Thursday, May 26, 2016

Merkel overstepping her authority: Time for others in EU to debate "no-confidence" vote on her

       No one needs reminded more than Angela Merkel that the people of the Czech Republic and the other EU states did not elect her.  She is the Chancellor of Germany, not the Queen of Europe.  When she tells Erdogan of Turkey that "Germany will keep her promises", she should not assume she speaks for Europe; nor should others permit her to, given her disasterous track record.

      Nor should the V4 members or anyone else feel obliged to accept "refugee quotas" that they never signed up for.  It was Merkel alone, speaking for Germany alone, that lured them here with empty promises.  If Sweden and Austria willingly participated that was their choice and their vision; they are living with the consequences others warned them about.  With Greece and Italy opening the floodgates, the migrant crisis has taken on a life of its own, threatening to rip the EU apart.  Today, it is no longer about Syrian refugees, but economic migrants from Africa, Asia, and other Middle East countries, often with violent cultures, that are seeking out the most generous welfare states in Europe.

     But, other EU leaders are not sheep, they have a free-will to reject Merkel Vision.  Why should she alone decide and negotiate for the EU.  Neither she nor the EU is too big to fail.  Look at those weak, pompous leaders in Brussels lecturing to Poland and Hungary how to run their countries.  Last time I checked, the streets and people of the V4 regions were safe and orderly. The same cannot be said of Germany, Greece or Sweden; their people are tense, and see their way of life slipping away.

      The time has come to relieve Merkel of her self-anointed duties. She has failed and exposed Europe.  The V4 and CEE nations can no longer wait for Germany to replace Merkel.  They have no control of this.  But they can take action; after all, her decision-making has an impact on the security of their people.  They have a moral duty to take action.

       My recommendation:  The V4 should take the lead and call for an open debate on the leadership of Merkel inside the EU. A vote of confidence in her leadership would follow in a secret ballot.  Yes or No.  If Angela Merkel insists on acting alone on behalf of the EU without consulting others, this would either confirm her status or bring her down.

      It is the right thing to do.  This cannot continue as is.  If the EU breaks, so be it, Europe will survive.  Smaller, less intrusive regional alliances in the mold of the V4 may be the future.  Germany would still have to trade with Britain and central-eastern Europe, their export machine needs much more than Italy, France, Spain, Greece, and Portugal (all economic basket cases).

      Exiting the EU would be hard, any change brings some discomfort.  However, in order to grow and escape mediocracy, one must be challenged to break free of their comfort zones.  For losing ones culture and heart is not worth the price of membership.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

PM Sobotka Fails CzechRepublic, Visegrad4

          I have never considered Bohuslav Sobotka, the bookish PM of CzechRepublic, to be a strong leader.  In my mind, he has always been the weak link of the Visegrad4 group. There is something unnatural about a man who wants his party to move leftward, "Bernie Sanders style", in a county that has suffered in the past under the heavy burden of communism and state power.  Sobotka always seemed uncomfortable and awkward around the other V4 leaders from Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary; he appears more at home with Frans Timmermans and Jean Claude-Juncker in Brussels.

          Sobotka views himself as an enlightened technocrat whose goal is to integrate his country into the collective security and western ways of the EU.  He has always been somewhat in awe of Angela Merkel and heavily influenced by Berlin.  His top advisor is former PM Vladimir Spidla, who served the EU for six years and tends to be Germany's lobbyist in the CzechRepublic.

          But Sobotka is the PM of a country that wants no part of Muslim multiculturalism or the lifestyle of Western Europe.  He has had to balance his internal belief in Merkel's policies against his countries overwhelming rejection of that vision.  So far he has managed to appease both, but this is about to change.

         Sobotka talked tough to appeal to Czechs by voting against the first EU refugee quota scheme, but unlike Slovakia and Hungary, he failed to challenge the forced diktats.  He surrendered, which is the type of token opposition that Merkel craves.  But the EU will not stop at a one time redistribution scheme; they are coming for more.  Sobotka, under heavy criticism for the Turkey-Visa Deal, already "promised" that the CzechRepublic would not accept any "new quotas" other than the ones already agreed to under the first scheme. But now, the EU is threatening to push forward a new permanent and ongoing refugee redistribution mechanism that will fine nations $250,000 per every migrant rejected.  Sobotka  has already promised no more; we will see if he keeps his word.

            Why is Sobotka accepting forced refugee quotas at all?   Consider the first thirty migrants sent to the Czech republic from Italy and Greece:  Twenty were rejected by the Czechs because they did not pass security checks and six simply disappeared.  It is well-documented Greece and Italy simply waved-through refugees without identification, possessing fake passports, and with little vetting.  Sending twenty migrants to the Czech republic who were security risks was simply bad faith and negligence on the part of Italy and Greece.  This was simply unacceptable and could have exposed the safety and security of Czech citizens.  Sobotka should have immediately protested and ceased to continue the program in order to safeguard his own country; instead, he bowed down to the demands of the EU.

           This week, Sobotka announced that the Czech republic is set to receive another 88 migrant quotas straight from Erdogan's Turkey.  This is a nonsense.  Islamic jihadists have used Turkey and the refugee routes to mix in with the migrants. Sobotka should not expose Czechs to this type of risk.  Trusting Turkey is a dangerous experiment.  Erdogan has become increasingly brazen and combative as he continues to blackmail the EU, threatening to unleash the migrants on Europe if he does not get his many demands.  Taking more Syrian refugees straight from Turkey at this time will only invite more of the same vile behavior from Erdogan.

            Moreover, Sobotka should have clearly sent Brussels a message that their proposal to fine nations, like the Czech Republic, obscene amounts of money for refusing new refugee quotas was both insulting and heavy-handed.  Again, Sobotka should have informed the EU that their attempted extortion and petty vengeance was not worthy of his country's cooperation; therefore, the Czech Republic would not tolerate another Munich-like diktat and would accept no more refugees until the leaders in Brussels adjusted their attitude.  This was his chance to stand up to Merkel for the best interests of his country; instead he simply layed down.

               The next 6-12 months will be critical for the EU and the V4.  The migrant flow will increase again in Italy and elsewhere.  This cannot continue.  Something will have to give.  Merkel Vision is tearing Europe apart. The V4 must boldly reintroduce their PlanB.  This bold plan relies on strict limits, not forced quotas, and secures the EU border before the migrants are let in.  This way, asylum claims could be processed outside the EU and the migrants sent home immediately.

           Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland are poised to answer the bell for their countries to fight to save the culture and way of life of Central/Eastern Europe.  The question for Sobotka:  Are you the PM of the Czech Republic, ready to confront Merkel, or are you a Yes-Man for  Brussels, ready to sacrifice your people for the false solidarity of the EU?  You cannot be both.





Sunday, May 8, 2016

Renzi Tsipras negligent for Open Border Wave-Through, exposing all Europeans

            To be quite blunt, this writer has never respected Matteo Renzi, the unhinged PM of Italy (full disclosure:  a set of my grandparents were born in northern Italy and I deeply respect the citizens of Italy, just not their leaders).  Italy's economy is in shambles, not all of his fault, but his brand of socialism certainly is not the right medicine.  But it is his attitude and grade-school antics that rub me the wrong way.  He loves to huff and puff about "European values" and "greatness" but he is doing little to back that claim.  In fact, I believe Renzi's "open border wave-through" has exposed other Europeans to his negligence.

            No doubt, the border of Italy is not secure and offers absolutely no resistance. Renzi is proud of this.  This is why the smugglers and mostly African migrants (85% from non-refugee countries) target the coast of Italy.  Italy accepts them all, undocumented or not.  It would be one thing if the migrants stayed in Italy, but they are "waved-through" to roam Europe.  This has been a problem well documented and certainly flys in the face of "solidarity".

            The clear problem has been the surrendered borders of Greece and Italy.  Somehow, Renzi blames closed borders for the smugglers, deaths at sea, and the chaos the migrant crisis has spurned.  But what closed border is he referring to?  Australia?  Not likely, none of the above happening with their secure border.  Matteo, the external EU border is NOT closed, never has been.  The smugglers are attracted to Italy's porous border for a reason, easy access.  This open border, an abnormal lack of responsibility, has led to three things:

1.  Smugglers target the weak points, such as Italy, which lured (along with Merkel's reckless words) the migrants into taking dangerous boat rides to their coast (because they know it's open).  As a result, death has occurred and Italy is at the mercy of criminal smugglers.  A secure border, like Australia, deters the smugglers and the demand.

2.  In June 2015, Renzi, in a fit rage, threatened "PlanB" on Europe.  He would "unleash" a wave of migrants into mainland Europe if he did not get his way (refugee quotas).  Apparently, it was not just a threat; he did it.  But Italy let in anyone, often with no vetting at all. They had no idea who these people were or where they came from.  They were just "waved-through" to others in Europe. Did this type of policy expose all of Europe to terrorism and the kind of sexual assaults we saw in Cologne, Sweden and elsewhere?

3.  Austria has rightly decided to build a border fence at their border with Italy.  Austria may be powerless to change the Open Border attitude of Renzi but they are not without mechanisms to prevent Italy from holding them hostage to that policy.  Sealing Italy would force Renzi either to secure his border or be overwhelmed by migrants.  Either way, Austria and others will not suffer the consequences of the actions of another nation.

                     Now, Renzi is throwing another temper tantrum, this time at Austria and the V4.  Renzi is demanding that Austria keep the border open (wonder why?) and that any country that refuses migrant quotas be fined over $250,000 per migrant. This is absurd and laughable, and has vengeance written all over it. As Viktor Orban has pointed out, the average Hungarian would have to work 40 years to equal the fine of one refugee.  Renzi, like Erdogan & Turkey, sees this as a way to shake down the EU for cash.  EU monies have gone to Italy, but no one can account to where that money was spent.

        This EU diktat to the CEE states is insulting.  Quotas or blackmail is no solution but a weak excuse not to seal the external border.  The V4 has had it right from the beginning: Secure the border and process asylum claims outside of Europe so that migrants are not granted entrance to roam Europe. Then, if Germany or others want refugees, they can take them directly from the camps outside of Europe.  If others wish to preserve their culture and choose not to take migrants, they should retain this right as sovereign nations to control their own borders.

        The V4 and others must reject the migrant quotas and refuse to pay the EU.  This is a nonsense and it cannot be enforced.  Moreover, Merkel and Germany cannot afford to lose the vibrant and emerging nations of the V4 and CEE states, and they know this.  My advice is call their bluff;  this may force Merkel and Renzi to seal the border, for she has too much at stake (economics, trade) in keeping the EU intact.  The V4 also has too much at stake to accept migrant quotas:  their culture, their way of life, and their security.

         In the meantime, one may want to ask Renzi why the smugglers prefer his open border as opposed to Hungary?  Others must inform Renzi to clean up his own house before allowing him to sacrifice theirs.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

EU Golem State: Refugee Quotas, Blackmail and Extortion for Satellite Nations

               One knew this was coming; it was just a matter of time.  Angela Merkel, too, knew all along that this was her only card left to play.  Some 2,000,000 migrants/refugees (and some terrorists) have stormed across the border, and more are coming.  Despite the whining and exaggerations from various corners, the external EU border remains open and there has not been any meaningful deportations of those "who do not belong".  Disregard the spin, Merkel and EUCO do not have the will to stop the migrants from entering or the strength to deport those already here illegally.  The numbers continue to rise.  Merkel will not change unless she is forced to by others OUTSIDE of Germany.

              The refugee quota is the perfect plan for Merkel.  She can stake her legacy as the brave leader who opened the doors to migrants seeking a better life, thus earning her more honors from the media and portraying Germany as the Great Nation that upheld "the values" and "solidarity" of the EU.  Forced migrant quotas for those resisting would relieve the political pressure on her at home. Without quotas, Merkel would be forced to secure the external border to limit the masses who all seek "Sugar Daddy" Germany.  With a permanent, ongoing refugee redistribution mechanism, she gains a scheme that allows limitless migrants into Europe to be shuffled around the member nations.  This, of course, is cultural suicide;  remaking Europe into the image of France, Belgium, and Sweden -- all in multicultural meltdown mode.

               It is well documented that the Visegrad4 and CEE states do not share this vision.   They have the right to decide the makeup of their own nations and how best to protect their people.  This is a common sense, a natural instinct.  Of course, they will reject the quotas just as the migrants will reject their assignments as they have in the past, using human traffickers to transport them to their preferred destination.

                This plan is pure blackmail and is not feasible.  For instance, if the CzechRepublic refuses 2,000 quotas (and they will), the EU Golem would try to extort $500,000,000? How realistic is this? Just look at some of the countries like Algeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Afghanastan that refuse to take back their citizens the EU desires to deport.  Or Turkey, who flooded Europe. The EU is giving them money!! The EU is feckless; call their bluff, defy the quotas and refuse to pay.  The EU cannot collect this money.  If they try to withhold monies from EU coffers, then the CzechRepublic should deduct a like amount in aid to the countries who refused back their citizens (i.e. Africa) or funds earmarked to Greece, Italy and Turkey, the countries largely responsible for the wave.

               If Merkel did all in her power to keep a basket case like Greece in the Union and with Britain on the verge of exiting, she cannot afford to lose the Visegrad4 nations, and she knows it.  Germany, an export machine, needs to keep the EU in tact for their own economic reasons, including a currency that keeps their goods artificially cheap.

               But there is a larger reason to defy the EU and defeat Merkel on quotas.  It is the only way to force Merkel's EU to secure the external border to stop the inflow.  German voters will not tolerate endless migrants forever. This would entail sealing off Greece and Italy to save Schengen, which would also force Tsipras and Renzi to make some choices. Either start acting like a normal country and secure your border or choose to isolate yourself into one big migrant camp.

                 In life we all have choices to make about who we are and what we believe in.  This is a defining moment for the V4 and Europe.  Will you fight for your culture, your way of life, your Soul or will you surrender meekly to the false God of multiculturalism.

                Game On V4! We are about to see what you are made of. Are you ready to answer the bell to control your own destiny in an Epic Battle to save a Continent in Chaos?  Or will you be beaten down by Berlin.  Good Luck, Fight Hard, and Good Night.....we are counting on you and believe in you.