  Australia has proved that a nation can secure its borders with strength and the will to do so.  This is quite natural and a common sense.

          The refugees and smugglers have smart phones, Facebook, GPS and they share information. They certainly knew Greece and Germany offered no resistance and were weak and naive.  Consider:

1.  What if Germany made clear that there were limits, a screening process and actually deported those economic migrants immediately?
2.  What if Greece actually confronted the smugglers on the coast of Turkey, home of 25,000 smugglers, and told Erdogan to clean house?
3.  What if Greece and the EU followed Tony Abbotts advice and sent the boats back - escorted by the Greek NATO Navy to ensure safety - immediately to Turkey? This action would have sent a strong notice to the smugglers that they would be confronted and given zero tolerance.
4.  What if Merkel - instead of letting illegal migrants roam freely and dictate the rules - would have detained the migrants and utilized strict control over the camps to have order in German streets?
5.  What if the EU would have defied the elites at the UN, the media, and Turkey and told them the EU will not become the dumping ground for Middle East mayhem.
6.  What if the EU had the courage to tell the Muslim leaders in the Middle East to clean up their own
house before lecturing Europe on civility?

        One only has to look to Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia to obtain the answers to these questions:
 1.  Hungary.  Orban saw the unsecured border in Greece and demanded action. When the EU soundly rejected this, Orban took matters into his own hands. With a strong hand and forceful response, Hungary secured its borders.  The result➡️ Calm and order for Hungary.      
 2.  Czech republic.  They saw the unrest and chaos in Germany where the migrants roam freely and do as they please.  They chose to protect their people by detaining those in their country illegally and demanding they play by their rules.  The result➡️ International scorn, but calm and order.
 3.  Slovakia.  Fico defied Merkel and the EU on forced refugee quotas.  His strength in putting Slovaks first and not meekly accepting unjust diktats by those responsible for the crisis sent a strong message to Brussels➡️ Slovakia was not Germany's dumping ground.

             The point is that strength backed by fortitude and justice works and sends a message of respect  which is clearly lacking from many migrants, smugglers, and Muslim leaders in their attitudes towards the EU.  On the other hand, weakness and unarming oneself of all courage in the face of childish political correctness invites the type of chaos and risk that tears any and all type of order down.

     It could have been different.  Instead of so much human suffering, there could have been a tough but orderly, safe process. It is not the V4 or Czech Republic that is responsible for the human tragedy at sea but those who shamelessly lured the migrants here based on false hopes and promises they could not keep.

       I believe there is still hope, but for this to happen the EU needs more of the Visegrad4 realists  and less of the naive Merkel dreamers.

Beware: New ideas from Greece and Merkel

News from Europe:

1.  Germany, overwhelmed, now says the economic migrants from the Balkans and Afghanistan must go home or be deported.

2.  Greece, who for the last two years has surrendered the borders to just about anyone, now wants to establish checkpoints in Turkey to determine the real war refugees.  Then, they want to transport them to Europe in an effort to bypass the smugglers and the dangerous boat trip.

Not bad ideas, but there is a big problem here.....this is not 2014.

       I wish Merkel and her EU well on deporting the economic migrants, I support this. However, I do not think this will happen.  If they did not have the strength to control their borders in the first place, I do not believe they will have the courage and will to do something more forcefully deport those already here, who do not wish to go back. The shameless international media and UN will protest once they see "Germans" hauling migrants against their will onto trains and boats back to Turkey.
       I believe this is the only alternative to the continued chaos and misery, but I just don't think Merkel has the stomach for it; she would rather just force others to accept "refugee quotas ", which would surely result in open defiance from Eastern Europe and the end to the EU as we know it.
        Would it have been easier and safer for all to have sent the economic migrants home before allowing them to roam Europe in the first place?  I find this task of finding and deporting these migrants here already a monumental and costly adventure.

   I remain shocked to this day that Merkel and the EU did not have an orderly plan at the borders to properly identify the war refugees and send the others back immediately, as Tony Abbott did in Australia.  One just cannot allow refugees to roam freely inside the borders without knowing whom
they are first.  This is suicidal.

   That being said, emotional reactions led to big mistakes, but it is what it is now, and forced deportation must be carried out.  Let's just make sure we learn from past mistakes before we commit others, like the one offered by Greece now.

       The Greece proposal would have made sense two years ago, but would be a colossal disaster if enacted now.  Greece wants to establish checkpoints in Turkey, where 25,000 smugglers have been operating.  They want to register those eligible in Turkey and transport even more refugees to Europe.    I am not sure if Greece has been asleep, but the EU is already overburdened with refugees with over a
million already here.  The EU has no idea who these migrants are, they still are not securing the borders, and more refugees are on their way.  The EU has no more vacancy to bring more here voluntarily from Turkey.

       Two years ago, if Greece and others would have secured their borders and forcefully stopped the smugglers and illegal migrants, there would be capacity to help those war refugees in need of protection. There would have been less tragedy at the seas as well.  Then, it would have made perfect sense to establish checkpoints outside of the EU borders.  But to invite more now in these present conditions is the same naive thinking that created this chaos in the first place.

         I have written before about the definition of insanity and trusting those who have consistently shown poor judgement over and over again.  I admire the people of Germany and Greece, but these two countries are led by leaders who have no credibility in solving this crisis.

         Maybe the EU needs to take a closer examination of what Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia are doing. They do not have the problems of Germany; in fact, they have order and tranquility and the thanks of their people.

Merkel's new idea: 500,000 migrants per year from Turkey

*Updated Feb. 14.  As I predicted months ago in original article, Merkel is about to make another colossal mistake.  She is now trying to seal a deal with tyrant Recep Erdogan of Turkey.  Merkel spins it as turning "illegal migration into legal migration". She wants to take up to 500,000 New refugees EVERY YEAR straight from Turkey for some vague promise that Erdogan will then stop the migrants from coming to Greece.  This is foolish, given the fact that the border is still open and some 5,000 new migrants enter Greece daily.  This will not stop the smugglers from transporting the economic migrants or unchosen refugees to Europe illegally.  Nor can one ever put their trust in Erdogan, who uses the refugees as pawns to bargain for what he wants in Syria and Europe.  Please enjoy the original article that warned of this from Nov. 2015.

Original OpEd:
This whole refugee plan of Merkel seems like it is just made up day by day with no serious thought for the long term consequences.

Merkel thinks she can have no limits, 500k migrants per year from Turkey, and a permanent redistribution plan for the refugees throughout Europe.  Some solidarity....Merkel dictating to others who had no part in electing Her Holiness.

Merkel thinks Turkey will then seal their border, but they have not and will not.  Turkey is for Turkey and they have tolerated 25,000 human smugglers in their midst.  They do not respect the EU (nobody does these days) nor do they take them as serious people, and the migrants will keep coming through an impotent Greece.

Merkel and the "masters of the universe" in Western Europe want a legacy and want a world where traditions, cultures , borders and nationalities do not exist.....their final and only solution has always relied on a "permanent ongoing refugee resettlement" program forced on central and Eastern Europe.

Slovakia and Hungary have seen this coming early and have remained defiant....Poland with new leaders will soon join them.....Sobotka of Czech republic could be the weak link.  He has sounded ok so far, but when Merkel comes knocking, will he have the courage to stand her down or will he follow meekly?  For Merkel will not go down without a fight, quotas is the only hand she has left.

The Visegrad4 must remain defiant of EU in face of refugee quotas...Germany cannot continue to bully and blackmail the East...The V4 must be prepared to exit the EU and form their own Union. Western Europe and EU are a sinking ship, weighted down by the false Gods of multiculturalism and
political correctness.

Stand tall Visegrad4 and chart your own future, saving the EU is not worth sacrificing your culture and way of life.  Be bold and soon others will follow your lead.

What Merkel EU can learn from Eisenhower on deportation

    Angela Merkel, the EU, and Jean-Claude Juncker need to be challenged on the false claim that borders cannot be sealed and migrants cannot be stopped.  With will backed by fortitude, they can and one example comes from  a man of courage who actually helped save Europe...Dwight Eisenhower.

     In the 50's, when Eisenhower was president, the US was in midst of an invasion of over 1 million illegal migrants from Mexico.  Of course, all kinds of characters looking for cheap labor (German exporters of today?) exploited them and helped them navigate their way here (today's smugglers in Turkey?).  But Eisenhower --who certainly makes Merkel, Juncker, and the EU look like school boys -- had the will and courage to act.

      Eisenhower only had 750-1000 agents at his disposal but quickly found and deported 400,000 migrants back to Mexico in Jeeps, cars, buses, planes...presumedly without play stations.  He did not give the Mexican government a "choice" of accepting their migrants back.  The trip back was not pleasant and word spread quickly back then too. So effective was Ike's message that another 600,000 migrants did not wait around and self-deported. There was no Facebook, which tells me, Angela, that attitude and fortitude mean much more than smartphones in this fight.

     No more excuses or outsourcing their responsibilities to Erdogan and Turkey, if the EU has any self respect, they can secure the borders and deport the migrants within six months.  It won't be pretty, it won't bring roses from the international press or Pussy Riot, but it will save the EU and its citizens.

      As always in life, one either exercises his authority to control events or ends up a poor soul captive to the actions and events of others.  Here's to you Dwight Eisenhower, one of the greatest foreign policy presidents in America's history.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Erdogan, Turkey sheltering smugglers; belittle EU/#Juncker

I have been a critic of Greece and their abysmal protection of the border, where #Turkey and their network of some 25,000 smugglers have abused them.  Yes it's somewhat overwhelming, but Greece seems to have totally disarmed.  But unlike Angela #Merkel, who is under some illusion that "refugee quotas" will magically solve the problem, Greece is finally pinpointing the main problem:  Turkey, #Erdogan and the criminal smugglers.

Merkel and the #EU are not respected by Erdogan or the smugglers; they are naive, feeble and easily pushed around.  Does Merkel really believe Erdogan will change his behavior by offering this bully some candy?  It never works out that way.

Greece is correctly pointing out that the #smugglers are hard core gangsters and must be confronted more forcefully in order to curtail the endless flow of #refugees.  Turkey to Greece is the overwhelming point of entrance and Erdogan, just as he has winked and nodded at ISIS, has turned a blind eye to the smugglers.

Smugglers do not play by the rules and neither should the EU when it comes to disbanding and eradicating them.  The UN may protest, but they are irrelevant and not interested in slowing the flow of migrants to Europe.  Erdogan and Turkey must be sent a strong message, backed by actions not words, that this will not be tolerated.  The action required would be tough, as it would require sending the boats back to Turkey and confronting the smugglers on the coast of Turkey.  This may further isolate Turkey, but Turkey needs Europe more than one thinks.  They know there is no future in the Middle East, it is falling apart. They are desperate for ties to Europe.

So why is Merkel and the EU not playing hardball with Erdogan?  Give Turkey a choice:  confront and sink the smugglers, stop the flow of refugees to Europe and we can talk about your future with us. Or continue your current behavior and cast your lot and future with an Arab world in flames; for we will shut you out.

These are truly challenging times that require a strong resolve to protect ones interests and future, even if this means being attacked by the usual suspects at the UN and in the media.  I continue to believe that Merkel is in over her head and not able to lead the EU.  This cannot continue. Even #Greece is coming to realize that the first step of any plan means dismantling the network of smugglers, playing hardball with Erdogan, and sealing the borders. Without these steps, all other useless chatter of "refugee quotas", "EU values", and "solidarity" is a pure nonsense.

EU Refugee Crisis: Merkel/Old Europe vs Orban/V4 showdown

    The showdown over "refugee quotas" is coming and it will not be pretty.

      The false Gods of "solidarity", Angela Merkel and Jean Claude Juncker, want to impose "their vision" on the rest of the EU.  Despite the horrific events in Paris, the fake passports, the chaos of an unlimited flow of undocumented migrants overwhelming Europe, Merkel & Juncker want no limits and do not seem to have the will to secure the border. Quite simply, they have decided to sacrifice the security of EU citizens for their "visions of grandeur".

       This cannot go on as is, or Europe will not be able to help themselves, let alone any true refugee.  They have buckled and unarmed themselves of all courage in the face of political correctness.  They have been lax with security, the smugglers, Turkey, Africa and the illegal migrants themselves.

      But one group in particular is the target of their arrogance and scorn:  the V4 nations of Hungary, Czech republic, Poland, and Slovakia.  Viktor Orban and the new members from Eastern Europe have been proven right from the start and have exercised their authority to control the events in their countries to provide order and safety for their citizens.  Germany, Sweden, and Greece made promises they can't keep and have become enslaved to the actions of the masses.  Their people are rightfully tense and shaken.

      I have said this time and time again and I will say it again.  Merkel is not interested in securing the external borders, deporting those who do not belong, or any type of limits.  Behind all her rhetoric is one goal and this has been her only goal all along:  a permanent and binding refugee resettlement scheme for the EU, especially those V4 nations that opposed her.  This is her only way to save face from her thoughtless decisions.

      Game on, for Merkel, Juncker and their cheerleaders in the media are coming and they are determined.  This is their legacy at stake and they will not go down silently.  Expect Merkel to employ heavy "economic pressure tanks" on the V4 nations in an attempt to break them, using the media as her air power to drop "slander bombs" full of venom.

      Yet, it is Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Czech republic that hold the cards and moral high ground in this battle.  It is the Visegrad4 that is the new hope for the future of Europe.  Their solutions are what the EU needs and they have to be prepared to fight back and even defy Merkel in the end.  The V4 needs to draw a red line in the sand that stops at refugee quotas, for saving the EU is not worth losing your soul, culture, or way of life.

      The stakes are high.  A Merkel victory will guarantee her "vision":  limitless refugees/migrants with endless and ongoing redistribution.  Defy her and Germany and the EU will have no other choice but to secure the border with limits.

      In the end, the one with the greatest will and courage wins and controls the future of a continent in chaos.  Stay Strong and United V4, for your strength and fortitude will attract others to your cause. Time to chart your own destiny and usher in a new era of hope for Europe.

Paris Attacks: Did it Change the Debate on Migration?

              Certainly America, while mostly ignoring the refugee crisis in Europe prior to the terror attack in France, has woken up.  The chatter is endless and sometimes even maddening.  Some would ban all refugees while others would open the borders to all, no questions asked.  Perhaps one thing we can get over here is the useless comparisons that "we are a nation of immigrants" that "welcomed my grandparents" from Italy, Slovakia, Germany (personally true)....It sounds nice, but trying to piece together events -- separated by decades, under a different context, and involving very different people, cultures, and times -- to fit ones own political agenda is irrelevant to the current debate.
              But you can't accuse America of being naive.  After the Sunni terrorists attacked the US on 9-11 with planes, there was no hesitation "to change and strengthen" security at the airports.  No endless babble and self-blame about those "disenfranchised" from our culture resorting to terrorism.
              Amazingly,  little has changed in Europe besides the fear factor.  Those -- such as Merkel, Juncker, etc -- who advocated "no borders, no limits, no security" are insisting on the status quo and want no changes.  They have doubled down and are even more determined to impose "Merkel Vision" on the rest of the EU.  Forget any visions of Hungarians, Czechs, Poles or Slovaks --"solidarity" means genuflecting to Merkel and Germany.
              This is disappointing but not shocking. The idea of opening up ones borders to millions of undocumented migrants/refugees from regions well known for persecuting non-Muslims and containing violent jihadists who proclaimed Europe as their next Syria was sheer lunacy, even before Paris.  This type of policy was just as ludicrous two months ago as it is today.
             Merkel, Juncker, etc. have staked their entire reputations on this. They are not about to allow some small group of backward serfs (their thinking not mine) from Eastern Europe spoil their visions of grandeur of saving mankind.  It's all about their values and their legacy, but what type of values risk the security of your own people in the name of "humanity".
             The opposition to Merkel has come primarily from the Visegrad4 nations of Hungary, Czech republic, Slovakia and Poland.  Others, such as Slovenia, are also increasingly challenging the EU.  Despite claims by the media that they are taking advantage of Paris to oppose Merkel's refugee redistribution plan, the V4 have the same position today as they did months ago:

1.  secure the border to stop the endless flow
2.  confront the smugglers
3.  detain those undocumented migrants instead of allowing unknowns to roam Europe
4.  set up hotspots outside the EU borders to register those who qualify as refugees and deport those who have no business in Europe.
5.  freedom to choose just who and how many they decide upon to enter their countries.

          Viktor Orban and Co. exercised authority to control events and now have peace, order and security in their streets.  Merkel, Greece, Sweden, etc., on the other hand, chose to allow themselves and their people to become captive to the actions of the masses.  The result being chaos, violence, and a sense that they are losing their "way of life" and culture.
            Merkel, Juncker and Co. have one card left to play.    They are overwhelmed, yet too weak to control their borders or to insist on limits or any type of inconvenience for the refugees.  There will be a showdown, one last stand by Merkel, and she will utilize all of her economic might to force Eastern Europe and the Visegrad4 into something they do not wish.....a permanent and endless refugee redistribution scheme that will force them to accept a vision that Merkel claimed utterly failed in Germany in 2010....multiculturalism.
             The problem:  Orban and the Visegrad4 have seen the results of this multiculturalism in Western Europe and they do not wish for this type of lifestyle, and who could blame them.

             It all comes down to this final match, a battle that Merkel cannot win.  Either she finally accepts the responsibility of securing the border and stopping the inflow or the EU will split into an East and West division.  For Eastern Europeans, what is the "value" of saving the EU if you lose your soul, your culture, and "your way of life".

Game On! Stay Strong V4!


Monday, November 16, 2015

Terrorism in Europe: What it tells us about Multiculturalism and Immigration

    Muslim multiculturalism has failed in Western Europe.  Even Merkel had said this about Germany in 2010, before she starting having "visions".

    The countries with large Muslim populations are home to the highest numbers of citizens fighting for ISIS in Syria.  France has the most as far as sheer numbers and Belgium the most per capita.  Whether or not a migrant was a terrorist is not the point; this is a false debate by the usual suspects in the media to distract from the real issue:  terrorism and multiculturalism. As time churns, some of these current migrants are bound to be recruited and radicalized like many of western Europe's Muslim citizens there already.
     Opening the door to millions of more Muslims from regions well know for violence and persecuting non-Muslims is not only unwise, but negligent.  Indeed, the Visegrad4 nations of the East never embraced the multiculturalism of the West and have tiny Muslim populations.  They may have a point for they have virtually no citizens traveling to Syria for jihad or blowing up buses in Czech republic.

     Merkel, Juncker need to be held accountable for sacrificing the security of all EU citizens for their own self interests, egos, and grandeur.  Yet in the end, the Merkel legacy could be remembered as Europe's biggest blunder since the era of Versailles and Munich 1938.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Merkel, Major Boothroyd "Q", and migrant smartphones

Angela Merkel is fond of saying, in reference to Hungary, that walls cannot stop determined migrants with "smartphones".  Indeed, these phones are quite smart, but I was not aware they were manufactured by James Bond's scientist "Major Boothroyd or Q" with the capability of bringing down steel walls.

Apparantly, either is Hungary's PM Viktor Orban.  Orban has shown that smartphones don't have the "Q-juice"  to penetrate walls backed by will.  Hungary has stopped the migrants and enjoys peace and quiet.  While Merkel may not have Major Boothroyd to program phones that tear down walls, she can now be assured of one thing.....these smartphones are quite precise in locating countries that offer migrants generous benefits and no resistance, and quite efficient at avoiding those that don't.

Exhibit One:  Germany, Sweden, and Greece.
The tweet:  No limits, rich subsidies, free to roam, no rules, easy path to asylum, no border control.
The result:  Utter chaos, unlimited flow of migrants, smugglers abusing refugees, violence in migrant camps,  human tragedy in the seas, and a loss of the "way of life" for many of their citizens.

Exhibit Two:  Hungary, Czech republic, Slovakia
The tweet:  We will decide who and how many refugees we take, no refugee diktats, order and rules for the migrant centers, deportation for economic migrants, comfort but no roaming the streets, respect for our laws and way of life, and the will to protect the border backed by strength.
The result:  Peace, safety and tranquility for its citizens.

The message for Merkel & Company:  Smartphones are brilliant at processing and spreading information fast, but have no power to control events. One either exercises his authority with strength and passion to control events or ends up a helpless soul controlled by these events....for the owners of these phones see your actions and hear you loud and clear and they will respond accordingly.

Viktor Orban, the Czech republic chose to control the situation; Angela Merkel chose to be controlled by the masses.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Merkel picks Spidla to represent Czech republic or Germany?

When will the Czech republic realize that Merkel and Germany want one thing from them, passive acceptance of a permanent and ongoing refugee quota plan for the EU.  In short, Germany wants the CR to be their "yes man" in the EU.

Why else would Germany "choose" former PM Spidla to lead the Czech delegation in forming a common migration plan for the two countries.  I remember Spidla's brief career and I was quite unimpressed.  He is not a strong leader, rather feeble and seemed much more at home as a EU bureaucrat. He is a poor representative of the best interests of the CR, and just the type of unassuming personality Merkel and Germany seek to dominate and intimidate into getting what they want.

Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland seem strong now....but they better start working on shoring up the fourth wheel of the Visegrad4, Czech PM Sobotka.  This appointment does not give me confidence that Sobotka can stand up to Germany to do what is best for the nation.  Merkel, the EU, Juncker have no intention of securing the border, limiting the inflow of refugees, or deporting those migrants who do not belong.  Merkel can talk and talk, but her plan has always been "no limits, no problem, we can do it"......through the "forced solidarity" mechanism of ongoing refugee quotas.

The first step is to oppose Merkel's "coalition of the willing" that has proposed the voluntarily resettlement of refugees straight from Turkey.  Given the circus-like element at the present time, the EU does not need more refugees, but reductions.  Defying Merkel on importing more migrants will force her to start closing the external borders.

Sobotka and Czech republic, do you have what it takes (courage and strength) to stand down Germany to save your culture and way of life or will you go gently into the good night and lose your soul?

Friday, November 6, 2015

Merkel/Turkey Alliance and Definition of Insanity

       They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Angela Merkel just keeps coming up with one bad idea after another.  I would say the definition of insanity is the phenomenon of some who continue to rely on the judgements of a skipper who is about to sink the whole ship.

         Merkel now wants to take in more refugees (300-500,000 per year!) directly from the Middle East camps, specifically in Turkey. But if Angela hasn't noticed, the EU is already overloaded with at least 800,000 there now and another 700,000 or so expected soon.  Who knows what Merkel is thinking, I don't think she even knows.

           Merkel believes her new ally, Turkey, will then shut off the wave of refugees they are now allowing to cross into Europe. Turkey will do no such thing and is estimated to be the home of over 25,000 smugglers.  Nor is Merkel and her allies at the EU serious about sealing the external borders, deporting those migrants who do not belong, or dismantling the criminal networks of smugglers.

           Merkel is serving up this window dressing for one purpose only:  She is obsessed with "visions of grandeur" and wants to force Eastern Europe to accept refugee quotas.  As I have said before, Merkel is all about "redistribution quotas" and has no plans to curtail this wave.  It was not the Visegrad4 or Czech republic that lured the migrants to their countries with such rhetoric as "no limits" or "we can do it".  Viktor Orban of Hungary correctly warned her from the start that Germany was speaking for themselves.

        Merkel and her sidekick, Jean-Claude Juncker, are now dangling EU membership and billions to Turkey to save Europe.  This ranks right up there with the US relying on the mythical "moderate rebels" to save Syria.  Turkey is a pure Islamic state that suppresses its citizens.  Erdogan turns a
blind eye to extremists who cross into Syria and smugglers who take the refugees to Europe.  Saudi Arabia and Turkey were the primary sources that destabilized Syria and enabled ISIS with their support of various Islamic rebels.

         Turkey "the great hope" to save Europe gives new meaning to the definition of insanity.

          Let's face it, Western Europe and Merkel have different values than the Visegrad4 and Eastern Europe.  As Viktor Orban of Hungary has pointed out if Germany, France, etc.want to continue with their failed multicultural experiments, this is their choice and we wish them luck.  However, Germany should not force their "moral imperialism" on others who wish to decide for themselves the makeup of their country.

           Why not a mutual split.  The V4  and other like-minded nations could form their own Union outside the EU?  There does not have to be animosity.  The free flow of goods could still occur without the bitter resentment of refugee diktats.  Britain should be exiting soon as well.  One can have vigorous free trade without a union or moral lectures from EUCO.

         Which leads me to my last definition of insanity:  if the Visegrad4 and others allow Merkel and some EU super-majority voting scheme to bully them into accepting a binding and permanent refugee resettlement plan against their wishes.  I don't think this will happen with Slovakia, Hungary or the new Poland; they are tough, strong.  However, Sobotka of Czech republic is a question mark and seems somewhat feeble.   Does he have the courage to stand down Merkel?  We will see soon because she is coming.

        Good luck, fight hard, and good night!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Merkel and Juncker in denial over refugee crisis

I remember 9-18-15, my first article on this refugee crisis was published in the Tribune Review after I returned from the Czech Republic.  This blog and my Twitter account billrav/Visegrad4 CZ started sometime in October.  I am somewhat consumed with it and believe urgent and drastic measures are needed to save Europe as we know it.  But it is quite frustrating for me that while plenty has happened the last three months, including the Paris attack, that nothing seems to have changed.  The entire EU seems held hostage by Angela Merkel and her insistence on "no limits" and her inertia and lack of will to seal the external borders, and to actually deport forcefully (since the migrants will not leave on their own) those who are there illegally.  How can one leader of a single state, albeit an influential one, yield so much control over an entire continent?

I had respect for Merkel before this crisis, she seemed driven by rational thought, not emotional based decisions. The refugee crisis has changed her. This utopian "vision" she has acquired as some modern day Messiah has not only blinded her of all realism, but has paralyzed her from actually taking any steps to reverse her prior mistakes.  And despite the spin of her apologists at The Economist, Merkel intensified the crisis with her words and actions and allowed this chaos to take on a life of its own.  The Economist may believe she is "Indispensable", but she has lost the confidence of much of Europe.

This simply cannot go on as is not sustainable, something must change for Europe is overrun now.  How many meetings and summits can one have without getting anything done?  What is Team Juncker doing besides lecturing Eastern Europeans about "solidarity" and "humanity"?  Merkel and the EU talk, talk, and talk.......yet nothing is being done to secure the borders, to deport the economic migrants, and to confront Turkey and their network of human smugglers.  Merkel weakly says that the migrants will have to go home, but 193,000 have these "orders" and they are still there.  Amazingly, the external border remains wide open and still more are coming, instead of being sent back immediately. Merkel actually wants 500,000 more a year directly from the camps via Turkey in exchange for a promise from Erdogan (a double crossing tyrant) to stop the smugglers he houses from sending more.  This is a non-starter and just a ploy to quiet her critics.  It will not work.

Merkel and Co. are not serious about the above or they would have gotten it done months ago.  There are no excuses during times of emergencies, which leads me to believe that Merkel has not given up on her original, misguided plan.  I still believe Merkel will stick to her no limits pledge, attempting to force Eastern Europe and the Visegrad4 nations into an endless and binding refugee redistribution scheme.  This, deep down, is her only plan and it must be rejected.  It is the only way to send her the message that the solution lies not with redistributing limitless refugees, but with securing the borders to limit the refugees.

The Visegrad4/Eastern Europe and Merkel/Western Europe are worlds apart and I cannot see how they can stay together if this continues.  The lack of solidarity lays with Merkel, Greece and Western Europe.  We don't need anymore time-wasting meetings or pontification on the "values" of the EU, we need action.  Before anything can change, the borders have to be shut and those economic migrants must be sent back.  Not only does there have to be limits, but there must be "major reductions" via deportation of all the economic migrants.

For what type of "values" puts the security of your own people at risk in the name of "humanity".

Friday, October 23, 2015

UN Dead Wrong: Czech republic is correct to detain migrants, despite UN Pussy Riot venom

  **  Note to readers 3-22-15: Since update of original article, Austria has changed its policies. They made mistakes, but were strong enough to try their best to correct them.  Merkel, however, continues to hold Europe hostage to her reckless actions.

  ** This article has been updated (12-16-15) given the events in Salzburg, Austria. Two migrants or terrorists posing as migrants were arrested for their roles in the Paris attacks in a refugee camp in Salzburg.  This begs the question: Why are some countries like Germany and Austria putting EU citizens at risk by allowing them to roam freely without even knowing who they are?**

       Who better to dupe the UN and international press than PussyRiot, who seek only noise and attention for themselves.  The UN is now criticizing the Czech government for, among other things, detaining the refugees.  But the Czechs must ignore the advice, for the UN has no regard for the safety and well being of Czech citizens (Obviously Pussy Riot has no regard for their taste either).  If the UN had their way, the Czech republic would end up with the same disaster and chaos going on in Germany right now.

     The Czechs are detaining the migrants because they are in the country illegally and refusing, yes refusing, to apply for asylum as the Dublin rules dictate.  Some of the migrants have been demanding and they do not respect the laws, culture and people of the countries they are traveling through.  High speed internet is not a humanitarian right and neither is trashing a beautiful city like Salzburg.

       The Czech Republic does not know who these people are and will not put the safety of their citizens at risk by allowing migrants from violent regions, well known for persecuting non Muslims, to just randomly roam their streets. This order and realism is why the Czechs have peace and tranquility in their streets and neighborhoods.  They certainly don't need advice from the UN.

         Compare this to Merkel's world in Germany or Austria, where the migrants make the rules.  Germany is in chaos and its people are fearful. Merkel has allowed the refugees to roam freely and has ignored the well being of German citizens.  The consequences of this Tom Foolery:  In some refugee areas and camps, the migrants are committing sexual violence against women/children. The Christians in the camps, for their safety, have to be segregated from the Muslims.  Conditions are deplorable precisely because Germany has been disarmed of all courage by political correctness.  Not until a refugee has been granted asylum should they be allowed free movement.

          The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, and CEE states see the results of this multicultural experiment in Germany and France and they want no part of this "UN utopia". Contrary to the western media's portrayal of events, the refugees are not exactly "Dora's Explorers".  Seventy-five percent are single men, often from violent cultures and backgrounds.

      Today, in Salzburg, the arrests of two terrorists have exposed the dangers of leaders who have no courage and no value of the European way of life.  Imagine, the leaders of Austria allowing terrorists to roam their streets, all in the name of humanity and tolerance.  This is criminal and they should be held accountable.

   Czech Republic and Hungary are doing what they should do; protecting their citizens first. They receive scorn and bizarre lectures from international "deer feeders" who get to fly safely home without living with the consequences. For this, they should wear that badge with pride for their citizens are thankful for their courage.

     If the UN and PussyRiot meddling types want to keep busy, they have plenty of places to go to lecture. Two I can think of now:

1.  Germany, where actual  child abuse and violence is going on in the refugee camps. Innocent people are being hurt in various different ways by economic migrants and undocumented illegals who have no right to be in Europe. Merkel needs to stop the mindless chatter about importing more refugees from Turkey and start doing what she says: deporting whether voluntarily or by force if necessary.

2.  Saudi Arabia. The country that actually destabilized Syria with their support of various radical Islamic rebels.  The Sauds have not taken one Muslim refugee and now they have passed a law prohibiting their citizens from adopting children from Iraq or Syria.

    The UN is an embarrassment and irrelevant, and the leaders of Austria and Germany need to start doing their part in the word "solidarity" to end this charade of false humanity by taking back control of their own countries from the refugee chaos.  Right now, most of Europe is a circus.

     The Czech republic is doing the right thing for their country, backed by courage and justice.  The UN owes them an apology. Pussy Riot, well, they would do all a favor by just shutting their trash mouths, for their music could not even feed the chickens.

Monday, October 19, 2015

"Refugee Quota Queen" Merkel must be defied

       Angela Merkel continues to be a disaster.  She has made a big mistake and Germany will pay the price in both economic and human costs.  It will only get worse because she has no plan or stomach to stop the wave.  Contrary to her rhetoric on deporting those who do not belong in EU, it is almost impossible to deport a migrant once in Germany.  They are here and they are not going back unless they are forced and they have an army of high minded attorneys who know how to get around the system.  The EU does not have the courage to deport.

        The question is this:  Will eastern Europe allow Germany, which is the EU, to export those migrants they do not want to their countries.  I say "allow" because the leaders of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, etc do not have to comply with the EU diktat for them to accept refugee quotas.  What can the weak EU do about it?  Fine them?  Refuse to pay.  Send in the German army to force them to comply?  This will not happen.  The Germans have no plan to stop this, they will just introduce quota plan after quota plan.  It is up to the Visegrad 4 to lead and reject this absurdity.

          The Visegrad 4 hold the cards, they must call Merkel's bluff.  It is their moral duty to protect their citizens from the multicultural mayhem in Germany and France.  Some of the migrants are demanding, violent and disrespectful.  While Germany may tolerate this, Eastern Europe cannot.  The Czech Republic and others survived before the EU.   They did not elect Merkel and they cannot remove her from office.  She will continue to try to force them to do as she wants.  Two honorable things need to be done.

1.  This is Merkel's experiment, not the Czech republics.  She needs to call for new elections for a referendum on her actions.  She owes it to her people, she is gambling with their future.  It is up to the Germans to choose whether to follow her vision or to reject it.

2.  The Visegrad 4 leaders cannot just say we did our best and voted against quotas, but lost.  This is the easy way out.  They cannot comply with quotas; they must protect their people and borders.  They must tell Germany that they will defy her if they continue to meddle in the security of their countries.  They need to be prepared to form their own Union.

  Be bold, Visegrad, control your own destiny!  You are Europe's future.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Defy the EU and Merkel on refugee quotas

I am sure of one thing...the citizens of Czech Republic and other central/eastern European states did not elect Angela Merkel.  Germany did and only Germany can vote her out.  So why should the Visegrad nations accept her diktats.  It was Merkel and Germany who declared "no limits" and encouraged the refugees/migrants to Germany. It is Germany that allows them to roam free before determining if they are safe and true refugees.  It is in German camps where the refugees are rioting, where sexual crimes are happening, and where Christians have to be segregated.

This chaos does not happen in the Czech Republic for three reasons:
1.  They chose not to lure the refugees to their country and they do not provide the kind of welfare that Germany offers, so they do not have as many.  This is their choice and a correct one in my mind.
2.  They do not allow the illegal migrants to roam the streets while being processed.  This is a logical step to prevent the mayhem seen in German streets.
3.  They, unlike Germany, want to know just exactly who is coming to their country.  Again, protecting their citizens first, given the fact that 75% are men from regions well known for persecuting non-Muslims.

What Germany is doing is pure nonsense, but it is up to them to change their leaders.  The Visegrad nations cannot do this for them, so why are they tolerating refugee mandates from Merkel and her groupies in western Europe?

Today, I am urging the leaders of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, etc. to start the "Defy Merkel/EU" movement.  Simply refuse to comply with their refugee quota scheme and other mandates that infringe upon their sovereignty .

What can Merkel and the EU, who are too weak to even protect their borders from unarmed migrants, do about it?  Fine them? Refuse to be blackmailed.  Will Merkel send in the troops?  Not a chance, she tolerated smugglers defying her.  Kick them out?  Possibly, but that would leave Germany with economic basket case countries such as Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and France.  Not exactly a powerhouse.

The point is that these countries have the cards to call the EU's bluff.  They can't vote Merkel out but they can defy her. Better to exit EU and form your own eastern union than to end up with the chaos of France and Germany and their failed multiculturalism experiments.

Sobotka of Czech Republic cannot just say "I tried", this is too easy and a cop out.  He and others must have the courage to control their own destiny and own future without the heavy hand of Merkel and her EU.  Then they could control their own borders as they see fit without the consequences of Western Europe's failure of will  to do so.

Solidarity is a two way street and Italy, Greece and Germany have failed at protecting the border.

Why should the Czechs be made to pay for Merkel's lack of courage in the face of political correctness and fantasy.  They are not her subjects.