Wednesday, December 30, 2015

EU Refugee Crisis: Target Smugglers Supply Chain

           1-7-16 Update.  Smuggling operation in Turkey is exposed after news that smugglers where using Syrian children to make fake life vests.  Please read my article below written last week on the subject.

          An article caught my eye a few days ago. There was an actual decrease in migrants landing in Greece for two weeks.  Was it the weather? No.  Erdogan cracking down? Of course not.  The lull happened because the smugglers ran out of "dinghies", the large rubber boats used to transport the refugees from Turkey to Greece.  The manufactures could not keep up with the demand and they were on two weeks back order.  Sure enough, the numbers surged again in two weeks.

         Smugglers are like drug dealers, while it is tough to control the demand for their products and services, you can choke their supply chain. No doubt, the smugglers are raking in billions, but they are not the only ones profiting from their crime. I googled "who makes boats for refugees" and the results were disturbing. One company even openly offered different model "dinghies for refugees" depending on where they were sailing from, around $2,000 US dollars.  It's not just dinghies, but there is a bustling enterprise in Turkey full of shops selling all kinds of supplies needed for migrants to sail to Greece. There are hotels for the refugees to strike deals with the smugglers while they await their voyage.  There are even volunteers in Greece (good-hearted but naive) who recycle the dinghies and life vests for future refugees in Turkey.  This should not be overlooked, for aiding illegal human smuggling is a crime.

        Then there is Erdogan and the authorities in Turkey.  This open industry of human smuggling, etc.could not be tolerated without their approval.  Nor would they allow it without demanding bribes and skimming from the top to get their share of the riches.  Follow the money and you will find a scum like Erdogan, whether he is shaking down Merkel or the network of 25,000 smugglers that operate in Turkey.  He is no different than a Mafia boss.

        If the EU is serious about stopping human smuggling and regaining control of the external borders, they have to target the supply chain and Turkey.  Supply chain is easy IF one has the will.  The EU currently has sanctions on Russia and companies that do business with Russia. The EU can fine, sanction, and shut down any vendor supplying Turkey with the tools (such as dinghies) to enable the smugglers.  They can also identify these companies (they sell other products too) and encourage EU citizens to boycott any of the products they sell.  While not a cure-all, like sealing the border, this is a start and certainly would disrupt the flow.

      The more complex problem is Turkey.  This is where the EU needs an attitude adjustment.  The EU is not dependent on Turkey for anything, certainly not their border security.  Europe must realize the amount of leverage they have on Erdogan and how dependent Turkey is on Europe.  The Arab world is on fire, an economic basket case with no future.  What future does Turkey have if they are isolated with the Middle East? Isolate Turkey and their economy, already in turmoil, will implode.

      So you send a Donald Tusk (not some soft pushover like Juncker) to Turkey and you give Erdogan a choice: Dismantle the smugglers and their network, blow up any empty dinghies you see on your coast, close down the shops that provide the tools for smuggling, etc. and we can talk about your future, maybe even grease your palms a little for your troubles; or choose not to play ball with us and cast your lot with an Arab world in flames, for we will isolate you and your people from Europe.

     We live in a complicated world not for the meek.  One has to confront the bullies, smugglers, and their enablers, who profit from their actions, head on and with conviction and courage.  You have to break their ribs (the supply chain) so they can't breathe, they will get the message.  You certainly can't offer them roses
and expect candy in return.

       This is about the future of Europe, what it will look like, what it will stand for.  There is no time left for Juncker meetings or summits.  When there is the will, there is a way, even if it involves a little street fighting, so to speak.   It's time to regain control of Europe and to slay the dragons (smugglers).

       The question:  Does the EU have the will and courage to fight or will they go gently into that good night?



Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merkel exposing all by allowing migrants to roam; Czech republic correct to detain them

  2-19-16.  Updated after migrants from Germany found to be crossing into Czech. Merkel's utter negligence exposing others to risk now.  Czechs detain illegals for their citizens safety and they have been proven correct.  Germany needs to address the problem of Angela Merkel. Enjoy original article below

     A few months ago, egged on by some punk band PussyRiot, the UN criticized the Czech republic for detaining refugees/migrants, despite the fact that these migrants were in the country illegally and refused to apply for asylum.  But just who is the UN to lecture the Czech republic on how best to provide security for their own country?  Yes, I am an American citizen, but we live here for extended periods of time and I can attest to the safety and tranquility of Czech streets. The people feel safe. They certainly don't need advice or lectures from Germany, Austria, Sweden, Italy, or Greece on how to deal with this crisis.

    Peace and tranquility is not what you will find in the countries above because they chose to be controlled by the demands of the refugees.  Their first mistake was one of naivety and delusions of grandeur, making promises they could not keep.  The idea of allowing an unlimited supply of migrants to enter Europe from regions well known for violence and persecution of non-Muslims was sheer lunacy to begin with.  The majority were undocumented with histories unknown.  Many tore up their documents, lied about who they were, or refused to be fingerprinted.  What type of leaders with what type of values would put their citizens at risk like this?

      Moreover, recent events associated with crimes committed by migrants in some of these countries  is alarming.  Just a few weeks ago in Salzburg, Austria, two migrants or terrorists posing as migrants (it does not matter for security purposes since these two were using migrant routes and resources) were arrested for their role in the Paris attacks.  In Italy, they are put up in villas.  The EU is giving Greece euros to provide the migrants with "hotel or rent vouchers".  These are just a few examples, which begs a larger question:  Is it wise to allow undocumented refugees we know nothing about the freedom to roam Europe's streets?  What type of nonsense puts a migrant's rights above the well-being of EU citizens?  Should tolerance of migrants allow them to trash and disrespect a beautiful town like Salzburg, turning upside down the way of life for many?

     The Czech republic and others, such as Hungary, are absolutely correct to detain the migrants and limit their movement.  They have no idea who these people are and they are doing what any self-respecting nation should do, protecting the livelihoods of their citizens first.

     The EU should adapt their rules during this emergency by following the example of Czechs and Hungarians for many reasons (Refer to article on 10-23-15, "Czech republic correct to detain migrants; UN should apologize").

1.  Safety of EU citizens and to provide order in the streets.  Jean-Claude Juncker and Frans Timmermans, from their thrones in Brussels, fail to realize or see the many business owners, workers, families etc. that have had their lives disrupted by the chaos in the streets.  While not a panacea, this would certainly restore some order, and would decrease the dangers for Europeans.

2.  Merkel and the EU have said the economic migrants must go home; what type of message does this send by allowing them to live in private apartments or hotels with little, if any, supervision? It certainly will not spur any voluntary deportations and it sends another loud and clear message for more to come.  Reach Europe and the EU taxpayer will take care if you.

3.  Speaking of deportation, it is much easier to locate and deport detained illegal immigrants than trying to find migrants who can roam and hide in Europe.  It has been estimated that up to 30 percent or more migrants have "disappeared" in Germany.

4.  The costs of detaining migrants may force the EU to actually secure the border and limit the inflow.  For Czech republic and Hungary, the cost is minimal because they seek to limit and deter illegal migration.  As a result, they have not been overrun with chaos. Germany and the others, who seem to have no limits or rules,would incur huge costs (and impossible requirements for space) in detaining the insane amount of migrants they have taken in.  In my mind, this would force them to act to secure the external border and enact limits, instead of just talking about it. (In addition, the V4 must defy Merkel on refugee quotas; this would also force the EU to seal the external border instead of shuffling migrants to other nations).

     There are many tasks the EU must do to curtail and reduce this wave, it is not sustainable, despite what Merkel claims. The present course will tear apart Europe and wreak havoc on its citizens.  The securing of the external border is priority number one, but in the meantime, they must protect their citizens and their way of life by detaining the migrants and limiting their movement.

     Political correctness should not be allowed to endanger the lives and well-being of Europeans.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Tsipras Follies: Section 8 housing comes to Greece

      Not sure how many Europeans are aware of America's experience with "Section 8" housing?  If not, you may want to familiarize yourself with the scheme, for it is coming to Greece and the EU.

      Section 8 housing is a program that provides vouchers or rent subsidies for Americans on welfare or with low incomes. A person usually pays 30% of their income (zero if they have no income) for rent to a qualified landlord.  The remaining rent (or in many cases all) is then paid to the landlord by the government.  The noble but naive thought was that, by moving welfare recipients into middle class neighborhoods, the recipients would be integrated into a middle class lifestyle and away from the "ghettos".  But liberal ideas like this never work out as intended.  In reality, it has been a disaster for middle and working class American families. (I know because it was a campaign issue for me as a US congressional candidate).

     In the city of Pittsburgh, once bright and vibrant communities made up of ethnic Italians, Poles, Slovaks, Germans, and Irish, suddenly became crime-ridden and havens for drug dealers.  The working class saw their property values plummet and their way of life altered.  People simply said enough and fled to the suburbs.  The city of Pittsburgh experienced an exodus and many communities saw their tax base eroded.  In short, the slums took over the neighborhoods.  The only ones who benefited were the "slum lords" themselves, who still collected their "rents" from the government for beating down once bustling neighborhoods like "Polish Hill".

     Greece's abysmal failure to secure the border has simply overwhelmed them. Instead of turning back economic migrants who have no business in Europe, they have cowardly allowed them to linger inside the border.  This has put Europeans at great risk and created chaos for all, including the Greeks who have seen their neighborhoods trashed and taken over.  There is no "humanity" shown to them, their lives have simply been turned upside down.

      Now the big-thinking EU bureaucrats will provide Greece with the funds to provide "hotel vouchers" and "rent subsidies" for empty apartments to house the migrants.  One wonders if Merkel and Co. are serious when they say the economic migrants must go home because this is certainly not the way to do so.

      The biggest problem with this Section 8 housing is the effect on the working class families who are actually paying for their homes.  Is it morally right to a family, who sacrificed their entire lives to provide a safe and good life for their kids, to live next door to someone who has no stake in the neighborhood, no skin in the game?  It is very predictable what will happen and the vicious cycle of Section 8 housing will play out again, this time not in a "Little Italy" city in the States, but in once magnificent Greece.

      It all comes back to securing the border and protecting your citizens first.  Had the borders been shut and refugees denied illegal entrance from the start, the EU would not be a circus. The legitimate war refugees could have been vetted and screened outside the EU.  Those who qualified for entrance would have found the path much easier.  Even the legitimate war refugees are now being harassed by the other migrants from Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.  What a nonsense !

     The EU, via Section 8 housing, is simply sending another message that economic migrants all over the world hear loud and clear:  Just get to Europe and the EU taxpayer will provide.  For EU citizens, well, you now have become just second class citizens in your own countries, all in the name of  "EU values and humanity".  What a shame it has come to this.

     Good night and sleep well, for another 5-7000 will arrive tomorrow.  It seems to never end.  Who says membership has its benefits!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bavarian revolt? No, Seehofer/Merkel dance again

    *Update 4-15-2016.  The original post below was Dec2015.  Some of the details are different but the point is the same: the sister party of Merkel, the CSU and their leader Seehofer, love to make noise but are not men of action. Just the opposition Merkel enjoys, token; just like the old days.  Today, out to save their own positions of power, they managed to strike another useless deal with Merkel to appear as if they are influencing her.  After all, elections are coming in 2017.  All this tough talk about laws to integrate migrants are vague and almost impossible to measure.  Please read my 3-29-2016 blog about why I believe it is all smoke and mirrors. But original article below sheds some light on the relationship of Merkel and her so-called critics/allies.

    Original Post Dec.14 2015:

       It's Sunday, a day of rest.  But migrants never rest and 7,000 more "were allowed" in.  The problem is plainly evident except for those leaders in Germany.  They are meeting again at some CDU (Merkel's party) conference.  The same thing will happen, Merkel is predictable:  She will say Germany cannot have limits but that she wants to reduce the numbers coming to Germany via the agreement with Turkey and solidarity with other EU states. Her so-called opponents in her own party will huff and puff about Germany needing limits but, in the end, will do nothing about it but confirm their support for their Queen.  It's all rather boring, pointless and useless.  Tomorrow another 7,000 will be allowed in on the coast of Greece.

    Germany and Merkel are first and foremost concerned with themselves. It is now clear that they and the powers at the EU have no intention of sealing the "external border".  They believe they can handle a million or so migrants PER YEAR, well sort of.  The limits they talk of are not about limiting the number of migrants that can enter the EU, this is not a concern to them.  The limits they spoke of were that "Germany can take 500,000 per year".  The numbers do not add up.  Where do the other 500,000+ go?  The missing equation is her term "solidarity with other EU members", which means a binding and endless refugee redistribution plan which will force countries such as Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland to accept refugees they do not wish to have.  Moreover, it will force migrants to places that they do not want to be.  This is a volatile mix for sure.

     The Visegrad4 nations and other CEE states will oppose this, and in the end, Germany will not be able to force their will on these countries again.  But even with a victory here, there still remain big problems for all in the EU, and that is the open border.  Visegrad4 should by all means decide how many and who comes to their country, but if the EU continues "to allow" a million+ per year to enter the EU, the chaos and danger will eventually find its way everywhere.

     There is one solution and it's not for the politically correct or UN-types, but it has worked in the past when exercised with authority by men of strength, such as Dwight Eisenhower and Tony Abbott (note: Abbott was no Eisenhower (who was) but faced with an influx of illegal immigrants he rose to the occasion).  The boats carrying the migrants and refugees must be turned back to Turkey, even with the NATO elite Greece Navy escorting it back for safety.  The migrants must not be "allowed in", they have to be turned back, not only to send future refugees a message, but also to send Turkey and the other Arab states (most notably Saudi Arabia) a clear message:  it's time for you to stop dumping and to start taking care of your own house.  The Gulf states are the ones who helped create the chaos in Syria and its about time they take a break from their manicures and start doing their fair share.

      All it takes is a good week or two of sending back the boats and the message will be heard.  Tony Abbott did exactly this for Australia and they no longer have a problem.  Eisenhower deported a million Mexican illegals with only 750-1000 men and in rapid fashion.

     The question: Does the EU, Greece, Germany, and Merkel have the courage to do so?  I am doubtful, but if they want to save Europe, they need to cease the endless and useless chatter about "values" and start sealing the border and deporting.  It is the only way!  For what type of "values" risk the security of your own people in the name of "humanity".  And what is worth preserving if not your culture.

      Good night and stay strong Visegrad4.