Saturday, January 30, 2016

Italy-Greece Crisis: Open Borders No Act of Humanity

          *Update 4-30-2016. Whether Italy years ago, Greece months ago, or again Italy today, Open borders have been a disaster for all, including the true war refugees themselves.  For those who say it is a secure border causing dangerous journeys to Europe, I would ask, "What secure border"?  Neither Greece or Italy is secure; they allow all migrants to enter.  If one wants to cite a "secure border" to make a case that it promotes dangerous journeys, they need to use a valid example, like Australia.  However, they may be disappointed. But don't pretend the external EU border at Italy and Greece is "secure".  It has been surrendered.  Enjoy original post below from Jan2016.

          Original Post:
         The debate goes on in Europe over "values".  Somehow, the leaders of Greece and Italy  believe they have a monopoly on the subject (for the record, my blood is a mix of Italian, German, Slovak while my heart is Czech since I am married to one; my ego still American).  While the EU desperately seeks to secure the border, Italy and Greece claim 'their values' prevent them from securing their (in reality, the EU) border from undocumented migrants.

           But is surrendering ones border really an act of humanity or is it the cause of so much tragedy and does it indirectly enable human smugglers to thrive?  Let's take a look.

           Greece is a perfect example with 85% of the refugees making their way from Turkey to Greece by sea.  The open border encourages these dangerous journeys which have resulted in death and abuse by smugglers.  Everyone knows Greece offers no resistance, especially the smugglers.  They arrange the trips on the Turkish coast where a bustling and profitable trafficking enterprise exists.  It goes on right in front of Erdogan's eyes; he could stop it but chooses not to for his own interests.  The trips are expensive and sometimes the women pay for the trip through forced sex with the smugglers. Children are often abused.  This is not a secret; both Greece and the UN know what is happening yet choose to ignore it based on their greater 'value' of humanity for the migrants.

            Moreover, the migrants are often without any identification and are barely vetted, which makes the route accessible to jihadists posing as migrants.  Most of the migrants are young males who do not respect the culture.  They pose great risks to women as evidenced by the Cologne sexual attacks and numerous others across Europe.  Blowback will also occur years from now when a mass of parentless, young men grow up with many emotional scars.  In addition, they are easy prey for radicalization and criminal gangs (we already see this happening in Sweden and Germany).

          On the other side, Australia provides the example of a secured border.  Years ago, when the boats started to arrive on their coast, they implemented policies that discouraged illegal human trafficking.  This included turning the boats back.  Tough love at first, but the boats stopped and they no longer have a problem.  The smugglers were put out of business due to a sealed border, there are no drownings and their citizens have not been exposed to the dangers of undocumented male migrants.  You can also look currently at the V4 countries (Czech, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) that control their borders and detain the illegal migrants.  There is no chaos in their streets and their citizens are safe, sleeping like babies.

          The conclusion is obvious.  Securing the borders saves lives, eliminates the smugglers, and provides order and safety for the citizens of that country.  Moreover, it can provide an orderly process outside the borders that can actually help a limited amount of true refugees in need.

        An open border like Greece is a disaster for all, including the true war refugees, who are actually hurt by the huge mass of illegal migrants.  The huge volume of refugees produce long delays in processing and even abuse from the illegal migrants themselves.  The open border in Greece encourages the dangerous voyage, and as a result, we have seen far too many deaths.  The citizens of Europe are exposed to great risks and they are tense and see their way of life disappearing.

          So when we hear Renzi or the leaders of Greece talk humanity, we may want to ask them why the smugglers prefer their 'values' as opposed to Australia's Tony Abbott or Hungary's Viktor Orban.  For what type of 'values' risk the security of your own people in the name of 'humanity'?




Sunday, January 24, 2016

EU could sink Turkey: The Leverage of Economic Hardball to adjust Erdogan attitude

          Dwight Eisenhower knew how to play hardball.  During the Suez Crisis in 1956, Britain, France, and Israel found this out the hard way.  When alerted to the surprise attack on Egypt, Eisenhower did not ask Anthony Eden to reconsider politely; he told him he would sink the pound and bury England's economy.  Message sent; all three backed off.  (Note*This example illustrating power of economic leverage, not the merit of Ike's actions, which is another debate)

           This is called economic leverage: the ability to influence through economic means. It's quite powerful, sometimes more so than a B52 Bomber.  Before engaging in any battle, one must evaluate the leverage one holds over his opponent (and vice-versa).

           The EU-Turkey relationship is curious to me (I have several detailed posts on the subject).  85% of the refugees enter an impotent Greece via a network of 25,000 smugglers operating in Turkey.  The common sense and natural approach should be to seal that border and send the boats back.  Australia utilizes this approach successfully - eliminating the tragedies at sea and putting the smugglers out of business. Amazingly, the EU has chosen to surrender their border and delegate EU border security to a foreign entity in Turkey.  The EU is negotiating from a point of weakness, at the mercy of Recap Erdogan.  I believe this is a mistake and it is doomed to fail miserably.

         The EU needs to reassess the economic leverage they have over a very vulnerable Turkey.  They will soon realize that they do have the leverage, assuming they have the strength to 'man-up' to Erdogan (which is questionable).

         Turkey's economy has slowed and their current account balance as % of GDP is -7.9.  The Turks are extremely poor with a paltry GDP per head of $10,970.  The inflation rate is a staggering 8.9% and unemployment at 10%.  The country - 98% Muslim- is a tinderbox of volatility that Islamic jihadists and foreign fighters use as a hub for Syria.  Tensions inside the country are high and they are fighting a proxy war through their various Islamic rebels against both Putin and Iran.  Turkey is about as European as Sultan Suleiman I.

            Dig deep and one will find more economic ammunition to battle Erdogan.  41% of Turkey's exports are to EU28 countries with Germany buying the most from Turkey.  The Middle East is imploding with no future; Europe could bury Turkey's economy.  Erdogan needs Europe much more than Merkel needs Turkey.   The EU should by all means give Erdogan a choice behind close doors:  Eradicate the smugglers, stop the dinghies from sailing, and respect our borders and we can talk about your future; or cast your lot with a Middle East in flames and we will isolate you and your people from Europe.  Erdogan respects power, not candy, and cannot afford any type of sanctions at this time from a continent he needs.  He will understand the message loud and clear.  Destabilize the economy and his power becomes threatened. (Word of caution. EU Border must be secured for any solution.  It is a common sense at any time).

            The weak and feeble response by the EU to this crisis has baffled me from the start.  By unarming themselves of all courage in the face of "UN-Correctness", the EU finds itself disrespected by the smugglers, Erdogan and even the migrants themselves. As a result, all Europeans are at risk and chaos reigns.  The borders are open to literally anyone, including Islamic terrorists.

           The EU is not threatened by a strong opposition but rather by their own weakness and lack of will and confidence.  The EU has the leverage to stop this madness; but do they have the courage to fight for their culture and way of life or have they already surrendered their soul?



Monday, January 18, 2016

EU Refugee Crisis: Lets Play "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"

       I believe that was the name of the childhood game we played.  Each kid, blindfolded, would try to place a pin on a donkey's tail in a poster on the wall.  Quite amusing, someone eventually "pinned the tail", but usually after much angst.  It would have been much easier and less time consuming if only our eyes were open.

       Blindfolded seems to be how many in the EU are choosing to deal with the refugee crisis.  I see more focus and determination at my eight-year old daughters tennis matches.  EUCO, Merkel, and member states are desperately throwing proposal after proposal against the wall, hoping to find that "silver bullet" to gain some type of control, some form of sanity.

       Don't get me wrong, some ideas have merit, but others are just downright Tom Foolery.  For instance, the idea that one can pay Turkey or Africa billions of dollars to keep their migrants at home is absurd and naive.  Erdogan tolerates and profits from the 25,000 smugglers he houses in his country; it's quite the booming enterprise for Turkey.  Many in Africa won't even accept back their citizens whom the EU wants to deport.

       Anyhow, Merkel's deportation deception (read my earlier blog for details) will be futile without sealing the external border.  Merkel is even trying to convince some that the refugees are "temps" and that they will go home with peace in Syria. (Just like the Turks from years ago that never went back or the phenomenon of economic migrants from "safe" countries).  EUCO wants to play magician by turning 'illegal migration into legal migration' by taking 250,000 refugees straight from the camps in Turkey; again futile with an open border.

            In conclusion, Merkel and EUCO will "attempt" to deport a few thousand, while taking 250,000 new refugees from Turkey, as 5000 new migrants arrive DAILY in Greece.  The numbers do not add up, but that's OK.  Merkel's Solidarity Plan A also includes a binding and permanent refugee redistribution scheme for her subjects in the lands of Visegrad4 and Eastern Europe.  "We can do it,
Germany is Great" has suddenly morphed into forced diktats on those who have seen the results of Western Europe's multiculturalism and want no part of that way of life.

          Even the well-meaning proposals from individual states to deter migrants (which I support) misses the point.  If the external border is not sealed, the mass entrance of millions upon millions of refugees and migrants from alien cultures will eventually overwhelm all of Europe.   It is simply not sustainable nor is it wise.  Christians and non-Muslims are persecuted and discriminated against by every country with a Muslim majority in the Middle East.  The two cultures do not mix well at all as history shows.

            It's time for the EU to open their eyes and to focus on the one and only solution to this crisis: Sealing the external border, specifically Greece.  Australia is the perfect example and one can google their official policy.  Like most other self-respecting countries, Australia believes it is their duty to protect their coast in order to safeguard their people. When faced with this same type of invasion, they simply turned the boats back before they entered their territory.  The UN was not happy, but Australia took control of the situation to solve the problem pretty quickly.  This is the way strong and confident leaders act.

      In order to defend ones house, it is only natural to defend ones border.  No Union or country can protect its people, culture, and way of life by allowing their borders to be violated by people they know nothing about.  The boats must be turned back at the border, even if this requires the elite NATO navy of Greece escorting the dinghies back to Turkey for a safe return. Erdogan must be told to accept them back and to eradicate the smugglers or be faced with sanctions and economic isolation from Europe.  EUCO, Merkel should not act so weak or feeble.  They have much leverage over Erdogan, who desperately needs Europe as the dying Middle East burns.  The EU could sink his fragile economy even further.  They should be prepared to do so if he is not willing to play ball.

     The EU has the tools to stop illegal immigration and to defend their borders; but the spirit seems weak.  The question: Do they have the will and strength to defend their continent. Defending your border is not a radical idea; it is quite natural and normal.  What is perverse is surrendering your nation, your culture, and the well-being of your own people without a fight.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

EU refugee crisis: Merkel's deportation spin does not add up.

      2-25-15 Update: Just wanted to see how hard Merkel has been working to deport the migrants she said must go home?  What a bluff!  Enjoy original article below.
       Angela Merkel has to be shaken after the events of NYE.  Many questioned her judgement from the start. "How wise is it to allow a million refugees --without even knowing who they are and from regions well-known for persecuting non-Muslims-- to roam the streets of Europe", I wrote four months ago.

      Today, we are witnessing the blowback to her disastrous decisions.  The Europe that followed her lead is in complete chaos and their citizens are on the edge as a tidal wave of young Muslim men from violent cultures have taken over their neighborhoods and streets. (This cannot be said of the Visegrad4 nations, who wisely defied her from the start and enjoy peace and tranquility in their streets.)

         Merkel has proposed changing German law that will supposedly allow her to deport those asylum seekers who commit crimes.  I am a strong proponent of deportation, but I suspect that this is nothing but useless chatter on her part in order to try to give the appearance that "we can manage it".

        Dig deep and one will find that Angela Merkel's tough talk on deportation does not add up:

1.  Deporting a thousand or so criminal migrants will be futile if the EU external border is not sealed.  As Merkel "considers" deporting a few thugs from Cologne, another 5-7000 migrants enter Greece daily.  Europe expects another million in 2016 and some predict 10 million could be on their way in the near future.  This is simply not sustainable; one simply cannot let the migrants in first and try to deport later.  Western Europe already has major problems integrating the Muslims here already; they simply reject the culture.  Adding new fuel to the fire will only increase the danger for European citizens in the future.  In large numbers, these Muslim newcomers are easily radicalized and easy prey for criminal gangs and terrorists, who have also slipped through the unsecured border.  Multiculturalism is a failure in Europe as the mayhem in France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, and
elsewhere shows.

2.  Where do you deport a refugee who has no identity?  A large percentage, maybe even the majority, of refugees are undocumented.  They have simply destroyed their identity papers and are lying about who they are.  Most say they are Syrian refugees, who have the best chance for asylum. How can Merkel deport an Iranian migrant to Iran if there is no proof of identity?  This is why it was a colossal mistake to allow any undocumented refugee into Europe in the first place.  Look at the chaotic numbers in Europe, how are they going to sort this mess out?  Exactly why, even at this late date, the border must be sealed and illegals, whatever the method, must be turned back immediately.  There is no other choice.

3.     Deportation depends on the willingness of the host country to take back the migrant.  Not easy.  Afghanistan has already sent back a plane to Greece full of Afghan migrants, claiming their paperwork failed to prove they were from there.  What about the governments of Africa, Iran, Syria, Pakistan?  Good luck.  And then there is Erdogan and Turkey, a hub nation where 70-80% of the refugees are entering Europe via Greece.  Erdogan has tolerated and profited from a network of
25,000 smugglers and has already told the EU that he will not allow Turkey to become Europe's "concentration camp".  What hypocracy, considering "these refugees" came from Turkey.  It will be difficult for the EU to find other countries who are willing to accept back "their citizens".  I repeat, any solution to this crisis first and foremost requires sealing the external border.

4.  Human Rights attorneys and advocates.  They will find any card up their sleeve to make deporting a migrant as difficult and time-consuming as possible.  Appeals, etc. can sometimes delay this process for years.  In the meantime, another 5-7000 migrants will enter Greece DAILY!

5.  Courage and will, something Merkel and the EU lack.  The migrants will keep coming until a little  force and resistance is applied (see example of Hungary).  I have written about Australia's Tony Abbott and America's Dwight Eisenhower extensively.  Abbott simply turned the boats back and quickly solved that problem.  Eisenhower forcefully deported 500,000 illegal Mexicans (the other 500,000 quickly self-deported after getting the message of the harsh trip back) with only 750-1000
agents. Ike had the fortitude not to give the Mexican government a choice in the matter, something I doubt Merkel and Juncker possess.

     Merkel knows all of this well; she may be naive, but she is not stupid.  She is trying to keep her vision alive by talking deportation while leaving the border open and sticking to her no limits pledge. She knows this spin on deporting will not do anything, which opens the door to the real division between Merkel and the V4 nations.

      The V4, correctly in my mind, sees the problem of Muslim multiculturalism in Europe.  They are convinced it will not work because many Muslims reject the culture.  Merkel believes the refugees  will accept the culture and that's exactly why she has no concern whatsoever of millions of migrants entering Europe.  She believes deporting a few bad apples will result in Fairyland.  The V4, not interested in fairy tales, has seen the results in Western Europe and believe otherwise.  They have their own vision and are confident with their culture and way of life.

      I still believe the Visegrad4 and CEE nations hold the cards.  Merkel's No Limit Vision, she believes, will only be accepted by Germany if she can force the other EU nations into a permanent and endless refugee redistribution scheme. It's up to the V4 to remain united and to defy her on this issue.  For if they do, Merkel will have no other choice than to seal the border and deport, or Germany will explode.

     Call her Bluff!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Merkel, Germany, EU putting migrant legacy over safety of citizens in light of sexual assaults on NYE

    The blowback to Angela Merkel's and the EU open invitation for millions of undocumented migrants, overwhelmingly young males from alien cultures, to roam the streets of Europe has begun.  On New Years Eve in Germany, some 1,000 men of Arab/North African decent raped and sexually assaulted about 100 women. Merkel's response that we must "respect strangers", in light of what strangers did, was both callous and insulting to the people of Europe.  Moreover, some German officials started yapping about a "code of conduct" for females to follow, as if it was their fault.

     This is what happens when grandeur-seeking leaders put their own legacies and egos ahead of the safety of their citizens.  Women have become mere pawns for Merkel's quest to become the "Saint of Tolerance", tolerating sexual assault under the false pretense of humanity.

      Merkel, Germany and Brussels are the ones in need of a "Code of Conduct" and Honor.  First, if she had any honor, Mrs. Merkel should resign.  Clearly, she has lost all control and moral credibility.  But she will not, for its all about Angela now. Instead of lecturing German females, Merkel needs to stop the unknown migrants from preying on its citizens.  The external EU borders must be sealed at all costs and rapid, forced deportation needs to start.  One protects the women of the house by preventing unknown strangers from entering, and one removes that threat by deporting them back to the countries they came from.

      The game is over for Merkel and it may be over for the EU.  Their vision has failed Europe and damaged the souls of young women.  Despite their lofty rhetoric, the EU has no values.  For what type of values sacrifice the health and welfare of your own citizens in the name of humanity.

      The V4 and CEE should start preparing for life after the EU.  Life did not begin with the EU and life will not end without the EU.  A smaller, less dictorial, regional Union may be the option; negotiating free trade agreements with Germany and Western Europe, without the baggage of their manufactured migrant crisis.

      Can it be done? It will eventually have to be done, for saving the EU is not worth losing your soul, culture, or way of life.  Stay strong and united Visegrad4, others will soon follow you.