Sunday, July 31, 2016

Merkel, German Officials Create New Spin: "not terror-related"

    When one commits an error, they will either admit to their mistake and take action to correct it or they will desperately try to cover it up.  Angela Merkel and her allies in the media have sadly, but not surprisingly chose the latter in regards to their migrant crisis.  This never works out well.

     For the last couple of weeks, the media and German officials have come up with a new slogan, "non terror-related", to try to separate migrant violence from migrant terror.  Their twisted rationale  seems to be implying that "it has nothing to do with migration" if a refugee murders or rapes without being inspired by ISIS.  It seems to have started when a Syrian refugee butchered a pregnant Polish women to death with a machete. Shamefully, they tried to tell us that this was "personal" and "non terror related".  Well maybe it was not terror related but it sure was "cultural related" and "refugee related".

      Merkel's agenda is to try to delink two crucial issues from mass migration as if they are not the problem.  However, the alien culture of the refugees migrating from violent regions that have persecuted non-Muslims cannot just be dismissed as a non-factor to the migration debate. We saw this in Cologne, Germany where 1200 women were sexually attacked by a combination of 2000 migrants and recent immigrants on one night and the mass rapes taking place in Sweden.  These were culturally motivated attacks by migrants who entered Europe with little or no vetting, often with fake passports or no identification at all.  Moreover, knife and machete attacks carried out by refugees are repugnant whether inspired by terror or culture.  Either way, the violent and demanding culture of the Middle East appears at odds with Europe.

      Moreover, terror comes in two forms.  One is an immediate threat as a result of open borders.  ISIS and other terrorists thrive on the kind of open border surrender that both Italy and Greece enabled.  They want as many refugees as possible entering Europe to create chaos so they can "blend in".  Once here, they simply disappear off the radar screen and look for opportunities to strike.  The huge numbers of migrants entering Europe at rapid speeds make it virtually impossible to identify the sleeper cells.  The blowback to open borders is here and it will intensify.

     Yet even more problematic may be the future repercussions once radicalization takes its course.  One can look at France and Belgium for examples.  They have encouraged Muslim migration for decades.  The first generation was generally not a problem.  But as the numbers increased, the next generations rejected the culture and became bolder and more aggressive.  As the multicultural experiment melted-down, radicalization set in and morphed into the "home-grown" terrorism we see today.  It is no coincidence that the countries with the largest Muslim populations also have the most "citizen jihadists" fighting for the cause in Syria.

     This is why one cannot deny the link between mass Muslim migration, multiculturalism, new refugees, radicalization, and home grown terror.  They feed off one another. Yet this is what precisely Angela Merkel is attempting in order to save "her legacy" and mask her disasterous decisions.  To sacrifice and expose Europeans to rape, violence and terrorism in order for Merkel to do "her damned duty" is not only an act of pure vanity but a disgrace.

      In my opinion, Angela Merkel is far too obsessed with her legacy and delusions of grandeur to act rationally to this crisis.  Her bizarre press conference where she babbled on about ISIS not wanting more refugees entering Europe was full of desperation and distortions. She will not resign or change, it is all about her now.  The V4 and others members of the EU cannot wait for Germany to make the change in 2017.  They must find a way to sideline her within the EU or take unilateral actions to solve the crisis without her.  They started to do this with the closing of the Balkans.  They can continue by supporting Austria and Switzerland (non-EU like Macedonia) in their efforts to seal Italy, where Renzi continues to allow illegals to be "waved through" to others after entering his unsecured border.  In addition, they must reject and defy the scheme by EUCO to create refugee resettlement quotas that will guarantee an endless flow of migrants.

       The rapid fall from grace of Angela Merkel has been a tragedy both for Germany and Europe.  Vanity is a potent drug that when overused can be poison to both the mind and soul.  Europe is much more than Angela Merkel; she alone should not be allowed to surrender its Soul!


Friday, July 29, 2016

Dailey Thoughts: The Fall of Angela Merkel

    So some of you thought Merkel would change her tune on the migrant crisis that is ripping Europe apart.  There was never a chance of this, nor will she or EUCO change in the future. They are committed to open borders and an EU that worships multiculturalism. They have staked their reputations on this and admitting to their mistakes is not on their menu.

     Merkel's defiant press conference defending the migrant crisis she empowered was no shock.  Admitting failure would be the end of her career.  Yet, it is chilling how obsessed with her legacy she has become.  Her bizarre statements about an ISIS strategy seeking to reduce the number of Muslim migrants entering Europe smacked of desperation. There is not only no basis to back up this claim but it is simply not true and she knows this.  Why would she say this and just who buys into this reach? This is not some political rally; there are major exposures to security in Europe right now and she is using spin as if this is some election.  Next she may claim that ISIS wants the EU borders secured!

      ISIS and Islamic Jihadists feed off of chaos and numbers.  Look at Syria, the endless flow of foreign fighters pouring into Syria to join the cause.  France and Belgium are perfect examples. Both populations now contain more than 5% Muslim citizens. This did not happen overnight.  Mass migration and political correctness enabled multiculturalism to flourish.  The Muslims do not integrate, they seek to dominate and reject the culture.  Radicalization of next generations morphed into home-grown terrorism.  France and Belgium contain some of the highest rates of citizens fighting in Syria.  Today, these two countries are engaged in a Cultural War with radical Islam.

      Not all refugees or migrants are terrorists, but this misses the point. The Middle East culture is violent and alien to the West.  The Muslim countries in the Middle East discriminate and persecute non-Muslims.  The Christians were fleeing long before ISIS appeared.  It is in the interest of ISIS to get as many Muslim migrants to Europe as possible.  They want open borders and chaos, so they can "blend in" posing as refugees.  The jihadists already in Europe want as many fresh recruits for radicalization as possible. Muslims seem more confident and bolder in their demands as their numbers increase.  We see this with the majorities in the Middle East and where they are a large minority (4, 5% plus seems to be the number) in Western Europe.  Mass Muslim migration tends to feed failed multiculturalism and radicalization, which in turn breeds the home-grown terrorism.

      This is just not about terrorism but also a cultural battle.  The sexual attacks and rapes by migrants are exploding.  2000 migrants/recent immigrants sexually attacked 1200 German women on New Years Eve alone in Cologne.  The rapes are shocking in Sweden.  I am puzzled when the media tries to claim that the pregnant woman hacked to death by a Syrian refugee was "personal" and not "political".  It was "cultural", performed by a refugee from a violent cultural not compatible with Europe.  Merkel seeks to frame the debate around terror alone; she wants to separate it from migration.  However, it is quite clear that mass Muslim migration, multiculturalism, radicalization, violence, and terror all feed off one another. They are linked.

             Angela Merkel has entered the "legacy zone" where it is all about her now. Merkel's delusions of grandeur first clouded her judgement.  Now her vanity has erased her honor.  Her reckless obsession with immortality has exposed Germany and Europe. The time has come to move on.

      Angela Merkel's fall from grace is a tragedy; vanity is always a poison for the soul.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Debating NATO

    Back from beautiful and safe Czech Republic.  It's amazing how peaceful and priceless their way of life is when they are next door to a hurricane in Germany.  The Czechs have resisted Merkel and the EU's plan to "enlighten" them to the multicultural mayhem of Western Europe. I worry though about their Social Democrat PM Sobotka.  Is he strong enough to to withstand the economic pressure that Merkel will eventually try to break him with?  The Czech economy is deeply tied to Germany and right now their economy is humming.  But Merkel too has to be careful.  The German economy thrives off trade and it is in their interest to keep the EU as stable as possible.  With the Med States melting down, Germany simply cannot afford to lose any of the emerging markets in the V4.  Plus, Merkel has her hands full now with the blowback to the migrant crisis hitting Germany hard.  My guess is that she will not seek re-election in 2017; she looks tired and defeated as more and more Germans seem to be rejecting her vision.  She may end up in exile at the UN, which is irrelevant as ever.

      But the leaders of the Czech republic and V4 seem very dependent on NATO, which viewing their history, I understand.  Yet, the rhetoric of the Russian threat is vastly overblown.  I see why the various "US neocon think tanks" popping up all over the East and NATO would try to play up this threat; after all, creating monsters to slay justifies their positions, titles, and funding.  It is natural for an institution 64 years old to grow into another Leviathan and to have "scholars and fellows" seeking to profit from it.  I get it.

        Time for a reality check.  Why should a pledge to defend another nation made in 1952 not be reviewed?  One only has to look at Recep Erdogan.  Turkey is morphing into a fascist state with the
thugs of the Muslim Brotherhood carrying out their own street justice to any perceived opponent of the regime. This degrades the credibility of NATO.  Their reputation is on the line and it is in their best interests to review not only this committment but the efficiency of the treaty.  

     This does not mean I am calling for the end of NATO but some questions need to be asked.  If NATO is about defending a member state if attacked by a non-member, what was Madeline Albright doing using NATO as an offensive weapon to bomb Serbia?  Did they attack another NATO state?  They were bombed in their own country in a civil war with the Islamic KLA, which consisted of jihadist and terrorists who just so happened to be selling human organs.  What was defensive about this?

      NATO's new adventure is to disrupt the human smugglers from Libya.  Since when is it their mission to defend the borders of Italy?  Is this not the responsibility of Italy and the EU?  Their operations seem less concerned with apprehending the smugglers than with providing easy transportation for the illegal migrants violating Europe's borders.  If NATO is viewed as some magical boat assisting the illegal migrants their credibility will take a blow.

   The US is funding 70% of the NATO budget. Only four countries (Britain, Poland, Greece, Estonia) seem to be satisfying their end to the financial bargain.  The treaty requires that all member states contribute adequately.  It seems to be in NATO's interest not to burden one country.  Eventually, the US Congress may decide that Europe walked away from them.

                 Why should NATO fear a review.  A robust defense of its future mission would be a healthy exercise.  We don't need outlandish claims that Russia is about to invade Poland or that somehow NATO  would have prevented both WW1 and WW2.  Think about that statement.  NATO would have prevented those wars?  What side would NATO have fought on in WW2?  Wait Well, this is quite confusing considering many of the nations that were fighting each other are NATO members today and the Soviet Union is why NATO was formed.  And Italy switched sides.

           The same could be said of WW1 but that gets even more complicated.  WW1 escalated by what I call "mobilization without thought".  There were treaties among various nations committing them to come to the defense of others, regardless of the circumstances.  Sound familiar?  This is what NATO does.  The US could find themselves obligated to defend Turkey in a battle with Russia because of this treaty even if it was not in our interests.

      All hypotheticals above, but my point is two-fold.  Automatic triggers to defend other nations may not be in the best interests of all depending on the circumstances.  These triggers may even escalate a conflict into something bigger.  Nations change and committments not reviewed could put a country in a position where they are forced to defend a rogue state like Turkey.

      President Eisenhower was the master at foreign policy.  He delivered peace and prosperity for America during the height of the Cold War.  He envisioned a lifespan of only ten years for NATO or the mission would have failed.  NATO was never intended to span the globe for decades.  It has created a situation where one country shoulders the burden, an organization that expands its duties far beyond its original intention, and allowed certain individuals to abuse it by using the treaty as an offensive weapon.

       NATO is not in danger of disbanding but it needs reviewed for its own health to maintain its credibility.  If NATO is worth what they say it is, they should welcome a debate on its effectiveness and be open to changes that will improve it. But let's put to rest the idea that NATO is some Messiah that would have prevented past wars and is infallible to errors.  Resisting change leads to mediocrity at best.  NATO needs an honest assessment today, especially with a member in flames.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Turkey Coup and Erdogan's Barbaric Response

     Almost always (Libya, Syria, Kosovo, and Iraq), regime change by "foreign agents" results in disaster for not only those involved directly, but also for the world.  The "internal coup" in Turkey was poorly planned and it too will have repercussions globally.  But are all internal coups against democratic but repressive regimes immoral as Angela Merkel, Obama, and NATO claim?  Not so fast.

    In 1938, Hitler was the leader of Germany.  There was grave concern with many in the German military over the course he was taking them.  Hitler was planning to invade Czechoslovakia against the wishes of the military. This would have forced Britain and France to come to the aid of Czechoslovakia, a war which the officers knew Germany was not ready for yet.  So the generals planned a coup, called Operation Green, that was to seize and arrest Hitler and his "SS police" immediately upon his orders to invade.  But then came the Munich "diktat", where Britain and the allies without representatives from Czech signed over the Sudetenland to Nazi Germany.  This appeasement rendered the coup irrelevant and it was cancelled. Shortly after, Czechoslovakia was split and Hitler controlled both without a fight.  The rest is history.  No one knows for sure how this coup would have turned out, but very few would have questioned the merits of "bypassing the democratic process" in this case.

     I'll yield to others to debate the specific details of last weeks coup in Turkey but my focus is on the response of Recep Erdogan and the aftermath of his "people revolution" in Turkey.  For too long NATO and the western allies, particularly Angela Merkel, have tolerated the increasing bizarre and brazen behavior of Erdogan and withered to his every demand.  One cannot feed a tyrant candy and expect roses in return.  Today we are witnessing the blowback to this weakness and naivety.

     The scenes are chilling and ISIS-like in Turkey.  President Erdogan is a paranoid, unstable tyrant that has morphed Turkey into a full-fledged Islamic fascist state.  His "people's army" consists of Muslim Brotherhood "SS thugs" and other radical Jihadists who have taken over the streets terrorizing, beheading, and torturing not only participants in the coup but any perceived opponent of the regime.  There will be no trials as thousands of judges have been purged, arrested.  There is no rule of law; just Erdogan justice and repression.

    But why is the West surprised?  All the signs were there before the attempted coup as many of us warned.  Who fed the beast the candy of appeasement as Erdogan turned a blind eye to ISIS and jihadists crossing his border into Syria and Europe, supplied weapons and support to terrorists, provided sanctuary for human smugglers, and arrested journalists and critics?  NATO, Angela Merkel, John McCain, and Obama need to look in the mirror.  Merkel, especially, coddled him and withered at his every demand, praising him as some model for humanity.  This never works.  Things will get ugly for many people in Turkey and the West, which foolishly stationed US nukes in Turkey.

     What is done is done, but the time is now to tackle the problem.  We need to reassess this 1952 NATO alliance with Turkey.  Things do change over 64 years and the chains that hold us hostage to the reckless and barbaric actions of Recep Erdogan need to be cut.  Don't give me some lame excuse about his "strategic importance" to the West in their fight against ISIS.  We know full well of his ties to the terrorist groups in Syria and the deceitful double games he plays.  Erdogan seeks glory and immortality not as an "EU member" or some "US ally", but as the leader and champion of the rising  Islamic Century revolution.

      The West has the tools, power, and ability to stop him, including economic sanctions and isolation that could bury his fragile economy.  60% of Turkey's exports are to the EU.  The question?  Does the West have the courage, will, and confidence to play "Eisenhower Hardball" with a two-bit despot?

Our credibility is on the line.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

EUCO and "relocation" quotas; a one-size fits all migration disaster

       There is nothing more predictable than the bureaucrats at EUCO and Angela Merkel -who is EUCO.  "We must act in solidarity to protect Europe's values with an EU solution to the refugee crisis" seems to be their mantra.  Since when does "solidarity" force member states to accept migrant quotas against their will or face stiff sanctions? There maybe other definitions for this, but solidarity is not one of them. And who is Merkel and some diplomat from Greece to claim they have a monopoly on "European values"? Pretty sure the 1200 German women who were sexually assaulted by 2000 men (mostly new immigrants/refugees) on New Years Eve would beg to differ.  The truth to the matter is that there can be no EU solution without securing the external border and denying entry.

     Merkel is finally realizing she made a colossal mistake for Germany (and Sweden, who blindly followed).  The rich welfare afforded to the migrants in Germany is like a magnet.  Whether fleeing war or poverty, it does not matter; most want to get to Germany. They have no desire to stay in Czech republic or to be stuck in Greece. With elections in 2017, she realizes Germans will not tolerate much more but she also relishes the media worship of her so-called "humanitarianism".  Thus, she has never considered limits or denying entry at the EU border.

     All along, her vision was to transport the refugees/migrants here safely with no limits. Once here, they could be conveniently distributed among member nations via migrant quotas.  This is what she calls "solidarity", forcing other members who called for solidarity at the border (Italy & Greece were not interested in securing the border) to accept migrants they did not invite.

     EUCO's new proposal (same old quotas spinned as relocation) is her brain-child.  Amazingly, but not surprisingly, it fails to include any steps to secure the border. It does talk of trying to limit the illegal migration "inside of the EU once here" but does nothing to stop the "illegals from entering Europe" to begin with.  There will be no limits, all who seek Europe can enter. The message is heard loud and clear by the people traffickers and migrants. This will a global, endless movement of people.

              EUCO also is proposing a scheme to harmonize and nullify the migration laws of all member states in order to prevent "benefits shopping" where migrants converge on the richest states.  They intend to do this by forcing a country like the Czech republic to offer the same rich benefits as Germany. Translation: We want the relocated refugees to stay in the country of their "forced marriage" instead of migrating around the EU for the best deal.  Not so easy.  Culture also plays a part. Muslim migrants would not do well in Eastern Europe; there is simply no culture for them there nor would these nations tolerate their demands for "multiculturalism" as they do in the West.  EUCO would do well to get to know the culture of the Czech Republic or Hungary; it is simply not compatible for a Muslim culture that seeks to dominate. Impossible.

              EUCO must face the reality that eastern Europe is far different than the West. They simply cannot force the culture of Brussels on these nations.  They will resist and defy. They have seen their cultures wiped out before and they will defend it even if that means breaking from the EU.

      EUCO is trying to bail out Germany, Italy, Sweden, and Greece from the negligent choices they made.  Merkel invited the migrants to Germany and "Gretaly" chose to surrender their borders.  Moreover, they did not even properly vet the migrants, which has blatantly exposed the security of all Europeans.  Why should others who were denied a secure EU border accept the migrants "waved-through" so carelessly by those who surrendered their borders?  Why?  Moreover, Italy is still luring more as we speak with their ridiculous false "rescue" operations.

      The EUCO solution must be defeated; if not, defied.  It guarantees the border will never be secured, limitless migrants, more terrorism, and endless quotas.  Nation states, such as the V4, must bypass the EU and act on their own. This has worked before with the Balkan closing, sealing Greece without the EU's blessing.  Austria and Switzerland (non-EU like Macedonia) can work together to seal Italy until they adjust their border attitude.

           Finally, the V4 and others must simply refuse to comply with the migrant quotas or the fines. It is the only way to force Merkel and Co. to the reality that the EU border must be sealed and real deportation (not relocation) must begin to save her skin. This Plan B is the real EU solution based on solidarity at the border.

       The EU and Merkel are not too big to fail; certainly they are not worth losing ones Heart and Soul for.  The V4 and CEE states must call their bluff; the citizens of Europe are depending on it.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

EUCO's New Refugee "Relocation" Scheme; Endless Quotas

#Editors note: I took a three-week break from writing. Having three young daughters who play sport in America (my oldest, 8, alone took on tennis, soccer, and softball in the spring season), it was an exhausting end of the term; but we enjoyed every minute of it. Now our summer break!

Well, it looks as though I missed Brexit (my Twitter account was still very active).  To many in Europe and the financial markets, it was as if the sky was falling.  However, as an American, I loved their independent spirit. No one knows for sure how it will work out, but one has to admire the confidence of a country to chart their own destiny. This is something EUCO will never understand.  People yearn for freedom, the ability to decide their own future.

Yet, EUCO has not learned any lessons.  Instead, in desperation mode, they seem to want more control. Next week, they intend to seek a new universal EU migrant law that will only further divide the union.  They will claim it's not about "quotas" but what else is a law that forces all member states into a binding formula to "relocate" all migrants in the EU to each Nation State?

This should be rejected and even defied if passed.  One only has to look at the open border in Italy to realize what this means.  This law will be a magnet to lure more migrants from Africa and elsewhere. 'Just Reach Europe' and you will be taken care of.  EUCO has no plans for limits or to deny entry.  They only seek a "secured escape route" to transport the migrants to Europe. The huge numbers do not phase EUCO.  Once here, the migrants would be conveniently "relocated", along with the ones already here, to the other states based on some formula Jean Claude-Juncker dreamed up.

This would be a catastrophe for Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czech republic, and the other CEE states.  Their culture, customs, and way of life differ greatly from Western Europe.  Multiculturalism is not present in the Czech Republic nor would it be tolerated.  Arabs from Kuwait are slowly infiltrating a spa town called Teplice.  But their culture is different and their actions have caused tensions with the locals. Females have been harassed.  Arabs enter the spa waters fully clothed. In addition, it is no secret that Saudi Arabia invested heavily in France and funded many mosques and other things.  Many of France's problems today with extremism and terrorism can be traced to the Gulf influence.  EUCO needs to realize East is not West and the Czech republic is not France.

The V4 culture is priceless; multiculturalism is not the God they worship.  They lead peaceful lives and they feel safe in their streets.  The V4 sees the results of multiculturalism in France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, etc. and, while wishing them "luck", have no desire to expose their citizens to that type of mayhem.  Nothing wrong with that.

EUCO and Merkel need to realize this is a dead end; no V4 government would survive by accepting this "Munich-type" diktat.  Angela Merkel needs to admit she made a colossal mistake.  She cannot just "quota" her way out of it.  She owes it to the people of Germany and Europe to either resign or find a solution with others based on the reality and reliability of a secure external border.

  The V4 leaders must realize too that they have the leverage and can force her hand (and Italy's) by rejecting the quotas.  Without others to pass the buck to, both Merkel and Renzi would be forced to seal the border and begin "real" deportation (as opposed to relocation) or they would find themselves overwhelmed.  If Merkel and Germany still needed foreign labor, they could choose to transport the refugees themselves from the camps in the Middle East instead of trying to force others to accept their vision.

Some things in life are too precious to lose.  For the V4, the multicultural mandate from the EU is not worth losing your Soul.  Defying Merkel on "relocation quotas" maybe the knock-out punch Europe needs to finally move on from her.

Fight like champions today V4; our children are counting on you!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Battle for Europe: Merkel, EUCO vs. Orban, V4

         Europe is at a crossroads.  The migrant crisis is ugly, and it will get worse.  There is no "EU solution" in sight, member nations are too fragmented.  There are no universal EU values, despite Merkel's claim to divinity. The way of life and culture is much different in Western Europe than the central-eastern region. Leaders in the Mediterranean states do not believe in securing the borders or a culture to be defended; they consider that "xenophobic".  On the other side, the V4 nations fiercely defend the customs and traditions that they believe make their culture unique; they consider that "normal and natural".

         Something has to give, for this mass migration is not sustainable. Either the EU will break apart into smaller regional alliances or the EU will realize that the external border must be sealed and a meaningful deportation program must be implemented in order to save Schengen. The battle is upon us.

        In one corner stands EUCO, Merkel and states such as Italy and Greece. They do not view mass migration from the Middle East as a threat to their culture.  Any Paris or Cologne-type of attacks are considered collateral damage in quest of their legacy of "humanity".  They do not believe in denying entry, real deportation, or limits of any kind.  Their goal is a safe and legal transfer of migrants to Europe. Once here, their solution is to redistribute the migrants across all member states in an orderly fashion, which is not realistic or possible.

      The V4 nations, while looking to help true war refugees where they can, consider any first step to eliminating the chaos a secure border.  They believe the migrants should be denied entry and sent back before being allowed to roam.  Refugees could then apply for asylum outside of the EU.  Migrant quotas are viewed as a nonsense and infringement on their right to decide the make ups of their own countries. Additionally, they believe the redistribution quotas act as a magnet for more migrants to seek Europe.

        If Merkel and EUCO prevail, there will be endless migrants for years to come, eventually igniting the flames of a cultural war.  If Orban and the V4 are victorious, Italy and Greece will be forced to seal their borders or be sealed off themselves. Their OpenBorder manifesto without the ability to "wave-through" to others would have to be modified or they would be overrun. Germany, without the ability to shuffle migrants elsewhere, would demand limits from Merkel.

       This is the battle for the Soul of Europe.  East vs. West.  As often happens in sport, the one with the greatest will and resolve triumphs.  The next 4-6 months will determine the destiny of not only the EU, but Europe itself.  Defying Merkel on quotas could be the knock-out punch.

       Onward, V4....Fight like a Champion!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Daily Thoughts: Nation States, not the EU, are best equipped to solve the Migrant Crisis

       Today, EUCO came out with another predictable and disappointing "EU solution" that contains nothing new.  When they speak of controlling the border and stopping illegal crossings, the EU is not talking about reducing or stopping the flow of migrants to Europe.  Instead, they seek an organized, legal method to transfer the migrants straight to Europe.  From there, the EU will develop "hot spots" and a permanent "redistribution quota scheme" to distribute the migrants among member states. There will be harsh financial sanctions on those countries who refuse the quotas.

        There are many problems with this, including the refugees themselves who will quickly then migrate to wealthier states like Germany. There will be terrorists posing as refugees, and many, once in, will simply vanish.  But the biggest problem is that it will provide a huge incentive for migrants worldwide to "just get to Europe".  Once granted entry, it is almost impossible to deport.  This solution will be rightly rejected by the V4 and would guarantee endless migrants for years to come.  This will tear Europe apart both financially and culturally.

       The Visegrad4 and CEE nations view the "EU solution" as a nonsense; they have also lost all confidence in the EU to secure the border and deny entry.  So naturally, they are taking action themselves and having great success.  The decreased migrant demand for Greece was due to the actions of member states, without the EU's blessing or assistance.  The Balkan countries and Macedonia closed the migrant pipeline from Greece to Germany.  The migrants have no desire to be stuck in Greece, prompting some to go home.  Many others are opting to stay in Turkey or they try their luck at the porous Italian border.  Austria, despite the frenzied protests of both Merkel and Italy, may soon take matters into their own hands by closing their border with Italy; thus leaving the Italians with the choice of limiting entry or being overwhelmed with migrants.

       This unilateral and necessary action by member states will infuriate Merkel, Renzi, Tsipras and EUCO.  This will either force Italy and the EU to secure the border or it may cause the EU to break apart.  Either way, the EU is incapable of solving the crisis under the flag of solidarity, since solidarity means Merkel's Way.  The solution will come from Nation States coming together, as they did in the Balkans, to solve the crisis unilaterally.  Nation States will always be more effective at solving migration simply because they have more at stake than the unelected clerks safely sipping coffee in some office in Brussels.

       There is no migrant crisis in the V4 or Balkans because they defied EU orders and acted unilaterally and in the best interests of their people.  As a result, their resolve benefited all, including Germany and Greece.  Nation states get things done, while the EU Golem pontificates about false values.  Europe's culture, hopes, and dreams lay in the hands of the nation states, not the EU. The future leaders of Europe will emerge from the East, not from a dying West.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

An EU solution to Refugee Crisis? Why it may not be possible until the EU breaks apart

      September 2015: After returning home from the Czech republic, I was shocked at the events taking place in Greece, Italy and Germany.  One could see nine months ago that this migrant crisis was a complete chaos and not sustainable in the long run.  Surely, I said to myself, Europe would have to secure the border soon, for no sane leaders would continue to allow millions of undocumented migrants from very violent cultures to continue to just pour into Europe with little if any vetting.  I was wrong.

    Shortly after, my OpEd (the pinned tweet on my Twitter account) "The V4 nations are dealing with the refugee crisis properly", appeared in the Pittsburgh Tribune Review.  It layed out the dangers of Merkel's policy and described the V4 plan to solve the crisis.  Amazingly, almost a year later, the same article (with one minor change) could be written today.  The point: nothing has really changed; the EU and Merkel have failed to secure the border in spite of Paris, Brussels, Cologne, terrorists posing as migrants, the rapes, fake passports, and smugglers controlling the Italy-Greece borders.  The migrants are still coming and very few have been deported as promised.  We are back to square one, except 2,000,000 have already arrived.

    The question: Is it possible to solve the crisis with what Merkel describes as a "EU Solution"?  With the current structure and make up of the EU, I do not believe it is.

     The members that comprise the EU, their values and cultures, are too far apart to come up with an "EU solution".  Merkel and Hungary's Viktor Orban are one example, and there are many more challenges ranging from vastly different economies to contrasting views on Islam and multiculturalism.  However, the most glaring challenge is the total mismatch of cultures and beliefs of the Mediterranean States and the V4-CEE nations that make up the central-eastern European region.

               The Med Club is made up of Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Malta and France.  They demand entry for all that come and consider it immoral to secure the border.  The Med Club cherishes multiculturalism and considers it intolerant to defend "European Culture"; they consider it "xenophobic" and a heresy to their God of Diversity.  Their solution does not involve limits or reductions, but an endless redistribution scheme for the migrants to be shuffled to the other EU states.

       The Visegrad 4 nations of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Czech republic have a completely different vision. They view securing the border as a must first step to any solution that protects Europe and helps the true war refugees.  They want hard limits, reductions, and have no desire for the way of life of France or Belgium.  They consider their culture unique and priceless and are willing to fight to preserve it.  They see the results of the failed multiculturalism in Western Europe and do not think Muslim migrants are a fit for their peaceful and traditional societies.  Their solution is to secure the border and to decide for themselves who and how many refugees they take.  They view migrant quotas as an invitation for more to come and a distraction from the real solution: a secure border.

      How can there be an "EU solution" if Italy refuses to secure their border and deny entry?  The migrants view this as an invitation to keep coming.  However, the V4 will never accept migrant quotas nor should they.  Where will all these migrants go? Italy and Merkel are relying on migrant quotas while the V4 advocates securing the border to stop the inflow. Neither side will compromise.  Something has to give.

       The EU must be broken up, it cannot function with such deeply-held contrasting beliefs.  This can be done peacefully.  Both regions cannot afford not to trade with each other.  In fact, the level of animosity could well be reduced if separated.  Both could then live with their own visions as they see fit.  The Mediterranean States could continue to welcome migrants, using a redistribution scheme between themselves, instead of trying to force their vision on others.

        Obviously, there would be details to work out.  Italy would have to consider if their Open Border philosophy is sustainable without having Eastern Europe to wave-through migrants to.  Austria would close their border with Italy, thus overwhelming Italy with migrants.  Faced with this reality, Renzi may have a change of attitude, or Italians may throw him out of office.

      Unless the border is secured, there will be no EU solution.  The migrant crisis can be solved, but only with the breakup of the EU into smaller, less intrusive regional alliances that better reflect the values and beliefs of their people.  As the EU has proven, bigger is not always better.  Let the nation states of Europe solve the problem as the Balkans and Macedonia did in Greece without the EU's blessing; after all, who better to tackle the issue than the nation states with more at stake than some vain unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.

       Never be afraid of change and controlling your own destiny.




Friday, June 10, 2016

New Domain:

We have moved to    We are still improving the site and moving articles but feel our initial start needed a fresher look.  One step at a time, but we must keep moving forward.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Merkel overstepping her authority: Time for others in EU to debate "no-confidence" vote on her

       No one needs reminded more than Angela Merkel that the people of the Czech Republic and the other EU states did not elect her.  She is the Chancellor of Germany, not the Queen of Europe.  When she tells Erdogan of Turkey that "Germany will keep her promises", she should not assume she speaks for Europe; nor should others permit her to, given her disasterous track record.

      Nor should the V4 members or anyone else feel obliged to accept "refugee quotas" that they never signed up for.  It was Merkel alone, speaking for Germany alone, that lured them here with empty promises.  If Sweden and Austria willingly participated that was their choice and their vision; they are living with the consequences others warned them about.  With Greece and Italy opening the floodgates, the migrant crisis has taken on a life of its own, threatening to rip the EU apart.  Today, it is no longer about Syrian refugees, but economic migrants from Africa, Asia, and other Middle East countries, often with violent cultures, that are seeking out the most generous welfare states in Europe.

     But, other EU leaders are not sheep, they have a free-will to reject Merkel Vision.  Why should she alone decide and negotiate for the EU.  Neither she nor the EU is too big to fail.  Look at those weak, pompous leaders in Brussels lecturing to Poland and Hungary how to run their countries.  Last time I checked, the streets and people of the V4 regions were safe and orderly. The same cannot be said of Germany, Greece or Sweden; their people are tense, and see their way of life slipping away.

      The time has come to relieve Merkel of her self-anointed duties. She has failed and exposed Europe.  The V4 and CEE nations can no longer wait for Germany to replace Merkel.  They have no control of this.  But they can take action; after all, her decision-making has an impact on the security of their people.  They have a moral duty to take action.

       My recommendation:  The V4 should take the lead and call for an open debate on the leadership of Merkel inside the EU. A vote of confidence in her leadership would follow in a secret ballot.  Yes or No.  If Angela Merkel insists on acting alone on behalf of the EU without consulting others, this would either confirm her status or bring her down.

      It is the right thing to do.  This cannot continue as is.  If the EU breaks, so be it, Europe will survive.  Smaller, less intrusive regional alliances in the mold of the V4 may be the future.  Germany would still have to trade with Britain and central-eastern Europe, their export machine needs much more than Italy, France, Spain, Greece, and Portugal (all economic basket cases).

      Exiting the EU would be hard, any change brings some discomfort.  However, in order to grow and escape mediocracy, one must be challenged to break free of their comfort zones.  For losing ones culture and heart is not worth the price of membership.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

PM Sobotka Fails CzechRepublic, Visegrad4

          I have never considered Bohuslav Sobotka, the bookish PM of CzechRepublic, to be a strong leader.  In my mind, he has always been the weak link of the Visegrad4 group. There is something unnatural about a man who wants his party to move leftward, "Bernie Sanders style", in a county that has suffered in the past under the heavy burden of communism and state power.  Sobotka always seemed uncomfortable and awkward around the other V4 leaders from Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary; he appears more at home with Frans Timmermans and Jean Claude-Juncker in Brussels.

          Sobotka views himself as an enlightened technocrat whose goal is to integrate his country into the collective security and western ways of the EU.  He has always been somewhat in awe of Angela Merkel and heavily influenced by Berlin.  His top advisor is former PM Vladimir Spidla, who served the EU for six years and tends to be Germany's lobbyist in the CzechRepublic.

          But Sobotka is the PM of a country that wants no part of Muslim multiculturalism or the lifestyle of Western Europe.  He has had to balance his internal belief in Merkel's policies against his countries overwhelming rejection of that vision.  So far he has managed to appease both, but this is about to change.

         Sobotka talked tough to appeal to Czechs by voting against the first EU refugee quota scheme, but unlike Slovakia and Hungary, he failed to challenge the forced diktats.  He surrendered, which is the type of token opposition that Merkel craves.  But the EU will not stop at a one time redistribution scheme; they are coming for more.  Sobotka, under heavy criticism for the Turkey-Visa Deal, already "promised" that the CzechRepublic would not accept any "new quotas" other than the ones already agreed to under the first scheme. But now, the EU is threatening to push forward a new permanent and ongoing refugee redistribution mechanism that will fine nations $250,000 per every migrant rejected.  Sobotka  has already promised no more; we will see if he keeps his word.

            Why is Sobotka accepting forced refugee quotas at all?   Consider the first thirty migrants sent to the Czech republic from Italy and Greece:  Twenty were rejected by the Czechs because they did not pass security checks and six simply disappeared.  It is well-documented Greece and Italy simply waved-through refugees without identification, possessing fake passports, and with little vetting.  Sending twenty migrants to the Czech republic who were security risks was simply bad faith and negligence on the part of Italy and Greece.  This was simply unacceptable and could have exposed the safety and security of Czech citizens.  Sobotka should have immediately protested and ceased to continue the program in order to safeguard his own country; instead, he bowed down to the demands of the EU.

           This week, Sobotka announced that the Czech republic is set to receive another 88 migrant quotas straight from Erdogan's Turkey.  This is a nonsense.  Islamic jihadists have used Turkey and the refugee routes to mix in with the migrants. Sobotka should not expose Czechs to this type of risk.  Trusting Turkey is a dangerous experiment.  Erdogan has become increasingly brazen and combative as he continues to blackmail the EU, threatening to unleash the migrants on Europe if he does not get his many demands.  Taking more Syrian refugees straight from Turkey at this time will only invite more of the same vile behavior from Erdogan.

            Moreover, Sobotka should have clearly sent Brussels a message that their proposal to fine nations, like the Czech Republic, obscene amounts of money for refusing new refugee quotas was both insulting and heavy-handed.  Again, Sobotka should have informed the EU that their attempted extortion and petty vengeance was not worthy of his country's cooperation; therefore, the Czech Republic would not tolerate another Munich-like diktat and would accept no more refugees until the leaders in Brussels adjusted their attitude.  This was his chance to stand up to Merkel for the best interests of his country; instead he simply layed down.

               The next 6-12 months will be critical for the EU and the V4.  The migrant flow will increase again in Italy and elsewhere.  This cannot continue.  Something will have to give.  Merkel Vision is tearing Europe apart. The V4 must boldly reintroduce their PlanB.  This bold plan relies on strict limits, not forced quotas, and secures the EU border before the migrants are let in.  This way, asylum claims could be processed outside the EU and the migrants sent home immediately.

           Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland are poised to answer the bell for their countries to fight to save the culture and way of life of Central/Eastern Europe.  The question for Sobotka:  Are you the PM of the Czech Republic, ready to confront Merkel, or are you a Yes-Man for  Brussels, ready to sacrifice your people for the false solidarity of the EU?  You cannot be both.





Sunday, May 8, 2016

Renzi Tsipras negligent for Open Border Wave-Through, exposing all Europeans

            To be quite blunt, this writer has never respected Matteo Renzi, the unhinged PM of Italy (full disclosure:  a set of my grandparents were born in northern Italy and I deeply respect the citizens of Italy, just not their leaders).  Italy's economy is in shambles, not all of his fault, but his brand of socialism certainly is not the right medicine.  But it is his attitude and grade-school antics that rub me the wrong way.  He loves to huff and puff about "European values" and "greatness" but he is doing little to back that claim.  In fact, I believe Renzi's "open border wave-through" has exposed other Europeans to his negligence.

            No doubt, the border of Italy is not secure and offers absolutely no resistance. Renzi is proud of this.  This is why the smugglers and mostly African migrants (85% from non-refugee countries) target the coast of Italy.  Italy accepts them all, undocumented or not.  It would be one thing if the migrants stayed in Italy, but they are "waved-through" to roam Europe.  This has been a problem well documented and certainly flys in the face of "solidarity".

            The clear problem has been the surrendered borders of Greece and Italy.  Somehow, Renzi blames closed borders for the smugglers, deaths at sea, and the chaos the migrant crisis has spurned.  But what closed border is he referring to?  Australia?  Not likely, none of the above happening with their secure border.  Matteo, the external EU border is NOT closed, never has been.  The smugglers are attracted to Italy's porous border for a reason, easy access.  This open border, an abnormal lack of responsibility, has led to three things:

1.  Smugglers target the weak points, such as Italy, which lured (along with Merkel's reckless words) the migrants into taking dangerous boat rides to their coast (because they know it's open).  As a result, death has occurred and Italy is at the mercy of criminal smugglers.  A secure border, like Australia, deters the smugglers and the demand.

2.  In June 2015, Renzi, in a fit rage, threatened "PlanB" on Europe.  He would "unleash" a wave of migrants into mainland Europe if he did not get his way (refugee quotas).  Apparently, it was not just a threat; he did it.  But Italy let in anyone, often with no vetting at all. They had no idea who these people were or where they came from.  They were just "waved-through" to others in Europe. Did this type of policy expose all of Europe to terrorism and the kind of sexual assaults we saw in Cologne, Sweden and elsewhere?

3.  Austria has rightly decided to build a border fence at their border with Italy.  Austria may be powerless to change the Open Border attitude of Renzi but they are not without mechanisms to prevent Italy from holding them hostage to that policy.  Sealing Italy would force Renzi either to secure his border or be overwhelmed by migrants.  Either way, Austria and others will not suffer the consequences of the actions of another nation.

                     Now, Renzi is throwing another temper tantrum, this time at Austria and the V4.  Renzi is demanding that Austria keep the border open (wonder why?) and that any country that refuses migrant quotas be fined over $250,000 per migrant. This is absurd and laughable, and has vengeance written all over it. As Viktor Orban has pointed out, the average Hungarian would have to work 40 years to equal the fine of one refugee.  Renzi, like Erdogan & Turkey, sees this as a way to shake down the EU for cash.  EU monies have gone to Italy, but no one can account to where that money was spent.

        This EU diktat to the CEE states is insulting.  Quotas or blackmail is no solution but a weak excuse not to seal the external border.  The V4 has had it right from the beginning: Secure the border and process asylum claims outside of Europe so that migrants are not granted entrance to roam Europe. Then, if Germany or others want refugees, they can take them directly from the camps outside of Europe.  If others wish to preserve their culture and choose not to take migrants, they should retain this right as sovereign nations to control their own borders.

        The V4 and others must reject the migrant quotas and refuse to pay the EU.  This is a nonsense and it cannot be enforced.  Moreover, Merkel and Germany cannot afford to lose the vibrant and emerging nations of the V4 and CEE states, and they know this.  My advice is call their bluff;  this may force Merkel and Renzi to seal the border, for she has too much at stake (economics, trade) in keeping the EU intact.  The V4 also has too much at stake to accept migrant quotas:  their culture, their way of life, and their security.

         In the meantime, one may want to ask Renzi why the smugglers prefer his open border as opposed to Hungary?  Others must inform Renzi to clean up his own house before allowing him to sacrifice theirs.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

EU Golem State: Refugee Quotas, Blackmail and Extortion for Satellite Nations

               One knew this was coming; it was just a matter of time.  Angela Merkel, too, knew all along that this was her only card left to play.  Some 2,000,000 migrants/refugees (and some terrorists) have stormed across the border, and more are coming.  Despite the whining and exaggerations from various corners, the external EU border remains open and there has not been any meaningful deportations of those "who do not belong".  Disregard the spin, Merkel and EUCO do not have the will to stop the migrants from entering or the strength to deport those already here illegally.  The numbers continue to rise.  Merkel will not change unless she is forced to by others OUTSIDE of Germany.

              The refugee quota is the perfect plan for Merkel.  She can stake her legacy as the brave leader who opened the doors to migrants seeking a better life, thus earning her more honors from the media and portraying Germany as the Great Nation that upheld "the values" and "solidarity" of the EU.  Forced migrant quotas for those resisting would relieve the political pressure on her at home. Without quotas, Merkel would be forced to secure the external border to limit the masses who all seek "Sugar Daddy" Germany.  With a permanent, ongoing refugee redistribution mechanism, she gains a scheme that allows limitless migrants into Europe to be shuffled around the member nations.  This, of course, is cultural suicide;  remaking Europe into the image of France, Belgium, and Sweden -- all in multicultural meltdown mode.

               It is well documented that the Visegrad4 and CEE states do not share this vision.   They have the right to decide the makeup of their own nations and how best to protect their people.  This is a common sense, a natural instinct.  Of course, they will reject the quotas just as the migrants will reject their assignments as they have in the past, using human traffickers to transport them to their preferred destination.

                This plan is pure blackmail and is not feasible.  For instance, if the CzechRepublic refuses 2,000 quotas (and they will), the EU Golem would try to extort $500,000,000? How realistic is this? Just look at some of the countries like Algeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Afghanastan that refuse to take back their citizens the EU desires to deport.  Or Turkey, who flooded Europe. The EU is giving them money!! The EU is feckless; call their bluff, defy the quotas and refuse to pay.  The EU cannot collect this money.  If they try to withhold monies from EU coffers, then the CzechRepublic should deduct a like amount in aid to the countries who refused back their citizens (i.e. Africa) or funds earmarked to Greece, Italy and Turkey, the countries largely responsible for the wave.

               If Merkel did all in her power to keep a basket case like Greece in the Union and with Britain on the verge of exiting, she cannot afford to lose the Visegrad4 nations, and she knows it.  Germany, an export machine, needs to keep the EU in tact for their own economic reasons, including a currency that keeps their goods artificially cheap.

               But there is a larger reason to defy the EU and defeat Merkel on quotas.  It is the only way to force Merkel's EU to secure the external border to stop the inflow.  German voters will not tolerate endless migrants forever. This would entail sealing off Greece and Italy to save Schengen, which would also force Tsipras and Renzi to make some choices. Either start acting like a normal country and secure your border or choose to isolate yourself into one big migrant camp.

                 In life we all have choices to make about who we are and what we believe in.  This is a defining moment for the V4 and Europe.  Will you fight for your culture, your way of life, your Soul or will you surrender meekly to the false God of multiculturalism.

                Game On V4! We are about to see what you are made of. Are you ready to answer the bell to control your own destiny in an Epic Battle to save a Continent in Chaos?  Or will you be beaten down by Berlin.  Good Luck, Fight Hard, and Good Night.....we are counting on you and believe in you.



Saturday, April 30, 2016

Merkel should be thanking Macedonia, Balkans (not Turkey) for saving her skin

    Angela Merkel must think she walks on water.  Often portrayed by the media as the "Indespencible  European", she is vain enough to believe only she can save Europe. But clearly, as evidenced by the migrants overwhelming desire for Germany, she, more than anyone, enabled the refugee crisis to morph into a life of its own.  It was Merkel who said, "Come to Germany...we can do it".

     Her Turkey Deal is pure spin for domestic consumption designed to give restless Germans the impression that she has it "under control". Indeed, Germany has seen its migrant inflow decrease, but this had very little to do with The Merkel-Erdogan Pact.  Merkel is taking credit (and Erdogan is too, creating more ways to siphon money off the EU) for the work of others she once described as "not my Europe".

     However, the reductions (not subtractions) in Germany started to occur before March 20, the day the Turkey Deal began.  In fact, despite its tough but useless deportation talk, over 6,600 new migrants reached Greece after that deadline.  A month later, only 325 migrants have been sent back to  Turkey.  Somehow the deal is in reverse cycle, and somehow we all knew it would be.

             The key to reducing the flow of migrants to Germany was started much earlier than the Turkey Deal.  The Balkan states, Austria and others, impatient with the Greece Open Border Wave-through, decided to take matters into their own hands to protect their people.  Macedonia, a non-EU state, formally closed its borders on March 7. Despite the violence by migrants directed at their sovereign border, they have not succumbed to the masses.  As a result, they have saved Merkel's skin.  For if that border remained open, Germany would have been flooded.

           The Macedonia Balkan closing is also the reason the inflows have slowed in Greece despite the insistence that it's border would remain open.  Greece is still allowing irregulars to enter, but the demand has slowed. Why?  The migrants have made it quite clear that they desire Germany or Sweden, two rich welfare states.  They have no desire to stay in Greece or the Czech Republic (many
Iraqi refugees voluntarily taken by Czechs were caught trying to migrate to Germany).  One only has to look at the violent attacks against Macedonia's border by the migrants stuck in Greece who want to go to Germany to get the picture.

        With that pipeline closed from Greece to Germany, there is no longer any incentive for Greece.  Many seem to prefer the camps in Turkey over a life in Greece, or they are testing alternative routes to Germany, such as the coast of Italy.  The point is that the EU-Turkey deal is of little substance; it was the Balkan closing that was the Game Changer.

        Angela Merkel has been a disaster on this issue.  She talks solidarity, but does not practice it.  She neither listens to others nor appreciates their efforts.  She alone wants the credit for solving the crisis; as a result, the crisis grows and grows.  Merkel has become isolated, so much that she is now trying to deal with Erdogan, which is a useless time waster.

        Instead, she should be not only thanking Macedonia, the V4 and others in the Balkan regions, but also seeking their advice on realistic solutions.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

No Refugee Quotas (or even Christian) for Pope; he chooses Who, How Many, and from OUTSIDE SECURE WALL of Vatican

       I am Catholic but, like others, have my favorites.  It's not my style to bash Popes, but will admit Pope Francis is not my cup of tea.  I preferred Pope Benedict, the classy reserved German intellectual that was not afraid to be politically incorrect.  No doubt, he is probably more comfortable now in his studies in the German Alps (sounds quite nice to me) than he was in the stuffy halls of the Vatican.

      Francis loves the public attention and those in the media will try to "shame" the EU, especially the V4, by pointing to the Pope's voluntary decision to take in three refugee families.  However, dig deep and one will find the Pope's actions actually advocate a great deal of what the V4 has been saying all along.

     The Pope enjoyed the "freedom to choose" who and how many "refugees" entered the Vatican.  He chose three "Syrian refugee families" with "proper documentation" that had been "vetted"; and he did so in an "orderly process" that took place "outside the walls" of the Vatican.  He did not take in undocumented migrants who destroyed their IDs (or used fake Syrian passports) while attacking sovereign borders and demanding asylum in Germany. The Pope did exactly what the V4 wants to do, which would be impossible without secure borders or with Merkel's forced refugee quotas.

      The V4 has been correct and consistent since the summer of 2015.  They wanted to help the true war refugees from Syria but warned that this was impossible with an Open Border that allowed in every illegal migrant from anywhere, documentation or not.  They were shocked at Merkel's call for all to come, the surrendered border in Greece and Italy, and the utter lack of security at the border.  The mass chaos that resulted was predicted.  Hungary soon found out that they did not have the luxury of the Vatican to choose who and how many as Greece simply waved the migrants through.  The PM of Hungary, Viktor Orban, quickly changed this by securing his border to protect Hungarians from the free for all.

       The Visegrad4 Plan was a common sense for all.  A secured border would have enabled Europe to carefully identify the true war refugees from Syria and to stop the economic migrants from entering Europe in the first place.  Like the Pope, the individual EU countries then would have had the luxury of choosing who and how many refugees to take from outside the EU borders from the camps in the Middle East or even hot spots in Italy or Greece.

           If Germany wanted so many refugees, they should have transported them from the Middle East or Greece themselves (like the Pope) without demanding others to open their borders.  If Slovakia wanted only Christian refugees to better reflect their culture, certainly they retained that right to choose who and how many like Francis.  If Czechs wanted no refugees from the Middle East so they could take in Ukrainians due to their close proximity and prior positive experience, they should have retained that choice to make themselves.  If another wanted no refugees, then so be it; the EU has no mandate to dictate the makeup of countries.  A secure border would have guaranteed an orderly process that protected the true war refugees from the abuse at the hands of  criminal smugglers that an unsecured border enables.  Moreover, the sheer numbers, fake passports, and behavior of some of the illegal migrants have soured many on the refugees themselves, who often also find themselves abused by the economic migrants.  Without this mass chaos, there would have been more empathy for the legitimate war refugees that Francis has spoke of.

      The secure border would have protected Europeans themselves from the numerous attacks, such as the widely covered sexual assaults in Cologne, Germany and the many others elsewhere kept quiet by the media and others so as not to tarnish the reputation of some of the migrants.  In addition, it is now well-known and documented that ISIS and the terrorists have been "blending in" with the refugees at the porous border in Greece.

             Pope Francis is correct to point out that we should help the refugees find a temporary place of safety, but this does not mean that every migrant should be granted entry to Europe.  It does not entail forcing sovereign nations to expose their people or culture to undocumented migrants that they
know nothing about.

       The V4 plan can still work, but the EU must first seal the external border.  No other gimmicks such as refugee quotas or useless deals with Turkey will bear any fruit.  In fact, the EU will have to start deporting all the economic migrants; This is the only way to save Schengen.  Only then will Europe be able to help the true war refugees in an orderly and secure manner.

        Pope Francis made his choice his way.  Will he now allow European nations the same freedom of choice.  No doubt, these are tough choices but the EU is incapable of dealing with the crisis.  In fact, they have made the situation worse. Individual nations are better equipped to handle migration than Jean-Claude Juncker or Frans Timmersman in Brussels.  They simply have more at stake.

       Seal the border and there is hope; surrender it and there is mayhem for all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Merkel's Deal on Refugees a real "Turkey" for Europe

       Angela Merkel has done it again; not sure if it is pure deception or naivety at this point.  She managed to convince many that the EU deal with Turkey would actually decrease the number of refugees entering Europe.  Yet, Turkey was claiming that they too would not see an increase in migrants.  Someone is going to be disappointed and my guess is that it won't be Recep Erdogan.

        The deal Merkel sold to Europe was this:  1) All "irregular" non-Syrians entering Greece after March 20 would be sent back to Turkey.  2) For every Syrian refugee sent back to Turkey from Greece, one Syrian already in a Turkish camp would be sent to an EU member state.  This is pretty clear that, even if things went as perfectly as planned on paper, there had to be an increase in refugees to Europe.  How?  Do the math.  Irregulars arriving after March 20, even if all were sent back (which will not happen), is NOT A REDUCTION since they were not in Europe before March 20th.  This is neutral at best.  Secondly, a new Syrian refugee from Greece (who was also not in Europe before March 20) sent back to Turkey would be exchanged for a new Syrian refugee from a camp in Turkey (who was also not in Europe before March 20).  You may have to read this a few times, but rest assured, this so-called "one for one" can only mean more refugees for the EU.  If this sounds complicated, it was meant to be that way.  Merkel presented this deal right before the elections in Germany and she was desperate to portray this as some sort of "tough" solution that entailed reductions via deportations.

         One might argue that it at least "cuts down" (not a reduction) on the number of arrivals, but this would be disingenuous.  There is no logic to keeping the borders open for new arrivals (they still are coming to Greece) and then "hoping" to deport later.  Already many migrants who arrived after 3-20 have disappeared and some are charting boats from Greece to Italy.  Smugglers have already advertised trips from Turkey to Italy on Facebook.  Italy is not covered under the deal and while their border remains open, thousands of new migrants are sailing in from Libya and elsewhere.  The numbers will swell as the weather warms.  More additions, not reductions.  Albania, with many Muslim sympathizes, will also be a problem.

        The early results from this deal are also not promising.  The first two days saw eighty new Syrians sent to the EU from Turkey and only two Syrians (voluntarily) sent back to Turkey.  This is not "1 for 1" but "40 to 1".  Again, these are net additions for the EU not neutral swaps.  As I suspected, the EU and Greece are not strong enough to deport.  Erdogan has no such reservations as proven by his actions to flood Europe with migrants over the past year.

       And the 6,000 (and counting as we speak) "irregulars" that arrived in Greece after 3-20 that Merkel claimed would be sent back to Turkey?  A mere 202 were sent back Monday, mostly from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.  But now Greece has stopped (as more migrants arrive daily with weather improving) and might get started again on Friday.  It seems 3,000 or so have all decided at once (attorneys, activists at work) to suddenly apply for asylum in Greece.  Here we go again, more additions.  One gets the feeling that the EU is an organization of self-abuse.

           Lastly, this deal solves nothing as pertaining to the 1.8 million refugees-migrants that arrived in Europe before March 20.  Many are pure migrants and some no doubt terrorists that traveled with the refugees.  Many arrived without documents or with fake passports (there is no punishment for this) and are now roaming Europe.  Germany has lost track of 50% of the migrants in their country.  They just disappeared along with over 10,000 children.  Criminal gangs are everywhere recruiting.  This is a chaos.  OpenBorders is an abomination that exposes the security of European citizens and the true refugees themselves.  It has to end, with or without Merkel and Germany on board.

      In May, the EU and Merkel will once again introduce a permanent and binding refugee redistribution system that will attempt to force all EU members to accept migrant quotas.  This will be Merkel's last stand for she has no other cards to play.  She will never agree to real reductions or sealing the external EU border.  This is and always was her EU solution.

      The Visegrad4 and central-eastern European states must draw a Red Line on quotas and defy Angela Merkel.  If they surrender, Europe will be lost.  If they are victorious, the Merkel Era will be over and they will emerge as the new leaders to take back Europe.  As they say in sport, the one with the greater will and determination prevails.

       Good night, good luck and fight hard Visegrad4; your children are counting on you!



Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Reverse Redistribution? Iraqi refugees in Czech Republic caught migrating to Germany

         Angela Merkel has never believed in refugee limits, nor does she want to seal Europe's external border.  She claims, "This is not my Europe."  Besides the obvious fact that Merkel was elected only by Germany, she continues to have "delusions of granduer" that she alone speaks for Europe.  She is in for a rude awakening; "her subjects" are in open revolt.

         Merkel's "European solution" to the migrant crisis has always been Open Borders/limitless refugees combined with a permanent, binding refugee redistribution scheme for all in the EU.  Thanks to the opposition of the Visegrad4 and CEE states, her vision has been put a hold...for now.  Other than sealing the external border and deporting the economic migrants (which she opposes), what other card does she have left to play?  Don't be fooled by the Turkey Deal, a distraction at best that MAY deport tens of thousands (less than one percent of total) but still allows migrants to enter in Greece and elsewhere (Italy being targeted as we speak).  Merkel knows this is no solution. The net additions will continue to swell and Merkel will be at the table again in May, this time demanding the refugee quotas.  The debate is coming.

      The Rav Report has written many articles on the absurdity of quotas and forcing countries to surrender their culture and security for a scheme that will guarantee an endless stream of mostly Muslim migrants.  Merkel told the migrants to come, not Czech republic.   But a new obstacle has emerged that will render quotas useless as well as unwise.

      A few days ago, 25 Iraqi refugees who were voluntarily taken in by the Czech Republic, were caught trying to migrate to Germany.  They refused asylum in Czech and then illegally attempted to cross into Germany.  The German police stopped them at the border and were set to send them back to the Czech Republic, where they would be deported for abusing the law.  However, this never happened; apparently Merkel intervened and the Iraqis, now economic migrants, will be allowed to apply for asylum in Germany.

      The Czechs feel taken advantage of and this does have the smell of being "activist" directed.  However, the most pressing issue is the arrogance of Angela Merkel, once again unilaterally ignoring EU refugee law and acting on her own.  Time and time again, she has undermined others in the EU to do as she pleases.  She says its "her damned duty" but her duty is to protect Germany, not to expose all in Europe to her naive and reckless visions.  Right now, she is a train-wreck, paralyzed by some emotional guilt and legacy quest that blocks her ability to think rationally.

      Yet, her argument for "refugee quotas" has been exposed by this incident and many others like it (all the migrants want to get to Germany they say) as a bad arraigned marriage. Most of the refugees are really economic migrants shopping for the states with the richest welfare benefits.  They have no desire to stay in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia; and in reality these countries have no desire for the multicultural lifestyle of France or Belgium.  Unless Merkel wants to build prisons to keep the refugees from leaving their "matched" countries, Europe will see a mass conversion of refugees morphing into migrants on their way to Merkel's or Sweden's Land of Milk and Honey.

      Refugee Quotas is Merkel's Last Stand.  This will be the final battle to decide the future of Europe.  If Merkel gets her way again, Europe should get used to the new normal of endless migration and failed multiculturalism.  Defeat her on quotas and her Era of chaos is over.

      Time to move on from Merkel and onto PlanB: securing the EU border, dismantling the smuggler network, deporting those who do not belong, helping the legitimate war refugees, and protecting the cherished way of life for European citizens.  We can do it!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Merkel integration plan for refugees: More empty talk of FUTURE promises

         Angela Merkel is consistent.  If one looks back to September of 2015, she really has not changed her position on the refugee crisis.  Despite all her confusing rhetoric, Merkel does not believe in limits or securing the EU border. Ultimately, her "European solution" entailed welcoming a limitless number of refugees to be spread across the EU via a binding and permanent refugee redistribution scheme. This was (and still is) her vision for Europe.  Thankfully, Viktor Orban and the V4 saw otherwise and did not share Berlin's enthusiasm to meddle in the makeup of their countries.

         Merkel has also developed another troublesome habit of proclaiming future promises she knows will never come to fruition in order to temporarily satisfy her critics at home.  After the Cologne sexual attacks, Merkel quickly started her spin on deporting.  Many cheered as Merkel's words seemed tough.  But deep down, she knew deportation was virtually impossible given the legal hurdles in Germany and the many home countries that would simply refuse to take their citizens back.  Today, three months after Cologne, how is that policy of deportation working out?  Merkel also discussed deporting the economic migrants, but nothing meaningful has followed.

         A few months ago, Merkel claimed the refugees would go back home with peace in Syria.  However, the economic migrants are still coming in full force and they are not fleeing war but seeking out the EU states that offer the best benefits.  How would ending the war in Syria persuade these economic migrants to go home?
         Today, Germany is floating the idea that if the refugees do not integrate and learn the German language that they will lose their "residency", whatever that means.  However, this promise would only be measured in three years, just about the time most people would have forgotten about that proposal; just as they have forgotten about the deportation of the Cologne attackers.  Moreover, who would be the judge as to whether a refugee has been "assimilated" and just who would determine what that means? The UN? Merkel? The Greens? Me?  Will learning the language mean fluency or being satisfied with the language skills of a first grader?  After all, my limited Czech allows me to eat, but I could hardly flourish in my profession there.  One can see where this is going?  Nowhere, and Merkel knows this.

         She is buying time, giving a false hope to Germans that she is fighting for limits, reductions, and a secure border.  Yet, she has been saying most of these things for months, while also working behind closed doors to make sure it does not materialize.  She has neither the will nor the courage to deport or secure the EU border.

        Whether in Greece or Italy, the migrants are still coming and the EU borders are still open.  Is Merkel buying time with FUTURE promises that have little chance at working in order to distract others from doing what is needed now, securing the EU border? She may be doing just that in an effort to force all EU members into accepting refugee quotas as the "only" choice to solve the crisis.  What other card does she have left since she believes securing the borders "is not my Europe?"

     This would be a mistake and would guarantee limitless migrants and endless quotas.  Western Europe is already struggling with Muslims who reject the culture, breeding no-go zones and Home-Grown terrorism.  How prudent is it to add a million-plus undocumented Muslim migrants to this volatile mix?  Many of these young migrants, often without parents, will be easy prey for radicalization from the criminal gang syndicates.

      The V4 and CEE states must not only defy Merkel on this, but they also must realize that they will have to take the lead in order to seal the border and rescue a Continent in Chaos.  For Merkel is determined to do her "damned duty" on the refugees to force her vision on Europe.  After years of being the subjects of Berlin, its up to the Visegrad4 to answer the bell and to show Merkel the door.

       Good night and Good luck!




Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Turkey deal passes EU: What next?

      Well, put this writer down as a little surprised that both the EU and Turkey agreed to this deal.  Quite frankly, if you have read my past analysis, I believe the deal to be a useless game of "musical chairs" vulnerable to abuse by the Turks.  On one hand, Turkey claims they will not see an increase in migrants.  Yet, the "one for one" swap only involves Syrians; and Turkey is said to be bound to take back all non-Syrian "irregulars".  How can this not be an increase for Turkey, unless one uses Erdogan Math (or deceit).

     On paper, Turkey did not achieve all that they wanted, but they did capture their highest goal: visa-free travel to Europe.  They also will receive over six billion Euros for all of their trouble in sending over the migrants in the first place, plus more in future demands.  Erdogan surely has to be disappointed in having only one chapter opened for future EU status (I thought this may have caused Turkey to balk) and no final mention of his "no fly zone".  It could have been worse, although the visa-free travel for Turks is quite the gamble.  I still believe it will not happen.

     However, the deal is weak for Europe too.  Even if this complicated "open border-hope to deport" scheme works out, as long as Greece and others insist on letting them in, the numbers will increase for Europe.  There is a cap of 72,000 "one for one" Syrians that can be shuffled from Greece to Turkey to an EU member state (i.e. Migrant quotas).  At the current pace of 3000 migrants per day, this equals about one months supply of the new refugees that enter Greece.  With the border still not sealed, Greece will be overwhelmed and in the same boat very shortly.  What then?

      In addition, the deal does not cover the 1.5 million migrants here already and the other new arrivals that enter somewhere "other than Greece". Last Saturday, over one thousand migrants arrived in Italy from Libya.  The smugglers and migrants do not sleep nor do they attend EU Summits, they just find the weak spots.  No cute gimmicks will work without sealing the EU border and having the
will and determination to keep it secured.  Sooner or later, there must be a pushback.

      So why did the Visegrad4 leaders not veto the deal?  One cannot imagine that Poland, Hungary or Slovakia can be thrilled with the prospect of 75 million Turks with easy access to Europe. The V4 knows this pact with Erdogan will not work, which is why they may be saving their fight for another day.  In 2-3 months the EU will be back at the bottom of the Feris Wheel again.  Merkel's deal with Turkey will have failed and once again Europe will be flooded with a new wave from somewhere.  At that point, Merkel will push for what has always been her signature EU solution: a permanent and binding refugee redistribution plan for all EU members.  Merkel has never been about limits or deportation; her vision for Europe is limitless migrants with endless quotas.  Deep down, she knows Germany cannot handle it alone, but she does think the EU can, no matter what the cost.

      My sense is that Viktor Orban knows he can veto EU membership for Turkey at any time (it just takes one) and that he is saving his ammunition for the quota battle.  He knows it is coming.  This is where he and the V4 states will take their stand.  For this battle for the Soul of Europe will decide the future of the EU and Merkel.  If she prevails, multiculturalism will triumph and Merkel will continue to move Europe towards the UN-type vision she believes in.  Defy Merkel and her era will end; the borders will have to be closed, with or without Greece, and Europe can move onto Plan B.

      The stakes are high.  Game On Visegrad.  Your people are counting on you and they expect you to answer the bell to fight to save their culture and their way of life.  Be strong and others will follow your lead to rescue a Continent in Chaos.  A new Era is emerging and it points to Central/Eastern Europe.  Do you have what it takes?

       Good night and Good luck


Friday, March 18, 2016

EU Turkey Pact: First thought on first day

    The deal is not sealed yet, but don't be surprised if Turkey themselves throw a fit and walk out on Friday.  Cyprus is not about to agree to grant future EU membership to a country that it is occupied by, nor that refuses to even recognize Cyprus as a country.  Point six will have to be modified or Cyprus will kill the deal. Erdogan will not be happy (but this writer would rejoice).

    But my initial thoughts, noting the details are not final yet:

1.  Will Greece actually forcefully deport the migrants back to Turkey against their will?  I am skeptical.  Moreover, deporting is very hard and tricky.  We have heard this talk before from Merkel (after sex assaults in Cologne) and Sweden.  How is that going?  Exactly, it's not.  Not sure I see the logic of keeping border open and hoping on deportation instead of sealing border to begin with.

2.  Deal only covers "future irregulars" that arrive "only in Greece".  What is the plan for the million+ already here?  Smugglers won't give up, neither will economic migrants.  Today, 2500 new migrants entered Italy via Libya.  What is the plan for this new wave?  Endless refugee quotas?

3.  Balkan Route must remain closed to guard against a Greece repeat of "wave-through".  However, Merkel is opposed to this closure.  Will the V4 and CEE continue to defy her and heavy EU pressure?

4.  VISA liberalization for Turks traveling to Europe.  Turkey is a large Islamic state that has housed jihadists and 25,000 smugglers.  This is a bad idea for the security of Europe. Has The Blowback of this reckless policy been discussed?

5.  Future EU membership for Erdogan and Turkey.  NATO is held hostage by a tyrant from a decision made in 1952.  Turkey as a member state will change Europe now and forever.  Is this the EU wish for their future generations? Is Turkey their vision for Europe? I hope not.

6.  Why all these impractical hoops to jump through? Why not seal the border as a EU solution and allow individual states to voluntarily choose how many (if any) and who they wish to take from the camps in Turkey. The "open border-migrant musical chairs" scheme is mind boggling not to mention counter productive.

      Friday will be interesting, we shall know more tommorow.  Let's hope a few brave European patriots fight to save the soul of Europe.  Reject this misguided deal with Turkey and move on to Plan B with or without The Queen Bee Merkel.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Czech PM Sobotka: Beaten down by Merkel?

     This writer has always viewed the PM of Czech Republic, Sobotka, as the weak link of the V4.  Sure his rhetoric on the refugee quotas has been OK, but his actions seem to indicate his heart is in Brussels.  He seems in awe of Angela Merkel and unable to stand up to her for the best interests of Czechs. He likes his job as PM, but also yearns to be accepted by the aristocracy in the EU.

      Sobotka now says he will accept the poisonous deal with Turkey that Merkel negotiated on her own.  Is he conceding outsourcing Czech migration policy to Merkel and Erdogan? Was his sudden about face on accepting more refugees a result of Merkel beating him down?  Only he knows, but I would not be surprised if he backs down in a few days under pressure from Zeman, Babis, Chovanec, and many others, including the Czech people themselves, who want no part of Merkel's vision for Europe.

       For now he claims this is a "one for one" swap, and that the Czech Republic will not accept anymore refugees than he previously committed under the prior schemes.  But this is pure spin as I previously pointed out in my blog on March 8.  Sobotka's math does not balance out.

      Sobotka's record on refugee quotas is mixed.  In 2015, he voted with Hungary and Slovakia to oppose the initial Merkel refugee quotas. However, they were outgunned by the EU, which mandated quotas for all. While Hungary and Slovakia challenged Merkel and refused the diktat, Sobotka meekly accepted.  This is his style, talking tough for Czechs, but pleasing Brussels at the same time.

      Sobotka's claim today is that this "one for one" deal will not change the number of refugees shuffled to Czech, but will only shift the point of origin from Greece to Turkey.  But the agreement does not require the "old" migrants already here to exit; only new "Syrians" arriving in "Greece" can be exchanged for a new Syrian from Turkey.  In other words, it is only one for one if you discount the migrants already here and already accounted for under the prior redistribution plan.  Sobotka committed to 1691 of the migrants already here.

      Therefore, if 300,000 new refugees via Turkey are to be distributed to member states, is there any doubt that the EU will not mandate again that all member states take their "fair share".  In theory, this would mean 1691 "plus" the new quotas for Czech.  Not exactly one for one.

       There is no doubt Hungary, Slovakia and the new government in Poland will never accept this; they will rightfully defy the mandate as an infringement on their sovereignty.  What will Sobotka do? Will he act as the leader of Czech Republic, keep his word of no more than previously committed, and join his fellow V4 nations in defying more EU refugee quotas?  Or will he fall in line with Brussels and refuse to challenge their new mandates, thus committing Czechs to a limitless amount of new refugees at the mercy of Recep Erdogan?

      Soon, we are about to find out where Sobotka's heart lies:  Czech Republic or Brussels?



Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Turkey Pipeline to Europe: Merkel deal guarantees endless quotas, limitless migrants

      Despite her meekly appearance at times, Angela Merkel is smart, cunning and relentless. While this writer has disagreed with her at every step regarding the refugee crisis, one can never underestimate her resolve.

       The Merkel-Erdogan deal is a catastrophe and nothing more than a slick maneuver to deceive Germans, Europeans, and the world that she is confronting the crisis through a European-Turkish solution that involves "limits" and "deportations".  Dig Deep into the details and one will find out otherwise.  This deal is nothing more than "migrant shuffling" that indirectly achieves her original goal of limitless refugees and a permanent redistribution plan for all Member states.  There is a reason Erdogan is smiling.

       Detail #1.  There is nothing in the deal that secures the external EU border in Greece, which openly states that they will not prevent illegal migrants from reaching their coast.  Turkey claims they will take back "irregulars" but is this realistic or just spin.  For instance, will Greece use force to deport illegals who resist going back to Turkey?  In addition, the objective of returning illegals back to Turkey only pertains to "new" migrants entering Greece (not elsewhere, like Italy) and not the million+ already here roaming the streets of Europe.  What does Greece plan to do with the majority of migrants who arrive with no identification claiming to be Syrian?

       Detail #2.  The "One In One Out" scheme is highly misleading.  Any "new Syrian" refugee returned from "Greece" (not elsewhere) to Turkey would trigger Turkey sending an "old migrant" already in the refugee camp to an EU "Member Nation" based on their redistribution formula.  One can read right through this.  Basically, Greece sends a "new" migrant that reaches their shore back to Turkey which in turn sends an old migrant to an EU nation (not Greece).  In effect, you are taking endless migrants from Greece, and in a very indirect way, transferring them to EU member states.  Spin it as you wish, but this is the permanent refugee redistribution quota scheme that Merkel has been banking on for some time.  It will never end.  Moreover, it is quite an incentive for Turkey to get as many new migrants to Greece in order to unload their existing stock on Europe.  Think about it, for each new migrant received from Greece, Erdogan gets to deport them back to their original country while unloading an equal amount already in his camps to Europe.

       Detail #3 and #5.  Easing visa restrictions and eventual EU membership for Turkey.  Are these the values Merkel speaks of when she refers to "my Europe"?  Erdogan, along with Saudi Arabia, helped destabilize Syria, bombed the Kurds fighting IS, and tolerated a network of 25,000 smugglers in his country flooding the EU with migrants.  Now Merkel in her quest for an "ever closer union" wants solidarity with a tyrant.  Multiculturalism is a problem for Western Europe; granting an Islamic state, who turned a blind eye to Jihadists crossing their borders, access to the EU is a ticking time bomb.

      Detail #6.  A resolution to establish a safe or "no fly zone" in Syria.  This would greatly assist Erdogan, the Saudis, and their Islamic extremists in regime change in Syria.  How would a Syria with a Muslim Brotherhood-type government be good for Europe or Syria?

         The deal is a nightmare for Europe and a windfall for Erdogan, but it has not been formally accepted yet.  However, Merkel is acting as if it is a done deal before the elections in Germany this weekend.  Her hope is to convince German voters that she is solving the problem with tough talk of securing the borders, limits, and deportations.  In reality, the consequences will usher in a new era of multicultural mayhem for Europe with a limitless stream of migrants and permanent refugee distribution mechanism for all Member states.  This may be Merkel's vision, but she is not the sovereign of Europe.  The Visegrad4 and CEE states have their own vision and they will continue to go their own way to preserve their way of life.

         Merkel is selling Europe's Soul for the vanity of her legacy.  The V4 and CEE states must defy her to restore order to a Continent in Chaos.  Solidarity is a nice word, but not worth the price of forfeiting ones culture.