Saturday, October 31, 2015

Merkel and Juncker in denial over refugee crisis

I remember 9-18-15, my first article on this refugee crisis was published in the Tribune Review after I returned from the Czech Republic.  This blog and my Twitter account billrav/Visegrad4 CZ started sometime in October.  I am somewhat consumed with it and believe urgent and drastic measures are needed to save Europe as we know it.  But it is quite frustrating for me that while plenty has happened the last three months, including the Paris attack, that nothing seems to have changed.  The entire EU seems held hostage by Angela Merkel and her insistence on "no limits" and her inertia and lack of will to seal the external borders, and to actually deport forcefully (since the migrants will not leave on their own) those who are there illegally.  How can one leader of a single state, albeit an influential one, yield so much control over an entire continent?

I had respect for Merkel before this crisis, she seemed driven by rational thought, not emotional based decisions. The refugee crisis has changed her. This utopian "vision" she has acquired as some modern day Messiah has not only blinded her of all realism, but has paralyzed her from actually taking any steps to reverse her prior mistakes.  And despite the spin of her apologists at The Economist, Merkel intensified the crisis with her words and actions and allowed this chaos to take on a life of its own.  The Economist may believe she is "Indispensable", but she has lost the confidence of much of Europe.

This simply cannot go on as is not sustainable, something must change for Europe is overrun now.  How many meetings and summits can one have without getting anything done?  What is Team Juncker doing besides lecturing Eastern Europeans about "solidarity" and "humanity"?  Merkel and the EU talk, talk, and talk.......yet nothing is being done to secure the borders, to deport the economic migrants, and to confront Turkey and their network of human smugglers.  Merkel weakly says that the migrants will have to go home, but 193,000 have these "orders" and they are still there.  Amazingly, the external border remains wide open and still more are coming, instead of being sent back immediately. Merkel actually wants 500,000 more a year directly from the camps via Turkey in exchange for a promise from Erdogan (a double crossing tyrant) to stop the smugglers he houses from sending more.  This is a non-starter and just a ploy to quiet her critics.  It will not work.

Merkel and Co. are not serious about the above or they would have gotten it done months ago.  There are no excuses during times of emergencies, which leads me to believe that Merkel has not given up on her original, misguided plan.  I still believe Merkel will stick to her no limits pledge, attempting to force Eastern Europe and the Visegrad4 nations into an endless and binding refugee redistribution scheme.  This, deep down, is her only plan and it must be rejected.  It is the only way to send her the message that the solution lies not with redistributing limitless refugees, but with securing the borders to limit the refugees.

The Visegrad4/Eastern Europe and Merkel/Western Europe are worlds apart and I cannot see how they can stay together if this continues.  The lack of solidarity lays with Merkel, Greece and Western Europe.  We don't need anymore time-wasting meetings or pontification on the "values" of the EU, we need action.  Before anything can change, the borders have to be shut and those economic migrants must be sent back.  Not only does there have to be limits, but there must be "major reductions" via deportation of all the economic migrants.

For what type of "values" puts the security of your own people at risk in the name of "humanity".

Friday, October 23, 2015

UN Dead Wrong: Czech republic is correct to detain migrants, despite UN Pussy Riot venom

  **  Note to readers 3-22-15: Since update of original article, Austria has changed its policies. They made mistakes, but were strong enough to try their best to correct them.  Merkel, however, continues to hold Europe hostage to her reckless actions.

  ** This article has been updated (12-16-15) given the events in Salzburg, Austria. Two migrants or terrorists posing as migrants were arrested for their roles in the Paris attacks in a refugee camp in Salzburg.  This begs the question: Why are some countries like Germany and Austria putting EU citizens at risk by allowing them to roam freely without even knowing who they are?**

       Who better to dupe the UN and international press than PussyRiot, who seek only noise and attention for themselves.  The UN is now criticizing the Czech government for, among other things, detaining the refugees.  But the Czechs must ignore the advice, for the UN has no regard for the safety and well being of Czech citizens (Obviously Pussy Riot has no regard for their taste either).  If the UN had their way, the Czech republic would end up with the same disaster and chaos going on in Germany right now.

     The Czechs are detaining the migrants because they are in the country illegally and refusing, yes refusing, to apply for asylum as the Dublin rules dictate.  Some of the migrants have been demanding and they do not respect the laws, culture and people of the countries they are traveling through.  High speed internet is not a humanitarian right and neither is trashing a beautiful city like Salzburg.

       The Czech Republic does not know who these people are and will not put the safety of their citizens at risk by allowing migrants from violent regions, well known for persecuting non Muslims, to just randomly roam their streets. This order and realism is why the Czechs have peace and tranquility in their streets and neighborhoods.  They certainly don't need advice from the UN.

         Compare this to Merkel's world in Germany or Austria, where the migrants make the rules.  Germany is in chaos and its people are fearful. Merkel has allowed the refugees to roam freely and has ignored the well being of German citizens.  The consequences of this Tom Foolery:  In some refugee areas and camps, the migrants are committing sexual violence against women/children. The Christians in the camps, for their safety, have to be segregated from the Muslims.  Conditions are deplorable precisely because Germany has been disarmed of all courage by political correctness.  Not until a refugee has been granted asylum should they be allowed free movement.

          The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, and CEE states see the results of this multicultural experiment in Germany and France and they want no part of this "UN utopia". Contrary to the western media's portrayal of events, the refugees are not exactly "Dora's Explorers".  Seventy-five percent are single men, often from violent cultures and backgrounds.

      Today, in Salzburg, the arrests of two terrorists have exposed the dangers of leaders who have no courage and no value of the European way of life.  Imagine, the leaders of Austria allowing terrorists to roam their streets, all in the name of humanity and tolerance.  This is criminal and they should be held accountable.

   Czech Republic and Hungary are doing what they should do; protecting their citizens first. They receive scorn and bizarre lectures from international "deer feeders" who get to fly safely home without living with the consequences. For this, they should wear that badge with pride for their citizens are thankful for their courage.

     If the UN and PussyRiot meddling types want to keep busy, they have plenty of places to go to lecture. Two I can think of now:

1.  Germany, where actual  child abuse and violence is going on in the refugee camps. Innocent people are being hurt in various different ways by economic migrants and undocumented illegals who have no right to be in Europe. Merkel needs to stop the mindless chatter about importing more refugees from Turkey and start doing what she says: deporting whether voluntarily or by force if necessary.

2.  Saudi Arabia. The country that actually destabilized Syria with their support of various radical Islamic rebels.  The Sauds have not taken one Muslim refugee and now they have passed a law prohibiting their citizens from adopting children from Iraq or Syria.

    The UN is an embarrassment and irrelevant, and the leaders of Austria and Germany need to start doing their part in the word "solidarity" to end this charade of false humanity by taking back control of their own countries from the refugee chaos.  Right now, most of Europe is a circus.

     The Czech republic is doing the right thing for their country, backed by courage and justice.  The UN owes them an apology. Pussy Riot, well, they would do all a favor by just shutting their trash mouths, for their music could not even feed the chickens.

Monday, October 19, 2015

"Refugee Quota Queen" Merkel must be defied

       Angela Merkel continues to be a disaster.  She has made a big mistake and Germany will pay the price in both economic and human costs.  It will only get worse because she has no plan or stomach to stop the wave.  Contrary to her rhetoric on deporting those who do not belong in EU, it is almost impossible to deport a migrant once in Germany.  They are here and they are not going back unless they are forced and they have an army of high minded attorneys who know how to get around the system.  The EU does not have the courage to deport.

        The question is this:  Will eastern Europe allow Germany, which is the EU, to export those migrants they do not want to their countries.  I say "allow" because the leaders of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, etc do not have to comply with the EU diktat for them to accept refugee quotas.  What can the weak EU do about it?  Fine them?  Refuse to pay.  Send in the German army to force them to comply?  This will not happen.  The Germans have no plan to stop this, they will just introduce quota plan after quota plan.  It is up to the Visegrad 4 to lead and reject this absurdity.

          The Visegrad 4 hold the cards, they must call Merkel's bluff.  It is their moral duty to protect their citizens from the multicultural mayhem in Germany and France.  Some of the migrants are demanding, violent and disrespectful.  While Germany may tolerate this, Eastern Europe cannot.  The Czech Republic and others survived before the EU.   They did not elect Merkel and they cannot remove her from office.  She will continue to try to force them to do as she wants.  Two honorable things need to be done.

1.  This is Merkel's experiment, not the Czech republics.  She needs to call for new elections for a referendum on her actions.  She owes it to her people, she is gambling with their future.  It is up to the Germans to choose whether to follow her vision or to reject it.

2.  The Visegrad 4 leaders cannot just say we did our best and voted against quotas, but lost.  This is the easy way out.  They cannot comply with quotas; they must protect their people and borders.  They must tell Germany that they will defy her if they continue to meddle in the security of their countries.  They need to be prepared to form their own Union.

  Be bold, Visegrad, control your own destiny!  You are Europe's future.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Defy the EU and Merkel on refugee quotas

I am sure of one thing...the citizens of Czech Republic and other central/eastern European states did not elect Angela Merkel.  Germany did and only Germany can vote her out.  So why should the Visegrad nations accept her diktats.  It was Merkel and Germany who declared "no limits" and encouraged the refugees/migrants to Germany. It is Germany that allows them to roam free before determining if they are safe and true refugees.  It is in German camps where the refugees are rioting, where sexual crimes are happening, and where Christians have to be segregated.

This chaos does not happen in the Czech Republic for three reasons:
1.  They chose not to lure the refugees to their country and they do not provide the kind of welfare that Germany offers, so they do not have as many.  This is their choice and a correct one in my mind.
2.  They do not allow the illegal migrants to roam the streets while being processed.  This is a logical step to prevent the mayhem seen in German streets.
3.  They, unlike Germany, want to know just exactly who is coming to their country.  Again, protecting their citizens first, given the fact that 75% are men from regions well known for persecuting non-Muslims.

What Germany is doing is pure nonsense, but it is up to them to change their leaders.  The Visegrad nations cannot do this for them, so why are they tolerating refugee mandates from Merkel and her groupies in western Europe?

Today, I am urging the leaders of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, etc. to start the "Defy Merkel/EU" movement.  Simply refuse to comply with their refugee quota scheme and other mandates that infringe upon their sovereignty .

What can Merkel and the EU, who are too weak to even protect their borders from unarmed migrants, do about it?  Fine them? Refuse to be blackmailed.  Will Merkel send in the troops?  Not a chance, she tolerated smugglers defying her.  Kick them out?  Possibly, but that would leave Germany with economic basket case countries such as Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and France.  Not exactly a powerhouse.

The point is that these countries have the cards to call the EU's bluff.  They can't vote Merkel out but they can defy her. Better to exit EU and form your own eastern union than to end up with the chaos of France and Germany and their failed multiculturalism experiments.

Sobotka of Czech Republic cannot just say "I tried", this is too easy and a cop out.  He and others must have the courage to control their own destiny and own future without the heavy hand of Merkel and her EU.  Then they could control their own borders as they see fit without the consequences of Western Europe's failure of will  to do so.

Solidarity is a two way street and Italy, Greece and Germany have failed at protecting the border.

Why should the Czechs be made to pay for Merkel's lack of courage in the face of political correctness and fantasy.  They are not her subjects.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Defy the UN insane rules protecting smugglers

Still trying to paste articles here, will figure it out.
In the meantime, some may be wondering why The EU was not just taking out the migrant smugglers after they dropped off the refugees on the coasts of Italy and Greece.  These are organized, vicious and criminal smugglers..they don't play by any rules.
Turns out the EU, unarmed of all courage by political correctness, has been working on a plan "for six months" to confront the smugglers..Now they have a plan, sort of.  They spent six months developing a plan on how to identify the smugglers (not sure why they would have a hard time identifying the smugglers; pretty sure no migrant would be sailing back to Libya with the  
Smugglers) but the UN needs to give the EU patrol permission to get close to Libya's coast.  Oh brother, the UN.
But this is a serious issue and taking out the smugglers could halt at least a portion of the migrant influx, which is probably why the UN is not excited about it.
But, Putin is cleaning up Syria and all the different group of terrorists there, including the so-called moderates, who are nothing but gun runners for al Qaida.  Do you think he worries about UN whining...and what can the feckless UN do about it anyhow?  Send him to the principals office?
Right now, Eastern Europe does not take Italy, France, Germany or Greece seriously.  They have no confidence in them to do anything but offer quota scheme after quota scheme.
The EU needs to show courage backed by justice and what better way to start by defying the UN rules (which are immoral) and hunting down these smugglers like the animals they are.